The fairy patriarch lightly sipped his tea, put the tea cup down, closed his eyes, and sighed softly, saying: "Things like majesty are not for others to see, but created by ourselves. This principle, the few of us at the beginning, No one understands."

She laughed at herself and continued: "We boarded the magic airship designed and manufactured by Master Dewey, and took the strongest adventurer elite selected, and rushed to the junction of the three kingdoms of Cyberjaya, Airie City and York Seoul overnight. By the time the Bicui ribbon people and I got there, people from other countries had been waiting for a long time, and the competition started immediately."

"I won't say much about the scene of the competition. The final result is that all of us were crushed by the dwarf guild. Our clan is slightly stronger than the elves, the elves are slightly stronger than the orcs, and the orcs are slightly stronger than the Human Guild in York City. The weaker is the city of Erie that initiated this competition. This result is really funny.” The fairy patriarch couldn’t help but laugh twice, but then she became serious again: “But the Dwarf Guild can crush us all. , But no one had expected it at the time."

The patriarch frowned and said: "According to common sense, human races have different talents and average physical fitness. It is not bad to be ranked as the weakest, but dwarves and my race, elves, and orcs all have the same talents of the race. , Physical fitness also has its own strengths, and from time to time there are small discussions between our various races, small performances, the gap between each is also clear, it is impossible for one family to crush all other races. But in fact, it is so!"

She sighed and continued: "Compared with the difference between the past contest and the current contest, the only difference is that in the past, the dwarven guild only fought alone, and there were very few external forces involved. , Behind the dwarven guild, there are groups of puppets. Those puppets are made of metal. They are heavy and mighty. At the top of each puppet, there is a goblin controlling them. The goblin that controls the puppets only shows their eyes. Observe the surrounding movement, this is the only difference-because there are puppets, goblins have also joined the competition!"

Looking at the portal of the goblin assistance squad space, the patriarch said: "You know what, Xiaoyi, when you send the goblin assistance squad to me and give me all the supervision authority of the squad, I have already You treat it as your own grandson, yes, it may be presumptuous to say that, and a bit of a bit of advantage, but I never thought that there will be human races that trust foreign races so much."

"Isn't this normal?" I wondered: "Can't the human race and the foreign race establish equality and mutual trust?"

"Of course you can" the fairy patriarch smiled: "Because you are special."

"?!" I looked surprised. Could it be that the fairy patriarch already knew that I was not an aboriginal in Hefeng Continent?

"Although I don't know what kind of education you have received, nor do I know that it is the enlightened parent who taught a young man who is as enlightened as you" said the fairy patriarch: "But I can clearly feel that you , Unlike all other races, when other races see foreigners, no matter how close the relationship is, there will be a trace of strangeness in their eyes, but you are different. You only have closeness or hatred. Sometimes there will be little greed and sometimes Little cunning, but none of this hurts."

"Uh..." I was speechless, and at the same time he was relieved: Damn, I was scared to death. I thought I was discovered.

In fact, it doesn't matter if you are discovered, but I prefer to be treated as an aboriginal, so that I feel more close.

"Well, let's continue talking about that test." The fairy patriarch said: "Those puppets designed and manufactured by Master Dewey, since the beginning of the war, they have shown a violent offensive commensurate with their mighty appearance, and countless lead bullets and countless bombs have been shot. Go out and hit the opponent. Although these things do not cause much damage to the elites present, the battle between the masters is almost over in a flash. This side has just resisted the lead bullet and has not had time to have the next reaction. , The elites of the dwarf race who rushed over used their warhammers to pierce them, instantly rushing their slightly chaotic positions into a pool of loose sand."

The patriarch chuckled and said, "Since then, I have known that Fort Vitch will rise up because of Master Dewey, a young goblin, and will become the strongest country in the Hefeng Continent in a very short time."

Having said this, the fairy patriarch sat up slowly, with a solemn expression, and said: "Since then, not long after, Fort Witchcraft’s technological power has become the highest in the Hefeng Continent. Just when we all doubted Fort Witchcraft’s meeting. He would not use this to launch wars against other countries. When he became the king of the Harmony Continent in one fell swoop, Master Dewey sent his own scholars to serve in various countries, imparting knowledge and helping countries grow stronger. When he was the strongest, he did not think After annexing other people, I still want to help everyone improve their strength and develop national strength in all aspects. Xiaoyi, your godfather, is such a brilliant and broad-minded talent!"

Hearing this, I couldn't help being awe-inspiring. This goblin, who is almost crazy at work and a little nervous in his daily life, would have such a wonderful life and get such a high evaluation from the head of the goblin!

While I was in awe, the goblin patriarch said: "Because of the birth of such a masterpiece, Beatrice knew that her plan to obtain ancient documents and ancient materials of Fort Witch had become impossible. Although she has dispelled the idea of ​​acquiring those two things since then, she still mentions these two things from time to time. Even if her beloved granddaughter Anasta is present, she does not shy away, just , Anasta has been very thoughtful since she was a child. Although she doesn’t know what the two things Beatrice is talking about, she keeps their names in mind. From then on, as she gets older, Anasta also She started to care about these two things, until her grandma passed away, she always wanted to obtain these two things, but she wanted to obtain these two things for different purposes than her grandma, her grandma wanted to regain Taylor by them, and Anasta simply wants to satisfy her grandma's last wish, this stupid child, haha."

The fairy patriarch shook his head and chuckled slightly. She floated up from the stone chair and slowly floated back to the tent. After a few minutes, she floated back again, while holding a piece of parchment full of words in her hand.

After floating back to the stone chair, she handed me the parchment paper and said, "This is all my requirements written on it. Take this out and show it to Anasta, saying that these are all my remaining requirements. If she really wants the two races to live together again, follow the above requirements."

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