Looking back at that time, it was really an unforgettable memory.


"I said, Bai Yunying, since you are the president of the Silver Wing Guild, you shouldn't have no money, why would you steal something to eat..."

Having said that, I suddenly thought of another thing: "You stole that magic airship ticket, right?"

"How is it possible?" Bai Yunying smiled and waved his hand: "I don't have a ticket at all. I sneaked into the cargo hold and came all the way."


This woman, what should I say, should I praise her for her agility and strength, or should I scold her for breaking the law and discipline for her ability?

With two embarrassing coughs, I said, "Well, since things are over, I won’t ask those questions. I just want to know one thing, as the president of the Silver Wing Guild, how could you have no money? What?"

"Who said I don't have money~" Bai Yunying tilted her head and looked confused: "Did I say it?"

There were several bursts on my forehead, almost roaring: "Then why don't you spend money to buy food and not to spend money on airship tickets!"

"Huh, Xiaoyi" Bai Yunying blinked and said in a daze, "You just said, these things are all over, you don't ask me anymore."

This woman...damn it, I really can't do anything to her.

Fenghuang put his arm around my arm and said with a look of doubt: "You come to Xiaoyi, what's the matter?"

"Of course I came to him to support me~" Bai Yunying took it for granted: "We have all slept together, he is responsible~"

"Hey!" I took a breath, thinking that something was wrong.

Sure enough, one, no, several small hands quietly climbed all over my waist and ribs, and gradually strengthened, the severe pain instantly spread throughout my body, I couldn't help but breathe in cold air again, but I didn't dare to move, nor did it happen. Dare to move, after all, I am the first to show mercy and cannot blame them.

Enduring the severe pain, my face was indifferent, and said, "What, Bai Yunying, are you really okay if you don't go back?"

"Don't you like me staying by your side?" Bai Yunying's big eyes twinkled, and the mist was lingering in his eyes, and he would cry out in the next moment.

"Uh..." scratched his hair in distress: "Of course it's not that I don't like it. I'm just worried that those annoying guys will come to you every time and again. This will affect everyone's lives."

"So..." Bai Yunying lowered her head with a look of loss and helplessness, like a puppy abandoned by her master. She slowly stood up and walked toward the door with heavy and slow steps, one step, two Step... Every step, like a sledgehammer, hits my heart hard, making me feel more guilty.

Finally, she walked to the door, and after a sob, she slowly opened the door and glanced at me with nostalgia. When I was about to close the door, I finally couldn't bear the feeling of guilt in my heart, and sighed unconsciously: "Now, Forget it, don’t leave. If you leave, you will probably end up on the streets again. All the hard days have passed. Now I have a house, friends, and a lot of things. Lost it. Anyway, you are the first guy I know, and you are right. We did sleep together, and I am responsible."

He said, stood up, opened his arms, smiled and said, "Come on."

A smile burst on Bai Yunying's face, dad da da ran, pounced into my arms, and rubbed my arms twice.

A few cold rays hit my back, I turned my head stiffly, and looked at the women behind me.

The women are very angry, but they all have a kind heart.

Kagali sighed, "Since Xiaoyi has said everything, please stay."

Yula smiled charmingly: "Brother is true."

Lilea said, "Should I shoot him an arrow at night as a lesson?"

Phoenix pouted and said, "Hey, one more person will share Xiao Yi..."

Remy flies and flies in mid-air: "Xiaoyi is so beautiful~"

Lizi covered her eyes, peeking through the slits.

Loki clutched Lily's eyes and said, "Don't look, this scene is not suitable for children, really, boss, Lily is still a child!"

Susan embraced her arms: "Have you seen it, Belle, this is our president, and there will be a sapphire. How many women will be brought back in the future!"

Belle nodded and didn't respond.

Kunna was expressionless: "Sister, I want to freeze him."

Maggie sneered: "Sister, let me cook this lustful man first."

Me: ...Khan.

Zach smiled silently, Jackson smiled silently while holding a shield, Billy and Godot were flirting, and the warm atmosphere was even stronger than that between me and Bai Yunying.

Father Taylor haha ​​smiled: "Now there will be more great grandchildren and granddaughters."

Princess Aurora blinked: "Xiaoyi's women are so amazing!"

Mi Lulu blinked, covered her mouth and smiled without speaking.

Princess Analita yelled upset: "I'm not happy, I want to drink, I want to drink!"

Princess Analetta hugged the second sister and said, "No, sister, you can't drink, you will make it worse if you drink!"

Xiao Zhi slapped his wings twice and happily ‘squeaked’.

After this, Kagali and the others dragged Bai Yunying into the bathroom, washed her away the dust and mud, and threw her heavy rags into the trash can, and Jura personally took care of it.

Yula’s handling method is very simple and rude-directly find Maggie to burn the rag clothes with fire magic.

After that, she chose a set of Phoenix clothes for her, but soon, the Phoenix clothes were sent out, and then Kagali's clothes were sent in again, not much longer, but also sent out. Then it was Yura's, which still didn't work, then Lilea's, which didn't fit well, and finally Barbara's.

The women were busy with everything. When they came out, it was already two hours later. At this time, Barbara and others had also returned from the store, and they learned about Bai Yunying’s affairs for the first time, unhappy Barbara. In a unique way-a cat's paw scratching, scratched me from head to toe.

Fortunately, I have a strong recovery ability. Just after scratching here, I will recover there. Otherwise, it will definitely be embarrassing.

When Bai Yunying appeared, everyone in the hall couldn't help but shine. This girl is not very beautiful, but she has a cuteness that makes it difficult to look away. This cuteness is different from the cuteness of Phoenix. An innate sense of natural cuteness, coupled with her petite cat-like body, fully reflects the cuteness attributes.

Florence, who has become a wife and is a mother, saw Bai Yunying's appearance, her motherhood swelled a hundredfold. She quickly stepped forward and held Bai Yunying in her arms while touching her head. Sniffing her natural body scent: "Well, how come this child is so cute!"

Bai Yunying didn't dodge, her small face was pressed, and she steadily pressed on Florence's plump pair, showing a comfortable expression.

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