I was praised in this way, especially the person who praised me was my godfather, which always felt very awkward.

On the way home, I deliberately walked and carefully observed the surroundings, but I never saw the shadow of the messenger of Eri City. It is probably because of yesterday's words that traumatized his soul and no longer wanted to waste energy and time with me.

However, I think that he should not give up so easily. Perhaps at this moment, he is trying to contact other power ministers and counselors in order to get things done.

But what does it matter to me, anyway, he doesn’t bother me anymore, and I’m happy too. After Master Dewey and Master Hall finish drawing the runes, I will drag my family back to Moonlight City, and I’m pretty worried. What rank will the elf queen confer me on.

I dare not think about becoming the elder of the outer tribe of Guangcheng in the first month. After all, the autocratic elven tribe will not easily let a foreigner intervene in internal affairs.

But if I were to become the chief executive of a certain aspect of Moonlight City, I would be very happy, and it would be better if I could command the army.

But this is only my unilateral conjecture, and the real situation will not be known until I return to Moonlight City.

In the next few days, my life has maintained the same pattern. I got up early to draw ghost symbols in the secret room, and went home from the palace at dusk. In the meantime, some interesting things happened, such as the children of the Dwarf King and the Goblin King. Their father reported that the messenger of Eri City had taken the initiative to talk to them, but none of the princes promised him even one request. Even the smallest dwarf prince slapped the messenger because the messenger said something insulting his brother. if.

After listening to the princes’ explanations, I had only one thought at the time: No wonder Fort Vecchi was so harmonious and powerful. As the royal family’s father and son brothers, they were able to live in harmony, with all glory and shame, such a united ethnic group. , How could it be defeated!

A few days later, the ghost symbols of Master Dewey and Master Hall were finally completed. We held a grand banquet together, and then in the early morning of the next day, I took the entire guild, as well as Princess Analita, Princess Analetta and Oro Princess Ra and Mi Lulu left Fort Vitch.

Actually, I didn't want to bring Princess Aurora and Mi Lulu, after all, Moonlight City is not peaceful now, and Akahavi and some unknown threats like ghosts will come out and hurt people from time to time.

But the Dwarf King said that since his daughter-in-law has chosen a fiance, it is only natural to follow her. As for the father, he will only stand up when the daughter needs help. Please be my fiancé.

Hearing this, I felt a lot of pressure in an instant, not only because of a princess beside me, but also because of the jealous eyes of Phoenix and the others.

Princess Aurora is actually a very sensible girl, especially when it comes to complimenting people. In less than half a day, she became better friends with Phoenix and the others.

Who says there are many right and wrong among women? It's because everyone can't think about it. If a few girls with no character problems get along together, they can still coexist harmoniously.

However, Mi Lulu rarely talked to Phoenix and the others, and even if she did, she was very polite, which slightly alienated her from other people.

When Princess Aurora was talking happily with the other girls, Mi Lulu quietly came to me and chatted with me without a word.

The content of our chat was very loose, so loose that I didn't know the meaning of the question she asked, and the meaning of the answer I made.

But the two of us are still chatting. Every word you say to me, no one feels annoying, no one feels boring.

Talking and chatting, I was sleepy, and after a few more words, I didn't know anything.

When I woke up again, it was the early morning of the next day, and the sky was still dim, several stars flickered in the dim sky, and the bright moon seemed to be a high-hanging magic lamp, reflecting a small piece of night sky.

Lying on the sofa, I quietly looked at the moonlight, and suddenly felt that my left arm was a little heavy. Turning my head to look, I saw Mi Lulu lying on the dining table sleeping, the sweet sleeping face and the little snoring sound were very cute , Just a little drool from the corner of the mouth makes me feel a bit contrary.

Sleeping at the desk is a bad habit. I knew this on the blue planet before I crossed. So I stood up, picked her up gently, put it next to Princess Aurora, and pulled a blanket to her gently. Cover.

After that, I returned to my position and took out a bottle of grape juice from the refrigerator and started drinking it myself.

I was drinking happily, and suddenly I felt that there were eyes around me watching me, and my heart immediately became tense: Could it be possible that someone is hiding in the room!

Subconsciously, I turned my head to look, and almost yelled immediately: "Fuck! What's the situation!"

I saw Li Leia coming to my side like a ghost, silently, she didn't even feel gasping, she stared at me with round eyes, and I got goose bumps all over my body.

When I first saw her look like this, I was really taken aback, but after a few seconds, I recovered a little, and at the same time I thought of a physiological phenomenon related to sleep-sleepwalking.

"When did this girl start sleepwalking?" I frowned slightly, and subconsciously reached out and shook her eyes. Seeing her eyes motionless and dull, I confirmed my thoughts even more. Lilea was sleepwalking.

Subconsciously sighed, I got up and picked Lilea and walked towards the bed, intending to put her back on the bed. The moment I picked her up, I heard Lilea quietly said: "What are you doing?"

I was shocked immediately and looked at her face again, and found that her star pupils were flashing, she was very energetic, and there was no trace of sleepwalking features!

"You...you didn't sleep?" I subconsciously said.

"Nonsense, if I am sleeping, can I still talk to you?"

"Hey, really, I thought you were sleepwalking," I said as I gently put her on the ground.

"Sleepwalking?" Lilea curled her lips: "I don't have that kind of problem."

Back on the sofa, I poured a glass of grape juice for myself and her separately: "Since I am awake, let's have a drink together."

"Okay." She sat on the opposite side and enjoyed the night with me. After looking at the moon for a while, she said: "The last time we enjoyed the moon like this, it was already half a year ago."

"Well" I said: "Time flies so fast, half a year has passed in a blink of an eye."

Lilea glanced at the bed and said with dissatisfaction: "Your harem opened fast enough, how long it took, it's almost ten."

"Now, it's not too far away" I laughed.

"Virtue" Li Leia gave me a white look, and a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth as her star twinkled.

"What are you laughing at?" I wondered.

"I laugh that your future life in Moonlight City will be very ‘exciting’~"

As she spoke, a small sly smile appeared on the corner of her lips.

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