With each step approaching the portal, my nervous emotions and manic heartbeat became more intense.

To be honest, I was a little scared.

Facing the unknown, facing death threats, saying that you are not afraid of ghosts!

But this is what I have to face, because I can't be sure whether Phoenix is ​​on the 21st floor.

If Phoenix and the others are not on the twenty-first floor, should I go down to the twenty-second floor to have a look?

If there is still no twenty-second floor, am I going to continue going down?

Twenty-third floor...Twenty-fourth floor...until I tried my best and couldn’t take one step forward?

Thinking of this, my steps stopped, my body stopped, my hands were trembling slightly, I shook.

The voice of Odachi, while I was shaking, came into my mind: "Are you afraid?"

"Yes, I'm scared," I made no secret of it.

"What are you afraid of?" Odachi asked.

"I'm afraid of death, I'm afraid I won't find Phoenix them all the time" I said.

"Are you worried about them?"

"That's right, it's not right." I took a deep breath and said, "It may also be because I have been with them for a long time. I am afraid of being alone again. Therefore, I am afraid of losing them."

"Since you are afraid of losing them, why don't you continue to move forward?" Odachi slashed and said, "I think you are more afraid of death."

"I'm afraid of death..." I muttered several times, slowly lowering my head: "Yes, I'm afraid of death."

"Since you are afraid of death, there is no need to go on." Odachi's voice bewildered like the sea-mon's song: "Step back, as long as you take a step back, there will be nothing that can threaten your life. , You will be very safe and will always be alone."

"Lonely...no, I don't want to be alone anymore, don't!"

For an instant, my memory flashed like a revolving lantern. When I first came to this world, everyone around me died of my mysterious and terrifying destructive power, and walked out of the village that had long been turned into ruins alone, and walked on endlessly.

At that time, I wanted to be accompanied by someone, even if it was not a person, but a dog, a cat, or even a bug, but no, nothing.

In this way, I have been walking lonely for a long time. I don't know how many days and nights have passed. I finally walked to a town. I wanted to find a job to earn a living, but I was rejected again and again because of sloppy clothes and unknown identity.

Hungry and cold, I am looking for a place that can give me hope.

Finally, I entered the dungeon in a daze.

Although I almost died in the dungeon at the time, because of this, my life changed.

First I met the proprietress of the cafe, Barbara, and a group of cafe maids, then I met Bai Yunying in an adventure, and then I became acquainted with Kagali and the others by chance, then I met Phoenix, and then weird. The duo, Mi Lulu, Princess Aurora... etc.

It is because of them that my life has become colorful, and it is because of them that my journey finally has meaning.

"Yes, you are right." I felt a sense of clarity before my eyes, and my heart became clear at the same time: "Although I fear death, loneliness is more terrifying than death. I want to enter the twenty-first floor. If the twenty-first If there is no layer, I will forcibly enter the 22nd floor. I will keep going forward until I find Phoenix and the others. I will not stop!"

When the burden of binding oneself is broken, any wavering will cease to exist.

The moment I lift my leg firmly and step into the 21st floor, I know that waiting for me will be a more terrifying monster and a difficult road ahead, but I will no longer back down because I want to find mine family.

The sight is a piece of Gobi.

What is endless is yellow sand and ruins, and a few stubborn weeds.

If it weren't for some elf adventurers who were fighting monsters, perhaps, there would be no more life here.

Observe the surroundings carefully, especially the monsters fighting with adventurers. They are all long and yellow in color. They lean on six adult thigh-thigh arthropod steps to avoid attacks. At the same time, they wield a pair of huge tongs. The pincers push away the elves who want to get close, and the most frightening thing is that behind it, there is a tail spur with a hook. The tip of the tail spur is black, and you can see that it is highly poisonous.

This is a scorpion with an earthy yellow body except for the tip of its tail.

"Just call it sand scorpion" I said to myself.

After observing the battles of elf adventurers for a while, I almost understood the fighting methods of the sand scorpion monsters and some of their weaknesses.

The sand scorpion’s movement speed is very fast, even comparable to that of the ghost-faced spider; don’t look at its huge pair of claws, but it is extremely flexible. However, judging by the strength of the sand scorpion swinging its pincers and the sound made by the pincers in the air, if they are caught inadvertently, they will probably break their bones.

Although these injuries are in the eyes of the priest, it is only a matter of time before they are healed, but here is equivalent to a battlefield. Every second is changing rapidly. Injuries can be healed, but if you die, no one can be saved.

But the thing that worries me the most is its tail spur.

On earth, the scorpions encountered are very small, but the toxins are surprisingly strong, and some can even be fatal.

I don't know how much the toxin is related to the size of the insect itself, but in my opinion, the poison of sand scorpion tail sting is definitely not something ordinary people can bear.

Anyway, I don't want to be stung by that thing.

I thought that after watching for a period of time, I would start selectively spawning monsters, but I didn’t expect that a sand scorpion approached me quietly and wanted to attack me. The speed of the thorn was quite fast. Fortunately, I was here. Yu Guangzhong had already seen its movements and was prepared to dodge, only to survive.

The spur of the tail stab didn't hit me. It stopped out of thin air, shook it twice, and took it back again.

Sand Scorpion opened his big, hideous mouth and let out a harsh low growl, seeming to express dissatisfaction with my evasion, or perhaps expressing anger at my refusal to die honestly.

I stood still, opened my posture, swung the straight sword twice, dragged the sword to the ground again, sneered, and said, "Why, you just want to eat me like that?"

Sand Scorpion could not understand what I was saying, but its next behavior showed its meaning-it really wanted to eat me.

The pincers danced wildly, the tail stabs fiercely, and the crazy attack instantly enveloped me, trying to kill me in a vain effort.

But I am not waiting for a moment. I keep moving and dodge, avoiding fatal attacks from time to time. At the same time, my two swords dance around, attacking the sand scorpion carapace from various angles.

For a while, the sound of pincers pinching the air, the sound of tail stabs, the sound of two knives dancing, and the sound of knife clashing.

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