Thousands of broken things, flattering is not broken.

This is an unchangeable theorem.

The patriarch of the fairy was pretty much used by my flattery, and he smiled satisfied.

But in the final analysis, flattering is flattering, reality is reality. The fairy patriarch comes out of the mountain. Who should be the president of the Rose Legion is not what I can say, even if I have the ability to persuade Emily. Returning the post of chief to the patriarch, I don’t have the ability to manage the affairs of Dasai City, unless I am the emperor of the Hefeng Continent, but this road is really far enough, and now I even make Ai Rui City into a puppet and earn it in my palm. I can't do it, so what about the emperor of the entire continent?

Thinking of this, I curled my mouth, shrugged, and walked out of the Fairy Forest in a naturally straight posture from the water to the bow.

Going straight to the palace, the queen was having a meeting in the main hall. The elders except me were sitting on both sides. There was a chair in the final position. That was my position.

I stepped forward quickly, bowed in a salute, said, "Let's live up to the queen's expectations," took the parchment out of my arms and handed it up.

Unfolding the parchment, the elf queen looked at it carefully. After looking at it for a while, her face was a little embarrassed, but the color of firmness in it did not move at all, showing that she was determined.

Ignoring the gazes of the other elders, the elf queen said: "Elder Prisla, Elder Sonoda, take orders."

The two elders stood up, walked respectfully to the center, bowed and listened.

The queen said: "I order you two to act according to the instructions on this parchment, and report to me as soon as you are ready."


The two elders bowed forward and took the parchment together. I felt a little awkward seeing them stretch out their hands to pick up a parchment.

After the two elders stepped back, the Elf Queen looked at me and said, "Elder An Xiaoyi, you have worked so hard now, what else can you report?"

"No more."

The queen nodded: "Well, you go home first, and after the two elders are set up, there are still things to do for you."

"Huh?" I was embarrassed. I thought I could go to the dungeon to clean up the monsters after finishing this. Who would have expected me to do other things. This foreign elder is in charge, and I don't have the right to do anything. Many, it really makes a lot of trouble.

But thinking about Zac and Yang Ku, I feel better again. Of these two people, one of them was named the captain of the Moonlight City side guard, and he had to go to Moonlight City on time and on time every day to patrol, and the other was named Moonlight. The captain of the Reconnaissance and Patrol Team of the City Border Guard also has to drive the puppets to patrol around every day. Are you busy with your work? The salary is not one-tenth of my salary, and I feel sympathy when I think about it.

However, in contrast, Barbara’s official is the most beautiful and fattest job in it-the director of the Moonlight City Mediation Office. This position is my idea for the Elf Queen. The real power is equivalent to the street office. Aunt, uh, no, it should be at the level of aunt in the country office. The authority of this official position is big or small. She is in charge of all the trivial matters among the people. But think about it carefully. There will be some trivial things in the meantime, the elves are not humans, nor goblins, how can there be so many troubles entangled, so in a total of few days from being banned to the present, Barbara has become a whole The most leisurely person in Moonlight City, wandering around in uniforms all day long, there are always a few elven girls around who are inseparable, always obedient, and Barbara always poses Sister Tsundere's head expression, in my opinion, the combination of her and a few elven girls is like a group of girls.

Although I thought so, I didn't dare to say it. Once it made her unhappy, it was another scratching and biting. The skin wounds were secondary, the main reason was pain!

Speaking of it, the reason I admire Barbara the most is not because it is idle, but because it makes a lot of idle. It is not an exaggeration to say that although Barbara’s salary is lower than mine, he is better than Zac. Together with Yang Kui's salary, they are much higher.

Fortunately, everyone does not live on this salary, otherwise, Yang Ku and Zach will not have to cry into a lake!



I didn't read the request on the parchment, but judging from the preparation time of Elder Prisla and Mai Sonoda, the actual content is quite cumbersome, otherwise it would not take so long to prepare.

Sitting in the main hall, I felt bored because of waiting too long, so I fell asleep.

I don’t know how long it took, and I felt that someone was pushing me with a lot of force. When I opened my eyes, I realized that it was the fairy queen!

I was excited, and straightened up hurriedly, posing as if I was sitting upright, but saw the elf queen smile and said: "Don't sit down, get up quickly, we have something to do."

"?" With doubts, I turned around, unconsciously surprised: "Where are people?!"

The elf queen said: "They are all going out to prepare for the ceremony of the fairies. I think you sleep soundly, so I didn't wake you up. However, An Xiaoyi, you really surprised me. Throughout the thousand-year history of the fairies , No elder minister dare to doze off in the conference hall, you are the first one."

"Uh, cough cough, hehe hehe" I scratched my head, with a constant awkward expression on my face: "Ashamed, ashamed, I actually didn't want to fall asleep, but helpless, I couldn't resist the continuous attacks of sleepiness, so I had to throw my helmet off. A was defeated."

The elf queen just shook her head and smiled, but she didn't blame me for a single word, she said: "Since you wake up, get up quickly and get ready. At noon, we will officially welcome the return of the fairies."

"At noon?" I stretched out my hand and took out my pocket watch. I took a look. It was more than ten o'clock in the morning, and I slept for a long time.

The fairy queen smiled and said: "Well, at noon, the sun is the largest and brightest at this time. This time is also ordered by the fairy queen."

"Will all the elves attend their return ceremony by then?" I asked.

"Yes" the queen said: "This is what I asked for."

"Hey, why haven't I heard such a request?" I wondered.

"Because you are not an elf," the queen smiled: "So, I give you the opportunity to choose whether to go to the dungeon to hunt monsters or to witness the return of the goblin clan."

"Of course I want to witness the return!" I took it for granted: "Otherwise, I won't waste so much effort."

"What about your family, do they also want to participate?" the queen asked again.

"Sure," I said: "My family is just as interested in the excitement as I am."

"Then you go" the queen smiled: "However, since you decide to participate, you must come back early. It doesn't matter where your family stays, but you must join the welcome team and be with me. After all, you are the first foreign elder of my elven clan, both status and symbolism are extraordinary."

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