It was the most elite team of a large guild. Everyone in the team had a strength of level ten or higher, and they were all at the level of transformation.

At that time, I was no more than a two-level adventurer, because I was unwilling to give way to them and angered them. Therefore, a group of high-level adventurers kicked me around like cats and mice. I spit.

At that time, I felt that I would probably be played to death like this. After all, how could a two-level adventurer resist a group of high-level adventurers.

I have achieved the consciousness of death, but I do not regret it, because the object of their anger is me, not her.

In fact, it was not me who really refused to give way, but her. I just wanted to pull her out of there, and it was a disaster.

Just when I was about to embrace death with a scarred body, she stood up.

That was the first time I saw her take a shot, and since then, I will never forget it.

In a daze, she looked like a **** who descended to the earth, she was full of golden light, a slender magic wand was pinched between her fingers, the head of the magic wand pointed directly at the elite team, a burst of chanting sounded, and the head of the magic wand shot out countless golden lights. The arrow pierced the throats of everyone present, and everything turned into silence in the blink of an eye.

There is no one alive except me and her.

Later, when I was dying, I was sent to the local medical institution, and she also left me.

At the moment I left, I was sad, unable to express the complex feelings of that moment. In the end, thousands of emotions turned into a few numbers: "When will I see you again?"

She tried to squeeze a warm smile: "When you are strong enough to not be killed."

At that moment, I was desperate.

Is there anyone in this world who will not be killed?

Even the heroes in the legend have turned into dust...

I thought this was her perfunctory farewell, but I didn't want to. At this moment, she actually appeared in front of me again, still with that confused face and the same smile.

"Xiao Yi" Phoenix spoke first: "Who is she?"

Hearing this, I was taken aback.

After getting along for a long time, I never asked her name, so subconsciously, I muttered: "She's called..."

"Hello everyone." The girl's delicate cheeks pressed against my chest, and she gently said, "My name is Bai Yunying."

For a moment, everyone in the guild was dull, each of them opened their mouths wide, their faces dumbfounded, uh, except for Phoenix, Remy and Lizi, these three people have one thing in common, that is, they have no common sense of celebrity events. Not to mention people standing in front of them, even the **** of creation might not arouse the surprise of the three.

We generally use one word to summarize this symptom: dull and cute.

Kagali was the first to get back to her senses, she murmured: "You said your name is Bai Yunying? Which Bai Yunying are you?"

"Huh? Are there many people called Bai Yunying now?" Bai Yunying raised her head, pouting, and asked me.

Looking at her dazed and lovely cheeks, listening to her a little hoarse, like the lazy voice when she just woke up, feeling the warm breath brushing my chin, I felt my cheeks slightly hot, and I turned my head unconsciously. Said: "The president of the Silver Wing Guild is also called Bai Yunying."

"Silver Wing Guild..." The girl pursed her mouth: "I am not a member of the Silver Wing Guild."

After hearing this, everyone was relieved: It turned out to be just the same name...

"Just a few days ago, I left the Silver Wing Guild," Bai Yunying said, "I am just an ordinary wandering adventurer."

"Eh?" The atmosphere became tense again, and everyone once again cast their eyes on Bai Yunying.

Kagali thought for a while and said, "Excuse me, before you quit the Silver Wing Guild... what position was it?"

Bai Yunying pouted and said, "President."


Everyone took a breath, this Bai Yunying is really that Bai Yunying!

At this moment, Kagali, Yula, and Lilea had no time to think about how to punish me for being merciful, because they foreshadowed something very serious.

The presidents of the five major guilds of Hefeng Continent are all extremely powerful. There are rumors that the strength of the five is very close to the legendary heroes, and some guys who claim to be prophets even pretend that these five will surpass the legendary heroes soon and climb To the peak of strength in the Hefeng Continent.

The strength of the five major guilds represents the strength of the five major nations, and their president represents the strongest strength that the country can show. It can be said that these five people are the representatives of the five major nations, and it also means that these five people Significance for the five major countries.

Now, Bai Yunying, who represents the strongest combat power that York Seoul can show, has betrayed her country and ran to Moonlight City. Once this behavior is known by some boring media and publicized it, will it be straightforward? Put Moonlight City on the opposite side of York City?

Thinking about it this way, this is not a trivial matter, but a major matter related to the future of the country!

When Kagali told me the seriousness of the matter, I hugged Bai Yunying, who was holding me hard and refused to let go, and hurried home.

Close the doors and windows, I named Bai Yunying sitting on the sofa, and then asked: "How did you find me?"

Bai Yunying thought for a while, and said: "After I left York City, I went to Dasai City. While eating barbecue, I heard people say that the Dwarf King has found a husband-in-law for his daughter, who is called An Xiaoyi. Human race man, then I think of you, and then I asked about your news and heard people say that you live in Moonlight City, so I took the magic airship and came here to ask, you are still the elder of the elves. No need to ask specifically, I was sent to your door. I was thinking about waiting for you and then I came back. I didn't expect to wait for you to come back. Then I sat and fell asleep."

Speaking of this, Bai Yunying casually took out a square object, which I looked very familiar with, and then took a closer look, heh, isn't this black beef jerky?

I pointed to the black beef jerky in her hand and asked, "During this period, have you been eating this kind of food for a living?"

"No," Bai Yunying chewed the beef jerky, with a happy face: "I took it after I entered the door."

The corner of my eyes trembled: "Then the barbecue you mentioned earlier...could not be..."

"I hate it" Bai Yunying said hehe: "You know, I use magic to steal things but it's first-rate. I used to live together and when I didn't have the money to buy something to eat, I would steal it and eat it together~"

Uh...Yes, she was right. I used to be a weak chicken. Even if I was the first three monsters, I might not be able to kill a few in a day. Naturally, the coins I got were pitiful. It's not enough for two people to eat. At this time, Bai Yunying would take out a magic wand, hide in the corner and chant a spell secretly, and get out some of the food in the store, and we share it.

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