The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 1103: Great shield and knight sword

It was a knight's sword. Although the speed was not fast, it was in a tricky position, and the attack was sudden, making it difficult to detect for a while, and when it was discovered, it was too late.

Could the guy who can stab this sword be the one who attacked Mi Lulu last time?

I thought so, my eyes followed the knight’s sword and moved to the sword-holding man. The man was covered in black and covered his face. Like other enemies, he couldn’t see his appearance, but he pierced Mi Lulu’s sword. However, his aura is very strong, and he also moved to kill the mind. It must be the result of the dwarf girl who did not kill last time directly with this sword.

While resisting frequent attacks around me, I watched coldly as the knight in his hand approached Mi Lulu inch by inch.

Just half a meter from the tip of the sword and Mi Lulu, abruptly, a large shield slammed out halfway, blocking the way of the long sword.

The strength of this sword is about to reach its peak, and it is very difficult to regain its strength. In less than a second, there is a crisp sound. The knight's sword steadily stops on the surface of the large shield, followed by an explosion. So, it was the sword-handling adventurer's combat skills. Maybe he might not kill Mi Lulu with a single stab, so he added more Zeng combat skills and wanted to come once the long sword pierced Mi Lulu's body. The violent explosion will destroy her internally and let her die directly.

It's really a vicious idea, but fortunately, I was prepared and called Jackson to protect Mi Lulu.

The knight's long sword combined with combat skills, both powers hit the big shield at the same time, but the big shield was not damaged, and even the slightest blast mark was invisible.

The sword-handling adventurer raised the knight's sword and glanced in disbelief. His eyes were filled with a strong smell of suspicion, as if he was puzzled that the shield in front of him was safe and sound.

Seeing this scene, I almost laughed out loud, wanting to break Jackson's shield with a mere knight's sword and a combat skill. That is a joke!

I don't know how hard Jackson's shield is, but I do know that the most elite adventurer of the Legion of the Roses was able to take over with Jackson's shield.

The power of that arrow is comparable to the bullet shot by Barrett!

Such a strong shield is enough to make most adventurers doubt life, just like attacking Mi Lulu.

A few seconds later, the sword-handling adventurer's suspicious look changed, and the killing intent appeared again in his eyes. He held the knight's sword high again. This time, he changed from piercing to slashing, intending to fight Jackson's shield with his own strength.

With a soft drink, the knight's sword turned dark red in an instant, and at the same time, an anxious aura diffused. Looking at this posture, it should be a fire magic combat technique. He wants to fight metal with high temperature?

I was thinking about it. The long sword swished and slashed on the surface of the shield. However, this sword was the same as the previous sword. Except for a clear metal humming, the high temperature characteristics were not revealed on the shield surface. , Don’t say that the high temperature special effects are not revealed, it seems that even the high temperature on the sword has not been transmitted to the shield surface.

The big shield that was plain and cold before is still plain and cold, and can't rise the slightest temperature.

This time, I finally couldn't help it, pooh ha ha ha ha, which shocked the adventurers who were fighting with me, and subconsciously retracted my body a few inches, changed the target of the attack, and gave up fighting with me.

80% of them are thinking: what's the matter with this product, why is it crazy to hit and beat?

A few enemies were missing in an instant, and I was relieved immediately, and I was more at ease to watch the duel between the knight's sword and Jackson's shield.

In fact, I have already guessed the outcome of this duel, but the victory is interesting. I want to know when the adventurer will be driven crazy by the defense of Jackson's shield.

But it seems that it may take some time to drive him crazy. After all, his eyes are still full of murderous intent and determination, not like a person who is so easy to shake.

I am doing two things with one heart and two purposes. I feel aching in my back. I turned my head and saw a long sword pierced my back for more than an inch. The sword-holder was also wearing a black mask and his eyes were full of killing. Yi, after the point of the sword pierced my body, a flash of happiness flashed in his eyes, as if he was secretly delighting for the success of his sneak attack.

Suddenly I stretched out my hand to hold the blade, and grinned at him reluctantly: "You got it? Are you very happy, very happy?"

After that, he kicked him away, and at the same time he drew the long sword and threw it at him.

I have never learned throwing skills, and I don’t know how to throw it to kill the enemy on the ground. The flying sword drew an arc in the air, turned around, and slammed it **** the person, making him groan. .

Seeing his painful appearance, I expressed satisfaction.

With a grin, I continued to confront the enemies around me. At this moment, the eyes of those enemies were full of surprise. Just now, my companion’s sword should have stabbed the young man in front of me. Why is this young man still alive? Doesn't seem to be affected by the slightest pain?

I swung my sword away from one of the weapons, and smiled: "How is it, are you surprised, not surprised, really curious, why can I still be able to fight without a loss when my back is injured?"

Several enemies were startled and nodded subconsciously.

I took the opportunity to swing the sword to kill them all, and then smiled wryly: "Hey, I won't tell you."

Several people on the ground twist their bodies unwillingly and hang up.

The guy lying down not far, struggling to get up from the ground, holding the long sword, his eyes fixed on me, like a leopard staring at the prey, but I am not the prey, so I still face him with ease.

The injury on the lower back gradually stopped stinging, and even a slight tingling sensation, seemed to have begun to heal.

Odachi dragged the sword on the ground, and I walked slowly towards the man.

My purpose is very simple, to cause him enough fear, and then kill him with a single blow, this is my evil taste.

However, the sky did not fulfill the wish. Just when I was less than two steps away from the man, a warhammer drew the wind and threw the man out.

When the hammer came suddenly, even I couldn't help being stunned. When I turned around and looked around, I saw that the steel hammer was full of excitement, and shouted: "Xiaoyi, come on, let me kill the enemy as much as I want!"

After a roar, he killed in another direction.

I subconsciously turned my head and glanced at the twitching man on the ground, and shrugged at him, expressing regret.

The man seemed to be struggling, but he just raised his head and stubbed his neck, vomiting blood and died.

It’s no wonder that President Aoli warned me that I must stay away from the Hammer Association when fighting, so as not to splatter blood on my clothes, look at the person who belch, and then look at the blood spewed out when he was beaten into the air. I couldn’t help pumping. Corner of the mouth: President Aoli is right.

The battle quickly became fierce. After seeing the guildmaster of Steel Hammer, the enemy adventurer finally drew out a few people to besiege him. The fight was impossible for a while, and President Aoli was also restrained by three hostile adventurers. Now, the fight is in full swing. At this point in the battle, any disturbances may change the situation. Seeing the situation clearly, I decided to start the next plan.

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