I really didn't expect that Sand Scorpion's defensive power would be so strong, the double swords that entangled the killing intent, there was no way to cut it open with a single blow-this is a knife that can remove Amon's body parts!

Mottled cracks appeared on the sand scorpion's back where I had cut it, which made it quite angry.

With a few roars, it danced with a pair of huge pincers, and squeezed towards me more crazily. At the same time, the tail spur also took the opportunity to block all the roads I could dodge.

Angry it wants to get rid of me in one go.

The danger signal of the body has spread to the maximum. I know that I have fallen into the most critical situation. If I don't pay attention, I will die here.

Release all the killing intent under my control at the same time, and at the same time, increase the body's perception ability to the strongest-I will try my best to avoid all attacks. If I can kill it, then even more All right!

However, the angry attack of the tenth-level monster, how can I, the eighth-level adventurer, say that hiding can avoid it?

When avoiding the eleventh swing of the pincer, I could not avoid its sharp and poisonous tail spikes. The sharp crochet needle pierced my calf. I could clearly feel that toxins were injected instantly.

In an instant, uncontrollable pain flowed through my body, as if countless needles were flowing in my body.

I gritted my teeth, enduring the pain that hit me over and over again, cold sweat gushed out like a fountain, and my teeth trembled.

At this moment, I felt like I was going to die.

However, my eyes still fixed on the sand scorpion in front of me.

I can't give up the intent to fight because of the severe poison of the sand scorpion, and I can't give up the belief in survival because of the severe pain in my whole body.

Although the poison of sand scorpion will make me miserable, it will not cause me to die. Don’t forget, I have a boiling and violent killing intent. I am immune to all toxins, but it will let me experience the strength of toxins Different degrees of pain.

Sand Xie shook his huge body, staring at me with light red eyes, in addition to killing and hunger, there was a hint of alertness in his eyes.

At this moment, it seems to have doubts about me in front of me.

Perhaps it is curious: Why doesn't the villain in front of him fall down?

It has confidence in the poison of the tail stab. No wonder it is so confident. I was only stabbed once, and my whole body was painful to the point of collapse.

I was standing with strong support on my body, and the dual knives were also held firmly by will. Other than that, I had no ability to attack.

I have to say that in front of a tenth-level monster, even if I have the same killing intent as a plug-in, it is difficult for me to display its power, because besides the killing intent, I have almost no physical level that can be level with it.

"Wipe, it hurts so much!" I said silently in my heart, and at the same time, I worked hard to hold back the pain, and expand the fighting posture to the greatest extent-if you can't kill you, I will stare at you!

The sand scorpion is very intelligent, even comparable to others, otherwise it would not be angry, would not understand what a rushing attack is, and would not know how to be cautious and vigilant.

It is precisely because of caution and vigilance that I was not killed on the spot. To be honest, in my current state, I am completely a paper tiger. Even a Goblin warrior carrying a stick is enough to abuse me— —Although it definitely can't kill me.

The scene at this time fell silent for a while.

On one side is me at the end of the crossbow, and on the other side is the cautious sand scorpion. Neither of them trespassed, and neither was willing to take the lead in launching an attack-I really couldn't launch an attack.

Keep facing each other like this, until the sky is old?

"Look at how you two are now..." Dadachi said suddenly: "I always feel as if you are watching each other lovingly."

"Get out!" I was upset and cursed.

"Hey, young people are very impulsive. You take a look and scold the sword." Odachi sighed and said: "Actually, what I said is the truth. Look at you, stare at you, stare at the sand. The scorpion keeps looking at it again, staring at it with a bunch of eyes, and staring at you. You two stare at you like this, neither of you will move or move your eyes half way. This is not the legend. Watching each other lovingly, what is it?"

"It's muddy!" I almost collapsed: "I'm trying to stand up against it. If I didn't do this, I would have been caught in two pieces by it!"

"Hey, by the way, I'm quite curious." Data said: "With your healing power, after it cuts you into two pieces, if you put the two pieces together again, will it grow back again? Go together?"

Before I had any thoughts, Taito said again: "Or, will your two halves of your body grow out of new other parts, so that you will become two selves!" "

I got a black line and couldn't help saying: "I don't want to do this kind of experiment, haha."

"Cut, I really don't have the spirit of imagination and creation at all," Taito said disdainfully.

"Then I'll ask you" I said: "If you cut you into two pieces, which of the above would you be?"

"Cut me in two?" Odachi smiled, "That's impossible, who do you think I am? I am the famous Leopold Blade!"


I'm so stupid, really, it's okay to argue about wool with a knife!

But having said that, with my current strong self-healing power, if it is cut into two pieces and connected again, is it really possible to heal?

As soon as this idea came to my mind, I frowned and completely dismissed it. No, this idea is too dangerous to try, no, you must not try!

About three minutes later, the sand scorpion finally became a little unbearable. It slowly moved six steps, leaning towards me bit by bit, and at the same time, the sharp tail spurs rose again. This is a sign that it will attack with a tail stab.

However, at this moment, the toxins in my body have not been removed, and the pain is still raging in my body. In this state, I cannot display effective combat power, let alone defeat it.

Really, I knew that, so I brought old man Taylor with him. The old man is so powerful that he can easily solve it.

It's just that it's a bit too late to think about these.

Right now, I can only force my spirits up, accumulate my remaining stamina, and launch another powerful blow against the part I cut away just now.

I don’t know if I can break the defense with one blow. All I know are two words: Do your best.

Thinking of this, I transferred the mental strength and physical strength used to resist the pain to both legs and hands, and at the same time restrained the shaking hands. Strength.

Is this a desperate fight?

I said silently in my heart.

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