"If you do this, will it be a bit public revenge?" Elder Sonoda Mai said lightly.

"No," I picked up a snack, stuffed it into my mouth, and chewed while chewing: "If I really want revenge, I won't persuade the Queen to send troops after Fort Witch."

Elder Sonoda Mai unexpectedly said: "It's hard to imagine that you are a human being, and you will think for the sake of foreigners."

"This is just my own business" I said lightly: "I hope Moonlight City can become better, so that I can continue to live here."

"Listen to you, if Moonlight City gets worse, you will leave here, right?"

Seeing Elder Mai Sonoda's indifferent smile, I curled my lips: "You are right at all. If Moonlight City becomes chaotic and chaotic to the level of Ai Rui City, then it will be the time I left here."

"As a foreign elder, I don't want to control the chaos, but when I want to run away. I am afraid that I lose my identity?" The elder Sonoda Mai said with no change.

"If the turmoil is caused by a foreigner, I, as the elder of a foreigner, will naturally quell the turmoil. But in fact, the total number of foreigners in Moonlight City is only a few thousand. This still counts the floating population. The value obtained within, the one who really settled here may not even reach a thousand. Even if these thousand people are powerful adventurers and riots are launched at the same time, they will probably be taken by the local rose within a quarter of an hour. The Legion will be completely wiped out, so—" I emphasized: "I can be sure that as long as there is a turmoil in Moonlight City, it must be the cause of the clan, not the intervention of the foreign clan. Since it is a clan matter, then I Naturally, what the foreign elders said would not count. I didn’t want my family members to be injured when they said nothing, so I could only fly to other countries in the magic airship.”

Elder Sonoda chuckled, and also took a snack and ate it. After eating for a while, she suddenly said, "Do you think, when will the war between Ai Rui City and Darcy City start?"

"I can't estimate the exact time." After taking a sip of tea, I said: "But it certainly won't be during the Hegemony Championship. After all, at that time, all countries gathered to reach Cyberjaya. There were mixed races, and there were many high-level people from various countries. It is very likely that it will directly trigger a world war. By then, hehe, I am afraid that the city of Eri will really collapse overnight."

The huge Ai Rui City will be destroyed overnight. This may sound a little cryptic, but in fact, it may happen.

Not to mention anything else, dare to start a war in a world competition like the Wind Contest, which is a naked challenge to the majesty of Dasai City. Dasai City will surely break with Eri City from a break with Eri City in an instant to become a deadly enemy, even immortal. Kind.

War is ruthless and eyeless. Once it is launched, the nobles in the towns are most likely to be threatened with their lives. If there is a slight negligence, death and injury are inevitable. The death of civilians may not cause many waves, but the nobles Death is a big event. The dead family members of the nobles will definitely not stop. They will definitely encourage their family to ask the city lord for an explanation, and the city lord will definitely not take the responsibility on himself, but will throw the burden on the incident. The origin country, that is, the city of Eri, by then, I don’t know how many countries will participate in the war, but the goal of the country participating in the war will definitely only have one-city of Eri.

Even if York City is also a human nation, as long as its city owner is not a fool, he will definitely not stand up to support Eri City. On the contrary, it may join forces with the other three countries to annex Eri City and then divide it.

This is the only possibility.

However, since the city lord of Ai Rui can send messengers to ask for an alliance, it shows that he is not a fool, as long as he is not a fool, he will definitely not launch a substantial war during the Peace Contest.

Therefore, I will come to this conclusion.

After listening to my analysis, Elder Sonoda Mai said: "You still have such insights, which really surprised me."

"Are you complimenting me?" I scratched my head and said, "Why am I not happy at all?"

Elder Sonoda chuckled, and waved his hand, and the waiters and others in the parlour retreated.

After everyone had stepped back, Elder Sonoda Mai said, "Elder An Xiaoyi, I invite you to come over today to personally figure out your true thoughts and to figure out your true position. Fortunately, you did not allow I am disappointed."

"That's great" I said hehe.

"The reason I want to do this is because this morning, I received a letter from the Dasay City intelligence agency that confirmed your previous words."

"What did I say before?" Three question marks rose above my head, and I looked puzzled: "Did I say anything before?"

"You said, Fort Witch and Darcy are in alliance," said Mai Sonoda.

"Oh, you said this." I said, "Really, I thought it was something else."

"Perhaps this matter is not important in your opinion," said Mai Sonoda: "But in my opinion, it is quite important information."

"Elder An Xiaoyi" Elder Mai Sonoda looked serious and said, "Please tell me who you are, and why did you know the secret information of Fort Witchcraft so long in advance?"

"Uh..." I looked around and didn't find any eavesdroppers, but I'm sure that at this moment, there must be more than one person eavesdropping on our conversations around the living room.

When I was embarrassed, I saw Elder Sonoda Mai handing over a note.

I took the note and wrote a few words on it: "It will be good to tell the truth."

I looked around, but didn't find the pen, so I turned my head and said, "What's the benefit?"

Then, the second note was handed over: "The person who assassinated the team is likely to give up harassing you, and at the same time, other elders will be afraid of you."

Fear...The elders fear me, is this really good?

I frowned, thought for a while, and decided to tell the half-truth of my identity in order to confuse the elders' understanding of me.

I straightened up, lowered my voice, and said, "Actually, I am also in the position of elder in Fort Witch. As for why I became an elder, I think you should already have some eyebrows."

"What do you mean?" asked the elder Sonoda Mai.

"You don't know the dwarf girl I brought back."

"You mean...Princess Aurora?" the elder doubted.

"It seems that you really know her" I said hehe: "You deserve to be a knowledgeable elder."

"The only child of the dwarf king’s baby, I know it naturally, and I was lucky enough to meet her when she was on a mission to Fort Witch. "Forget" Elder Sonoda said: "She is one of the most kind and mature girls I have ever seen."

"By the way, you ask me what this is for?" Elder Sonoda Mai puzzled.

"Because" I said proudly: "Princess Aurora, is my fiancee."

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