"Can you really feel at ease?" I curled my lips.

But Master Dewey said that the last Elf Queen proposed an alliance with Fort Witch, partly because of the ancient documents and ancient materials of Fort Witch. Today, the Queen of Elf wants to form an alliance with Fort Witch to strengthen her strength. The purpose of resisting foreign invasion is different, and the natural result is different.

If the elf queen and her grandmother knew what the queen was thinking and doing, she would still jump back from the **** of creation and grab her ears and call her too naive.

In short, things in the league went so smoothly without any accidents.

The Elf Queen was very happy and decided to hold a grand dinner celebration in the palace. I was not very happy because the dinner at the Elf Palace had no meat stars except for the white fish.

For me, an omnivorous animal, meat is not essential, but dinner with meat will make me happy.

That night, I thought about it very late, mainly around a choice: Should I bring a roast beef leg or something to the banquet?

In the early hours of the next morning, I got up earlier than Emily, tiptoedly set up the grill in the yard, and started to make my secret roast beef leg.

Barbecue is the only kind of cuisine I have studied on the earth in my previous life. I can't say that it can be comparable to American chefs, but the average chef is definitely not my opponent.

Therefore, the secret beef leg I roasted is extremely delicious, and even its smell is mouthwatering, and it can even arouse sleeping people from dreams.

Because of this feature, when I was roasting the third beef leg, I suddenly discovered that at the entrance of the courtyard, one by one small round heads came out. The bottom is Lili Lemi Lizi three Lolita. The last point is Barbara, the next point is Phoenix, the front of the Phoenix is ​​Bai Yunying, the back is Lilya, and then Kagali is on the left, and the left and right sides of Kagali are Kunna and Maggie, and then up. It's Yura...In short, the courtyard gate has become a collection of heads, and the eyes of these heads are all staring at the beef legs on the grill, with coveting at the corners of their mouths. Very greedy and craving expression.

Unconsciously, a huge drop of sweat hung on the corner of my forehead, and I muttered to myself: It's done, the secret roasted beef leg may not be kept.

I was not wrong at all. Just when the fourth beef leg was about to be cooked, the three already roasted beef legs had already been taken away by Phoenix and the others.

Florence took the third roasted beef leg, and she smiled at me before she left: "I didn't expect that Xiaoyi, you still have such outstanding cooking talents, everyone has a good breakfast today."

Barbara, who was following her, drooled, and said, "Roast a few more, and roast all the beef legs you bought, otherwise it's not enough!"

I couldn't cry about it.

A total of twenty roasted beef legs were killed for one breakfast. Everyone was full, and even the elf queen ate a slice.

Her willingness to eat meat is entirely the credit of Princess Aurora. The princess’s persuasion method is very simple. If you want to integrate into the group, you must have common characteristics with everyone. Look, Princess Analita and Princess Analeta It's full of beef and happy expressions on her face. Your Majesty, don't you want to join the group like them and experience the happiness of the group?

Although the Elf Queen is a very principled woman, she is also a very smart woman. She knows that the principle of this thing sometimes needs to be changed. For this reason, the queen swallowed the first piece of meat.

When chewing, the empress's expression was very interesting. First, she frowned in embarrassment. After chewing for a while, her brows slowly unfolded. After chewing for a while, she couldn't help showing a faint smile.

I don't know when the elf royal family stopped eating meat, but I know that meals without meat are very boring.

After breakfast, everyone went to the dungeon to clean up monsters as usual, while Princess Aurora and I had to follow the elf queen to the palace, along with the two princesses Analita and Analeta who had been living in my house.

After entering the palace, the two princesses left with the maid, while Princess Aurora and the Elf Queen walked all the way to the side hall.

After entering the side hall, the elders have been waiting there for a long time. Princess Aurora and I sat side by side. The Elf Queen sat on the main seat, facing everyone, and then the meeting began.

There is only one theme of the conference: Fort Witch and Moonlight City are officially alliance.

As soon as the news was announced, the whole room was shocked, and the reaction was exactly the same as I expected.

Immediately afterwards, the queen introduced Princess Aurora to everyone: "This Princess Aurora must know everyone. She is the only daughter of the Dwarf King and the fiancée of Elder An Xiaoyi. At the same time, she now has another identity-- Fort Witchc’s ambassador to the Moonlight City Strategic Alliance."

The elders were all taken aback, and Elder Prisla took the lead to react, got up hurriedly, and said, "Congratulations, Princess Aurora, I hope to move around a lot in the future."

Princess Aurora stood up with a smile, shook hands with her, and said, "You are Elder Prisla, I've heard about it a long time ago. I saw it today, and it really deserves a reputation."

Elder Prisla hurriedly replied: "Thanks to the praise, I have also heard that the Dwarf King has a well-behaved and sensible girl. Seeing it today is even more rumored."

Elder Prisla said, and then Elder Mai Sonoda, then Elder Jennifer, and so on.

I was the last one to stand up, winked at her, showing a sly smile, reached out and shook her hand, and when I was about to shrink my hand, I felt a pain in my palm, and found that Princess Aurora was using her fingernails to press me. With a slight smile, she squeezed her little hand, and she let it go.

After sitting down, I glanced at Princess Aurora, and said to myself: Did the princess learn to evoke romantic romance with small gestures so quickly? Who did you learn from? Is Lilea or Yula?

As I was thinking about it, the Elf Queen spoke again: "To celebrate the strategic alliance between Fort Witch and my Moonlight City, and to celebrate Princess Aurora’s appointment in my Moonlight City, I decided to hold a grand banquet in the palace tonight. ."

"Your Majesty's words are extremely true" Elder Prisla took the lead and stood up: "This incident can be described as the happiest thing in Moonlight City for many years. The strongest country on the mainland is united with the second strongest country. I believe it will not There is a country that does not open its eyes and dares to provoke our majesty!"

Elder Mai Sonoda also said: "Elder Prisla is right. My Moonlight City was originally a powerful country, but now I have the support of Fort Witch. It is even stronger and stronger, reproducing the power of Moonlight City back then is just around the corner."

After that, the various praises of other elders were like surging rivers, which made me feel dizzy. I wished to run out of the side hall and breathe in the clean fresh air in the corridor.

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