Seeing the wound, Jackson shuddered and said, "This technique is clean and scary."

I nodded: "He is the most powerful assassin I have ever seen."

"Fortunately, it's his own," Jackson said with a sigh of relief, patted his chest.

"Okay, go ahead, there may be a fierce battle to fight in a while" I said: "Remember to protect Mi Lulu."

"With that great Renn, do you still need me to play?" Jackson puzzled.

"Of course I need you to play" I said: "Otherwise, why did I bring you here?"

Jackson moved his mouth, trying to refute me, but finally fell silent.

Along the way, people who assassin Mi Lulu would suddenly appear, but they were all taken care of by Ren.

By the time we arrived at the square, it had become a melee place. Dozens of Border Guards members were fighting with dozens of other adventurers under the command of Donald’s Army Commander, but all of them were extraordinary. Even if the border guards are brave, they will inevitably fall into a bitter battle.

Right now, the war is surging in an unfavorable direction.

Mi Lulu, who was the first to arrive, had already joined the battle. The battle axe that was taller and wider than her screamed loudly, and the enemies who would commit in the future were forced to retreat one by one.

Under my instructions, Jackson, panting well, stood behind Mi Lulu and blocked most of the attacks from behind.

As for Ren, I did not arrange for him to participate in the face-to-face battle, but told him to stand by in secret, waiting for my instructions, waiting for an opportunity to attack.

At the same time, I also drew the Odachi to join the melee, but my weapon is not suitable for fighting in this kind of situation. I can only use the blade to resist external attacks as much as possible and look for opportunities to attack.

After resisting for a while, I heard the sound of screaming and killing from a distance. A group of dwarves with loud voices, brandishing their weapons, screamed and rushed forward, and the one that rushed forward was the steel hammer dancing a huge warhammer. President.

President Steelhammer’s appearance is a bit funny. Compared with the giant warhammer, his body looks like a fat child, but the aura he bursts out is extraordinary, like a scourge, simply unstoppable!

As President Auli said, wherever he and the warhammer went, there was nothing left of grass. The enemy who was as fierce as a hungry wolf before, was smashed by the warhammer just one face, and flew all the way to the ground. A stump with a severed body, part of it, I don’t even know where it flew. While the first enemy was killed instantly, the second enemy hadn’t reacted yet and was hit by the second hammer that followed him. Fei, like the previous companion, became a corpse.

The two of them were hung up in a blink of an eye, and the enemy who was a little closer was stunned by the sudden truth. While stunned, two people were smashed into corpses by the president of the steel hammer.

After hanging four people in a row, the enemy finally reacted and understood that the most terrifying enemy in this battle was not the opponent in front of him, but this dwarf who held a steel hammer in his hand, and wherever he went!

At the same time, I seem to understand why the President of Steel Hammer is not strategic, but can be entrusted with the important task of becoming the president of the Dwarf Guild Dasai City Branch. What the Dwarf King sees is his unparalleled aura and toughness. Fighting style.

In a daze, I suddenly had a strange thought. What would it be like if President Steel Hammer confronted Achilles?

That is, if Achilles' one-third of the height of the steel hammer president, will it also burst out of a similar war intent to Achilles?

While thinking about it, I heard a strong wind coming in my ear. I didn't think too much about it. It must be the enemy's long sword. He ducked to one side, avoiding the blade. At the same time, the Ota sword in his hand came up against him with a cry Smash the enemy with the sword.

At this time, Odachi's voice sounded in my head: "What annoying!"

"Huh?" I wondered: "What's wrong with you? Irregular menstruation?"

"Menstrual ass" Odachi scolded: "Which knife do you see has menstruation? Who do you hear that knives are male and female?"

"Grant Moxie" I said: "These two knives are divided into male and female."

"Fart!" Data said, "That's just an ancient legend, it has nothing to do with reality Mao!"

"Well then" I asked: "What are you bothering about?"

"I bother you that your mind is too pure and kind" Data said.

"What do you mean?" I wondered.

"If you want me to say, in this melee scene, you don’t have to worry about yourself. As long as there is the shadow of the enemy, you can go up with a knife and cut it into two parts. If you do this, the battle will end in no time. ......"

"Then I will become the public enemy of the entire Dasai City, and I will never be able to take one step here again" I interrupted Odachi, hehe said: "I have to say, your method is really bad!"

"I'm doing this for your own good. You don't want to go on fighting like this, right?" Taidachi tempted me: "Anyway, it's a melee. As long as you kill all the people who might leak the wind, it will be fine, maybe. You will also get a purple heart business for this..."

"For the sake of business, you will be self-defeating from the people?" I sneered: "How do I feel that you are deliberately harming me with this idea?"

"Hurt you?" Data said: "That can't, I'm just too annoyed, when I'm going to hit you like this, when will I be tall!"

"Then I can only blame you for being too long," I said: "If you were a little shorter, wouldn't I be able to dance!"

"Cut, it seems that there is some truth to it," Otato said angrily: "For the first time, I actually regretted the length of my body!"

"Actually, you are not to blame. It can only be said that the person who forged you wants you to become a big killer, but ignores the details that may arise on the battlefield, such as melee."

"Ah, what annoying!" Odachi no longer tempted me, but vented to himself.

I do understand the idea of ​​Odachi. After all, as a knife, the greatest pleasure is to contact the body, feeling the pleasure and pride of the moment the body is broken by it. There is nothing else. .

"Now, in fact, you don't have to complain too much" I said: "Perhaps before long, there will be a more cruel and fierce battle. By then, it will be when your big killer comes into play."

"Really?" Odachi stopped complaining, skeptically.

"I will not trick you."

"Okay, I'll believe you once." After a moment of silence, Taito began to mutter the phrase ‘really annoying,’ which seems to have become its mantra now.

Ignoring the sharpening of the Odachi sword, I continued to use its blade to block off several attacking enemies. When I was resisting fiercely, I was abruptly. In the peripheral part of the light, I found a person holding the knight’s sword forehand, facing the meter from the side position. Lulu stabbed over!

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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