The proud expression is also mixed.

Aurora is indeed a dwarf princess, and the fiance, who is a dwarf princess, is indeed very proud.

The fake is that I didn't think there was anything special about marrying the princess. No matter how noble the Princess Aurora was, she was only one of my many fiancées, well, still one of the most beautiful.

Elder Sonoda Mai frowned slightly, lost in thought, thinking for a moment, she coughed lightly: "Origin, it turns out that you are now a prince ordered by the Dwarf King."

In Moonlight City, where the hierarchical system is strict, any tribe cannot escape the fear of identity differences. Once they encounter someone whose status is higher than their own, they will always lower their body subconsciously. This is not a kind of sadness.

The words that Elder Mai Sonoda just said were full of embarrassment and his expression was unnatural.

I watched the changes in the expressions of the elders with great interest, and I always found it very funny.

After that, Elder Sonoda Mai talked to me for a while, but both the tone of speech and the attitude of speech took a 180-degree turn. The previous arrogance disappeared, only kindness was left. Kind.

The momentary fall made me a little unacceptable. Although I knew that I was the same person, I always felt that the elder Sonoda Mai at this moment seemed to be a fake.

Some didn't talk for a while, and I hurriedly left from the elder's villa, excuse it was getting late.

I just breathed a sigh of relief when I got out of the gate. The sudden change of Mai Soonada made me feel depressed. It was like seeing a woman with a beautiful figure and a beautiful figure on the street. She came forward and found out that she had grown a full face. The face of the beard and the beard, this kind of momentary difference between before and after will cause tons of stress and damage to my fragile heart.

After I got home, I was immediately surrounded by everyone. Kagali took the lead and said, "What is the matter with Elder Mai Sonoda?"

Billy followed closely and said with a wretched look: "Do you want you to betray your hue..."

Puff, he was knocked unconscious by Godot again and dragged into the room.

I explained the dialogue between the elder Mai Sonoda and me from front to back. After hearing this, everyone couldn't help but sigh: "It's really hard to gain trust if you are not of the same race."

I shrugged helplessly, and then I told everyone about the series of reactions of the elders of the elders of Mai Sonoda, Taoming and Princess Aurora, and everyone accused them of snobbery.

After everyone's accusations, Yura said: "With the relationship of Princess Aurora, Xiao Yi's position in Moonlight City will be improved."

It is indeed a noble origin, and I think the problem is different. Yura explained what I thought, yes, with the relationship of Princess Aurora, it will naturally be much easier to deal with the upper levels of the elves in the future.

Having said that, all this was entrusted by Princess Aurora. Thinking of this, I turned my head and thanked her.

Princess Aurora was stunned for a moment, then blushed and lowered her head.

With the identity of the princess fiance, I also began to enjoy myself in the political arena of Moonlight City. I know that all this is not my ability, but the help of the identity of Princess Aurora, but I still enjoy it. After all, I can Marrying a princess is also a symbol of strength.

During this period of time, although there were no major events, the minor events continued, and most of them originated from Ai Rui City.

The first is Carter Scott, the second young master of Eri City. Ever since he awakened Achilles, he has been leading him to travel around the forest secrets around Eri City. What purpose does he have? I don't know, but I can be sure that his purpose is definitely not a good thing.

Furthermore, Carter Nelson, the eldest young master of Eri City, is rumored to have a bloodthirsty and indifferent character. He never regards the residents of the slums as human beings, and wants to master the aristocratic circle of Eri City and all the large guilds. The careerist, the powerful, not long ago, colluded with York Seoul again, and wanted to combine the Silver Wing Guild and the Golden Flame Guild into one by marriage and build it into the most powerful guild in the Hefeng Continent.

When this piece of information came into my hands, I was almost amused by the innocent thoughts of Young Master Ai Ruicheng. I always felt that this would definitely not happen, unless the City Lord of York City was a fool!

However, the next piece of information that followed really made me dumbfounded, and the City Lord of York Seoul actually agreed to Carter Nelson's request.

At the same time I received this piece of information, I began to mourn for the Lord of York City. He could do this kind of self-destruction of the Great Wall. What a fool.

Just as I laughed at the stupid Lord of York City, a breaking news broke from York City: Silver Wings Guild President Bai Yunying announced his abdication.

Immediately afterwards, another piece of explosive news followed: the disappearance of the former Silver Wing Guild president Bai Yunying.

At the same time, I received information from Shan Yong: the leader of the Silver Wing Guild has disappeared and the marriage failed.

This is the end of a farce, which can be regarded as adding some flavor to my dull life for a few days.

Except for the matters of the two young masters in Ai Ruicheng, other things are basically not worth mentioning, that is, Jin Siqi reported to me the list of new heroic guild players, as well as the recent status of Carter Rodney and Carter Eva.

Speaking of it, since the'death' of Carter Rodney, the siblings of Carter Rodney and Carter Eva have faded out of people’s sight, especially in the city of Erie. They can’t hear any more Regarding the two siblings, it seems that the siblings have not appeared since the beginning of the fight.

But it’s okay. The deeper you hide, the stronger the explosive effect when you play. It’s best to attract everyone's attention from the entire continent as soon as the two of you play. In this way, we have more chances to be justified. He took Eri City in one fell swoop.

However, in order to complete this step, a prerequisite is also required, that is, the current lord Carter Horton of Ai Rui City must die.

When Carter Horton will die, it’s not for me to decide. Moreover, I don’t want him to die so early. As long as he is alive for one day, there will be no substantial war between Eri City and Dasai City.

After all, the older generation is still very aware of the terrible and harmful aspects of war.

There are so many things in general. As the Hefeng Hegemony is approaching, everyone in the guild is gearing up. It is no wonder that this year's Hefeng Hegemony is not only a symbol of strength for us adventurers, but also a symbol of strength. Time to become famous.

At the same time, the top three in each Hefeng Hegemony will receive extremely high rewards, such as a complete set of equipment built by well-known masters, or a huge amount of gold coins.

However, these are not very attractive to us. Compared with equipment and gold coins, I hope to get a better ranking and grow my guild, especially the new heroic guild. It requires too much talent to join.

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