The meeting ended in various compliments. After leaving the palace, I accompany Princess Aurora to handle some regulations and treaties and other matters. In fact, the Dwarf King had already discussed these regulations and treaties with the Elf Queen last night, but they had not yet been printed. After the meeting was completed, it was time for the rules and treaties to be printed and signed.

The Elf Queen herself wrote a regulation and treaty on the parchment, which clearly stated the mutual assistance relationship between allies, as well as which parties can intervene, which parties cannot intervene, and which parties must intervene.

After all this was done, the Elf Queen signed her name on the end of the parchment. Princess Aurora took a look at it several times, and then took the pen to sign her name on the right side of the Queen's name.

The moment the two parties completed the signing, the alliance between Fort Witch and Moonlight City was officially established.

According to my idea on the earth, to complete such a large project, champagne should be celebrated, or firecrackers should be lit to celebrate, but there seems to be no champagne here, but there are firecrackers, but it is forbidden to set off inside the palace. taste.

After signing, we walked out of the side hall and met Princess Analita and Princess Analeta who were hanging out. Princess Analita walked in front in a princess dress, and Princess Analita was a maid. The suit walked behind, and Princess Analita changed her face.

The easily changed Princess Analita carried the bag in both hands. The bag was filled with things, which looked bulging. Moreover, from the mouth of the bag, there were bursts of fragrance wafting out. This fragrance was very Pleasant, a bit like rose fragrance.

I sniffed twice and couldn't help saying: "It smells so fragrant, what's in it?"

"Guess~" Princess Analetta gave a mischievous expression.

"Uh..." I looked at the bulge of the bag, and it looked a bit like soap: "Is it soap?"

"Wrong!" Princess Analetta looked smug.

"What is that?" I asked, curling my lips.

"I'll tell you if you guess it~" Princess Analetta was playful.

"Forget it, I won't guess." I spread my hands and said, "You girls have some weird gadgets. This is how I guess."

"Cut, so boring" Princess Analetta gave me a white look.

Princess Analita lowered her head and snickered.

At this time, Princess Aurora stepped forward and whispered a few words to her, and the expression on Princess Analetta's face became active again: "Guess right! Sister Aurora is really amazing!"

"Uh, what is it?" I couldn't help asking again.

"Slightly, I won't tell you!" Princess Analita stuck her tongue out and made faces. Then, she and Princess Analita walked outside the palace.

Looking at the backs of the two people, I shook my head, turned to ask Princess Aurora, and said, "What's in the bag?"

Princess Aurora smiled: "I won't tell you either."


In addition to signing the convention, there are other things that need to be dealt with, such as office location.

Princess Aurora said that the office space does not need to be reserved, and it is best to be like me, who is fine at ordinary times, and can be summoned at any time if there is something.

The elf queen was a little embarrassed and felt that it was not formal.

In terms of staffing, Princess Aurora said that as long as Mi Lulu and I are her messengers, I said'hey' and teased her: "Call an elder to be your subordinate, you are really powerful. ."

Princess Aurora laughed and said nothing.

After all these things were done, there was basically nothing to do with us. The dinner was held in the evening, and I began to consider whether to pre-bake a batch of secret roasted beef legs.

While thinking about it, the elf queen suddenly said: "Elder An Xiaoyi, I have to ask you for something."

"But it doesn't matter."

The queen said: "I would like to ask you to prepare a batch of roasted beef legs in advance. Before the banquet begins, put the roasted beef legs on the food table together with other dishes."

"Huh?" I wondered: "Don't you eat meat?"

The empress pondered for a moment, and said, "Yes, the previous rule was not to eat meat, but I want to change the rule."

I wondered: "Doesn't this make it impossible to highlight the speciality of the elf royal family?"

"Special is very good, but it also depends on the situation and practicality. Now Fort Witch and Moonlight City have formed an alliance. In the future, it is indispensable to sit down and discuss things together. The rule of not eating meat... Or change it. "

"Okay, the Queen, just do what you said."

Considering the number of foodies in the guild, I decided to roast 60 secret roasted beef legs in one go, 40 of which were sent to the food table, and the remaining 20 were reserved for future use.

Roasting beef legs is a waste of time and energy. I stand in front of the grill and stare at the beef legs on the grill. Princess Aurora sits beside me with her cheeks, and also stares at the roast beef on the grill. leg.

My purpose of staring at the roast beef leg is to prevent it from being burnt, but Princess Aurora’s purpose is to eat it.

Speaking of it, we both dealt with it casually for lunch, and then I hurried back to roast the shank, and the princess hurriedly followed me to see my roast shank.

I asked her why she didn't go to the dungeon to spawn monsters, and Princess Aurora said, "I want to be the first to eat roast beef legs."

In other words, is it illegal to steal the banquet dishes in advance?

But I think no one seems to dare to convict the daughter of the Dwarf King.

Princess Aurora finally got her wish and was the first one to eat the roast beef leg. Her mouth was full of oil and she was very happy. After eating this one, wiped her mouth, she began to stare at the new roast beef. Keeping my legs down makes me very ashamed.

Even though Princess Aurora is a small man, she looks very delicate, but she is very scary when she eats. She has the same appetite as Phoenix and others. Princess Aurora told me that she is not the only one who can eat, all dwarves are Can eat, this is ethnic inheritance.

Hearing this, I fell into deep contemplation. I don’t know whose genes I and Princess Aurora’s children will inherit in the future. If we inherit mine, it will be a food that can generally be eaten. If we inherit Princess Aurora, it will be Very edible foodies, in short, it is inseparable from the characteristics of foodies.

In fact, Princess Aurora is also okay. What worries me most is the children of Barbara and I. Barbara is a girl who is a little nervous by nature. Not only is her relationship arrogant, her temper is also a little hot and cold. In the future, if the child inherits her hot and cold character, it will be a little bit bad.

But my fiancees are okay. Even the most abnormal Barbara is not too unusual for most normal people, but the other pair of the guild makes me very concerned-Rocky and Lily.

This is a funny comparison. It is the core of the guild that creates embarrassment. If these two people get married in the future, what will their children be like? Big funny? Or is it a special model?

Well, I look forward to it very much.

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