Master Dewey’s words made me feel like clouds and mists, and I couldn’t help asking: “I didn’t understand what you meant. Isn’t the purpose of Ai Ruicheng’s alliance with us all to conquer the territory of Dasai City?”

Master Dewey chuckled and said, "So you are not mature enough now, and your thinking is very simple."

Then, behind his hands, an old professor looked like, and said lightly: "To capture the territory of Darcy City, this is indeed one of his goals, but it is not the most important goal at present. Now, what Eri City has encountered is probably for many years. The biggest crisis is coming."

"The crisis...what do you mean?"

"State Operation" Dewey said: "The current Ariel City, whether in terms of living standards or economic aspects, has gone back more than ten years."

I frowned, wondering how Master Dewey came to such a conclusion.

Master Dewey saw my face full of doubts and smiled: "Don’t underestimate the role of master goblins and master dwarves in the country. The former can control national technology and the latter can take over national architecture. Once both are gone, any country will There is no way to work, and it will naturally begin to decline over time."

"However, this is only a short month..."

"Internal worries are constant, plus one month of non-operation, even if it is a big economic country like Ai Ruicheng, I am afraid it will be overwhelming."

"Oh..." My eyes lit up suddenly: "That's it, I understand, but why didn't you tell me this in the first place?"

Master Dewey patted me on the back and laughed: "Didn't you just say it, I'm afraid that when you are young, when you talk to the messenger, the expression on your face will reveal your inner thoughts."

"Huh?" I was surprised: "You have anticipated that the messenger will look for me?"

Master Dewey kept his hands behind his back and continued to be inscrutable, saying: "Does this kind of thing still need to be predicted?"

"How did you anticipate it?" I wondered.

Master Dewey blinked at me: "You want to know?"

"Think" I honestly said.

"Cough" He coughed slightly and patted his shoulder: "I am a little sore here."

I quickly bent down and rubbed my shoulders seriously.

Master Dewey closed his eyes comfortably and enjoyed it for a while. Then he slowly said: "Meeting foreign envoys privately, only high-ranking confidants have the opportunity to come in. You are a human race, but you can also enjoy this kind of treatment. It means that the trust of the two kings in you must be far more than that of other people. Moreover, the Dwarf King said on the spot that Princess Aurora will marry you, which also demonstrates your status in Fort Witch. The foreign envoy is not a fool. He must think it passed Your channel has a better chance to persuade the two kings to agree to his request."

"It turns out that there is still this relationship." I nodded, secretly saying that I didn't think well and didn't think too much. Thanks to Master Dewey's failure to say, otherwise we know the current situation of Ai Ruicheng will probably be known by the foreign envoy.

After sighing secretly, I was a little curious again, and asked Master Dewey: "If I agree to the foreign envoy's request, and resolutely not marry Princess Aurora, and also persuade the two kings to agree to the foreign envoy's terms, what will happen?"

Master Dewey said: "There is no such possibility. I know your character too well. I didn't put the messenger into the hospital on the spot, which shows that you are much calmer than before."

"This..." I was a little embarrassed and said: "Why, I'm not a thug, how can I just hit people casually..."

"Yes, you will not hit people casually" Master Dewey said: "But you will kill people casually. Don't tell me that you have never killed anyone. How many guilds have been slaughtered by you alone? That's even my information. Institutions can't count it."

"This..." I was speechless and held back for a long time before saying: "Impossible, godfather, I always do things cleanly and never keep alive. How could I be investigated by you..."

Master Dewey smiled slightly: "You really think that you are listening to all directions. If someone wants to survive and hides in a corner and refuses to come out, you will not find it."

Think about it, this is true. Every time after the guild is slaughtered, I will not check the surroundings carefully. First of all, I think it is unnecessary, and then I think it is too troublesome.

In this way, there will always be sporadic adventurers hiding somewhere secretly to avoid tragic death.

"You are right, I was really too self-righteous. I ignored the review and left some liveliness." I sighed: "Moreover, so far, I haven't met anyone who seeks revenge from me. I thought It's very clean..."

"There is a reason not to seek revenge from you" Master Dewey said: "Those adventurers who run away from you, most of them regard you as a demon. As long as they mention you, they will show fear and war. A few will even faint on the spot. I don’t know what your horrible look was at the beginning, but it’s definitely far more terrifying than evil monsters."

I was a little embarrassed and said dissatisfied: "God father, did you say that to your son?"

"I'm complimenting you" Master Dewey said: "Just imagine, how many of the current adventurers can be like you and become someone else's demons?"

I thought about it, and said, "Achilles?"

"Achilles is only because of his strength, but you are different" Master Dewey said: "I have sent people to investigate the survivors, and some of them are even slightly stronger than you, but as long as you are mentioned, they You will be afraid, you will be afraid. This is no longer a problem of strength crushing, but a problem of your means."

Thinking back for a moment, I vaguely remember that when the guild was slaughtered, I didn’t use any means, just a hack and kill, as long as it was a gasp, regardless of age, regardless of age, I would give them a stab. Their lives, but this behavior seems to be no different from other adventurers.

While thinking about it, Master Dewey said again: "I remember the confessions of several of the survivors. They all said that when you killed someone, the expression on your face was terrible and you smiled happily, like a devil."

After hearing this, I remembered it instantly. It seemed that there was such a thing. Every time I killed someone, I would feel happy. Unconsciously, my smile would fill my face, but I didn’t care about it. Now Think about it, it's really scary to think carefully!

Subconsciously, I couldn't help but get goose bumps.

Master Dewey said: "Why, do you remember what happened at that time?"

I looked ugly and nodded: "When I think about it, it seems like you said, I was smiling and killing."

"That's why I said it was a matter of your methods" Master Dewey said: "Most people kill people with a hideous face, but you smile happily. Can you not become someone else's nightmare?"

I bowed my head and said, "You are right, I know."

Master Dewey sighed slightly: "That's why, I said, you are much calmer than before. Not only did you not kill the messenger, you didn't even beat him up."

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