I took the parchment paper, rolled it into a paper tube, and stuffed it into my arms. I stood up and drank the tea in my cup. Then I planned to say goodbye and leave. After a few steps, I suddenly stopped and turned around. The fairy patriarch said: "Grandma patriarch, I suddenly remembered something and want to ask you."


"I have vaguely heard about the competition of several countries you just mentioned, but the version is different. My version means that the five major guilds of the Hefeng Continent competed in the three trading boundaries of Dasai City, Ai Rui City and York Seoul. Here comes a big competition. The result of the competition is the same as what you just said. The dwarf guild crushes everything, so I want to ask you whether the competition you just mentioned was actually the one between the five major guilds. what?"

"Xiaoyi, you should listen to the chants and poems of the troubadours. Many of them are singing about many things that have happened but have not been recorded." There have been countless competitions and frictions among the five major guilds. The thing I said happened a few decades ago when Master Dewey was a teenager, and you mentioned the competition between the five major guilds. The earliest one happened more than two decades ago."

"Twenty years ago?" I curled my lips. "I didn't expect the relationship between the five major guilds to be so harmonious. The furthest dispute happened only twenty years ago."

"Haha" the goblin patriarch shook his head and said, "Where did you think of it? Among the five major guilds, only the Rose Legion and the Dwarf Guild are ancient guilds with a long history. The other three guilds were established within nearly a hundred years. The Golden Flame Guild was just merged and established more than two decades ago."

"Huh?" I couldn't help being stunned. "One of the five major guilds in the Hefeng Continent, the city-based guild in Ai Ruicheng, the Golden Flame Guild, was actually only established twenty years ago?"

"Not bad" said the patriarch: "Golden Flame Guild was originally just a large guild. It was created by the current lord of Ericheng and gathered the elites of Ericheng. In order to cultivate it into the Silver Wing Guild of York Seoul, the iron A super-large guild where the Wolf Guild and the Rose Legion in Dasai City competed against each other. The city lord of Eri City persuaded several large guilds to combine with the Golden Flame Guild and transformed into the largest guild in Eri City."

"Grandma the patriarch, I heard that the Golden Flame Guild seems to be the weakest among the five guilds in the Hefeng Continent."

"Yes" the fairy patriarch laughed and said: "Golden Flame Guild is indeed the weakest of the five guilds in the Hefeng Continent, and its president and the city lord of Ai Rui made the same move and initiated one of the five guilds in the Hefeng Continent. For the first time in the competition, the Golden Flame Guild’s ranking was the same as that of the Ai Rui City, and it was the last place."

After I heard it, I couldn't help sighing: "History is always surprisingly similar!"

"By the way, Grandma Patriarch, I have one more question to ask."

"Yeah" the fairy patriarch nodded.

"That's it" I said: "Grandma patriarch, I want to know if the Rose Legion in Moonlight City and the Rose Legion in Dasai City are the same guild, and if they are not the same guild, then which one Is it the most authentic Legion of Roses? If they are the same guild, why are there two guild leaders? If they are the same guild, which of the two guild leaders is the boss?"

The fairy patriarch pondered for a moment, and said: "In fact, the Rose Legion in Moonlight City and the Rose Legion in Dasai City are the most authentic Rose Legions, and their presidents are also the leaders of the guild. They are equal and there is no difference. "

"Huh? Why does this happen?" I wondered.

"That's because... they are split." The fairy patriarch sighed and said: "The Rose Legion was originally the oldest guild in the Hefeng Continent. Its first president was the sixteenth in charge of Moonlight City. , And also the last holder of the Moonlight Scepter, Queen Ophelia."

"Queen of Ophelia!" I couldn't help saying: "This queen is really amazing. Not only is she powerful, but she has also improved in her thinking. She can be called the king of women!"

"She was originally the queen." The fairy patriarch chuckled: "Since then, until my generation, the actual president of the Rose Legion has been the queen of our fairy clan until more than ten years ago because of Akha. Driven by Wei, we had to leave Moonlight City and enter the space I created. The actual president of the Rose Legion was replaced, but not long after the replacement, the Rose Legion in Dasai City declared independence and declared only Obey me alone, and will never follow the orders of anyone except the Fairy Queen. As soon as this statement was made, the Hefeng Continent was in an uproar, especially Moonlight City, which fluctuated because of this declaration. Everyone was discussing this matter. Everyone is debating the pros and cons of its authenticity. In order to calm people's hearts and not to lose the powerful force of the Rose Legion of Dasai City, the elder Prisla of the Elves ordered to declare war on the Rose Legion of Dasai City. , Tried to use force to frighten the opponent, but only found out that the Rose Legion in Dasai City and the Rose Legion in Moonlight City were only slightly inferior in terms of strength. If this continued fighting, both sides would suffer heavy losses. After that, Under Anasta’s insistence, the Moonlight City Rose Legion retired, but did not recognize the independence of the Dasai City Rose Legion. However, the strength of the Dasai City Rose Legion is there. Even if Moonlight City does not recognize it, it will not help. , So there are two rose legions in this zephyr continent."

I heard the ups and downs in my heart, and I was a little dazed, and couldn't help saying, "So it's like this."

After a few seconds in a daze, I raised my head and said, "Grandma patriarch, if you go out, will the Rose Legion be merged together again?"

"I don't know this anymore." The fairy patriarch chuckled and said, "Now the Rose Legion in Dasai City has a corresponding scale. Regardless of its strength or other aspects, it is no different from the Rose Legion here. The actual managers said that it sounds good. They may send me a letter after I leave the mountain to express their longing. It is not good. They might not even care about my outdated old lady."

"Where can it?" I said: "Patriarch grandmother, people are not outdated. Besides, your strength should be regarded as one of the best in today's Hefeng Continent. With the addition of Moonlight Scepter, you are not yet Climbed to the pinnacle, and came out with such strength. If I were the president of the Rose Legion, I would surely return the actual position of the Rose Legion president to you. After all, you are strong enough and extremely experienced. Rich, the post of President of the Rose Legion is simply tailored for you."

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