Taking Rennes, our group walked quickly towards the prison.

On the way, Mi Lulu deliberately walked side by side with me. She frowned and glanced at me for a while, which made me strange.

When I finally arrived at the prison, I saw the prisoner caught by Mi Lulu. He seemed to be in a very good state of mind, without the wiltingness of ordinary prisoners.

Seeing Mi Lulu, the person suddenly sneered: "How about it, was it a sneak attack?"

Mi Lulu said solemnly: "It seems you have always known something."

The man disdainfully said: "Hmph, I said earlier that if you honestly let me go, there won't be so many troubles!"

"Let you go, it's impossible" Mi Lulu said righteously: "You have committed crimes by stealing the public property of Dasai City. Since I am employed by Dasai City Lord, I must arrest you all! "

"Chee" the man smiled contemptuously: "I know your Dwarf Guild is great, but only a few of you have arrived this time. Just because you guys want to arrest us all, don't laugh."

After all, he laughed loudly, the laughter was harsh and full of mockery.

When he finished laughing, he said coldly: "Now I will give you one last chance and let me go. I will not blame you for what you did before, otherwise, hum."

He swept around Barbara's plump chest with presumptuous eyes, his greedy expression wishing to strip the beautiful girl in front of him.

Barbara's eyes widened and angrily said: "What do you look at!"

"Unexpectedly, the chick who caught me was so unexpected. I knew I wouldn't run away at the beginning." He smiled obscenely. "But it's not too late. When my brothers capture this place, I must be first. Enjoy you, don’t worry, my skill is very good, you will also feel very happy, hehehe."

His laughter is even more presumptuous, as if the person in prison is not him, but us.

Mi Lulu's angry face was pale, and her teeth rattled. She panted heavily, clenched her fists, wishing to punch the man in the nose.

Not only she, but also President Aoli and President Steel Hammer wanted to rush in and slap this person, but due to the family rules, they had to bear it.

They must endure, but I don't need it.

Although I have a high status among the dwarves, I am an out-and-out human race, and Ren, who is also a human race just like me.

I stretched out my hand and placed it lightly on Mi Lulu's shoulder. When she turned to look at me, I shook my head at her: "You don't have to be so angry, he is just a poor arrogant bug, it only takes two hours. , No, maybe it will be shorter, he will tell everything he knows, even when he was a child, he would peek at the aunt next door to take a shower, and he would tell it all."

"Who are you!" The man's expression became both arrogant and ferocious: "You dare to slander and laugh at me. When I come out, you must personally train you to be a dog that licks the soles of my shoes!"

I turned my head and grinned at him: "Wang, how is it, are you satisfied?"

"How dare you tease me!" The man smirked: "Okay, okay, you have a seed, when I come out, I will want you to look good!"

"Trust me, you will be out of prison soon" I said indifferently: "But at the same time I also want to tell you that after you come out, you want to go back to prison again, that is already impossible. As for why, I’ll tell you when I see you later."

After all, I chuckled and left. Before going out, I told Renne: "We must entertain this ‘visited guest’, but don’t kill him, maybe he is still useful."



The torture lasted for an hour and a half. After Ren came out, he handed me several sheets of paper full of words.

I took the paper and glanced at the first line: Gallaher, the Knights of the Round Table Guild, the brother of the second combat team captain...

Yo, it really has something to do with the Knights of the Round Table Guild.

I sneered and handed the paper to Mi Lulu who was aside.

Mi Lulu looked through it one by one. After looking at it for a while, she turned her head and asked President Aoli, "Have you heard of the Knights of the Round Table Guild?"

President Aoli nodded: "I heard a little bit. It is said that it is a more famous guild in York City."

Mi Lulu thought for a while, and said, "York Seoul... is that the closed town?"

"Yes" President Aoli nodded.

President Steel Hammer interrupted: "It doesn't matter whether it is the Round Table Knights Guild or the Square Table Knights Guild, as long as it hurts us, the Dwarf Guild will not let them go!"

After President Steelhammer finished speaking, he took the warhammer and walked to the prison.

I stopped him: "What are you going to do?"

He curled his nose: "I'll smash the kid inside into meat sauce first, to see if he is still arrogant!"

"Don't be so impulsive" I shook my head and said, "This person is still useful."

"What's the use?" The President of Steel Hammer glared, puzzled.

I smiled slightly: "Of course it is a big use. Although we had the idea of ​​annihilating the sneak attackers before, we may not be able to kill them all at once, but it is different now. As long as we have this person in our hands, we have the opportunity to attack. They are completely wiped out!"

"Are you so sure?" President Steel Hammer put the warhammer on the ground, and it seemed that he would not go, but he still doubted what I said.

"I'm pretty sure, this will work" I said: "Don't forget, he is the younger brother of the attacker leader. If the relationship between the older brother and the younger brother is not good, is it possible for the younger brother to stay in the older brother's team?"

"This... how did you know?" President Steel Hammer asked again.

I helplessly rubbed my temples, and said, "The information that Mi Lulu is holding now has records, and the location of the records is still the first line of the first sheet. You can find out after a glance."

"So that's it!" The President of Steel Hammer walked quickly to Mi Lulu, took the information, and read them one by one.

I whispered to President Aoli: "With the IQ of President Hammer, is he really qualified for the position of President?"

President Aoli sighed: "So, the king assigned him a military division. As long as it is related to the war, he must follow the military division's arrangements."

"Hey" I followed with a sigh: "It's really hard for that military division."

"It's okay," President Aoli said: "The military division only makes suggestions. As for combat, the steel hammer is still very reassuring. Don't look at his reckless impulse, but the war hammer in his hand is not vegetarian. Amon is not strong. With one hammer from him, he basically loses combat effectiveness."

"Fuck..." I exclaimed unconsciously: "It's really awesome, I look forward to seeing him on the battlefield soon."

"Hahaha" President Aoli laughed dryly: "I advise you not to look at it. Once that guy enters the state, he will be full of flesh and blood wherever he goes. Your clothes are quite new, if they are stained with flesh and blood. But I was blind."

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