After all, business matters, and President Steel Hammer stopped playing foolishly for a while.

President Aoli took out a scroll from his arms, put it on the table and slowly unfolded it, surprisingly, it was a hand-painted plan view.

On the drawings, the mountains and rivers, forests and grasslands, and high-rise buildings are drawn to life.

"What a beautiful map!" I exclaimed.

President Aoli smiled slightly: "This is what I borrowed from the lord of Yana. The panoramic view of Yana city was drawn by many masters of elven painting. Look here."

As he said, he pointed his finger on the map and pointed to a place with an exquisite castle graphic: "This is the city of Yana, and where we are now is this end of the town."

He moved his finger down to a point on the lower edge of the castle graphic. He continued: "There are four concealed locations around us, the nearest one is one kilometer away from here, and the farthest one is near the central forest."

Staring at the markings, I frowned and said, "Are you sure that the person who attacked that night will be hidden somewhere in the surroundings?"

"Uncertain" President Aoli said: "This is just my analysis and conjecture. The border guards here often fight against adventurers who steal purple heart. In the last few battles, they will always encounter the same team. , This team is very powerful, and the attire is exactly the same as the team that attacked us before, so I concluded that what they encountered was the person who attacked us, and I have another guess. The purpose of this group of people attacking us is not To kill us, but to let us retreat when we are in trouble."

"Why do you use this idea?" I wondered.

"Because the morning they attacked us, Mi Lulu happened to lead a small team to expel a group of people who wanted to steal purple heart."

"Listening to you...I also remembered" Mi Lulu recalled: "That morning, I did lead a team to expel a group of adventurers who wanted to steal purple heart. Killed two slow-running guys and arrested a live one. Before he could be interrogated, he was raided. I was also badly injured... By the way, the living guy, I remember me Put him in jail, is he still carrying it in jail now?"

"Well, it's still in prison" President Aoli said.

"Well, let's go over now and bring him up for a good interrogation!" President Steel Hammer said with joy with his throat.

"In interrogation, he may not be able to say, even if he does, it may not be the truth!" President Aoli worried.

"What are you worried about!" The President of Steel Hammer haha ​​said, "Isn't there still Xiaoyi!"

"Yeah!" President Aoli patted his forehead and asked me: "Xiaoyi, is your friend here yet?"

"I have arrived, resting in the hotel."

"Let's go! Let's go and invite him together!" President Steel Hammer beat his chest.

Soon, we came to the hotel where Ren was located, knocked on the door, and at first glance we saw the crushed walnut shells on the dining table.

I said hello: "Where to eat walnuts?"

Rehn nodded: "The walnuts from the country of origin must be tasted."

The one who followed me into the room was President Aoli. After he saw Renne, he was suddenly taken aback: "How do I think you are so familiar?"

Ryan laughed: "You must be familiar with it, Mr. Aoli, when you were in Ai Rui City, you often patronized my casino."

"Oh, oh oh" Chairman Aoli suddenly realized: "I remember, you are a casino, called Lei...Lei..."

"Ren" Ren said by himself.

"Oh, yes, yes, it's Ren, look at my head, hey."

After President Aoli said, he patted his head with his hand.

"You are an honorable person who has forgotten things, I understand" Renn said indifferently.

"Aoli, do you know this one?" President Steel Hammer glared at President Aoli and asked.

President Aoli laughed: "I used to go to the casino when I was in Ai Rui City. His house is the one I visit more often."

"That's it." President Steel Hammer turned to me and said, "Xiao Yi, the person you invited turned out to be the owner of a casino. Although I heard that many casino owners are proficient in torturing people, we are going to torture them. Not to torture people to play."

I smiled slightly and said, "President Steel Hammer, what you said is a bit rude. Although this is the owner of the casino, he has another identity."

"What's your identity?" the President of Steel Hammer asked.

"He is the commander-in-chief of the intelligence department and the assassin department I am about to form."

After I said this, in the room, President Aoli, President Steel Hammer, and Mi Lulu all had their expressions startled. Then the three of them were shocked, and President Aoli said: "What is the intelligence department and Assassin department, Xiaoyi, what are you doing?"

President Steel Hammer also yelled: "Xiao Yi, what do you do with so many departments, can you use it?"

Mi Lulu was also surprised: "Xiao Yi, don't you want to build a country?"

As expected to be the person next to Princess Aurora, thinking about the long-term.

However, no matter how long-term you think, no matter how correct your analysis is, it will also be useless, because I will not admit it until the plan is launched.

I pretended to be surprised, looked at Mi Lulu, and said, "How is it possible? What are you thinking about in your little head? I am a man who wants to form a large guild. Since it is a large guild, these departments must Is it necessary."

With that said, I turned to President Steel Hammer, and said, "Do you think that?"

President Steel Hammer said in a daze, "Ah, yes, yes, Xiaoyi is right. Large guilds really need these two departments, don't you think, Aoli?"

President Aoli pondered for a moment and nodded: "If Xiaoyi's target is a large guild, there is indeed an intelligence department, but this assassin department..."

I hurriedly explained: "The Assassin Department is actually a gathering place for assassin adventurers. I want to gather the assassin adventurers together, and select some of the better ones to incorporate into my combat team."

"If this is the case," President Aoli nodded and said: "Then there is no problem."

"Yes" I secretly relieved in my heart.

Odachi suddenly said, "You can really fool you."

I silently said in my heart: "This is also a skill, you can't learn it if you want to learn it!"

"Cut" Taidachi chuckled, "I learned that thing for a fart? You still expect me to limp the enemy, and then kill it again? Don't pull it, okay, I'm a knife, as long as it is sharp is enough ."

"Hey, is your pursuit a bit too low?" I disdain: "Why can't you try to be a discerning knife? That will add a lot of brilliance to your swordsman... ."

Before I could finish, Otato retorted: "A fickle sword? You are fickle! You humans are all eels!"

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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