If one day, the proprietress releases and allows Barbara to become an adventurer, I must persuade her to be a full-time street fighter.

But now is not the time to think about this. You must make adequate preparations and rest early to get your best condition so that you can face the battle tomorrow.

Early the next morning, I bought breakfast. After the meal, everyone headed towards the seventh arena. Today’s game was played there.

Just in case, I also called Father Taylor, in order to save his life in extreme situations. After all, I am not familiar with the profession of Street Fighter, and other people in the guild seem to be unfamiliar, facing unknown enemies. Preparing for the worst is king.

The lineup of this game, I arranged like this: Jackson is still the forward meat shield, Godot is still the whole field treatment, Lizi is still the whole field support, Lilea is still the shooter position, Yula is the same as the master position and the whole field command, I As a free man, and Billy cooperated to launch harassment and attract firepower to the opposing lineup. Yang Ku and Liu Yu cooperated and threatened each other with puppets, trying to attract their attention and share the pressure of Billy and me. At the same time, I will Phoenix is ​​arranged next to Lizi, on the one hand to protect Lizi's safety, on the other hand, she is waiting for the opportunity to accumulate energy and release the charged Qigong bomb.

The power of her current charged Qigong shells can barely match her formidable power. It is not an exaggeration to say that even Godot’s full-strength magic barrier can’t afford Phoenix’s full release of charged qigong. bomb.

The sixth-level phoenix made a full blow, and Godot's full-strength blocking above the tenth level had no effect. This has already explained the problem.

It's not that Godot is too weak, but that Phoenix's move is too strong, but the more important reason is that Phoenix's profession is also a special profession.

Qigong master, this profession is the same as Street Fighter. There are only a few records in the database of the adventurer base. The content is mostly an introduction to the profession. As for the skills and characteristics of the profession, nothing is mentioned. .

This is exactly what my heart is worried about-even if the qigong master is not as good as the seventh level, how strong will that tenth level street fighter be!

At half past eight, the seventh arena.

Standing on the high platform, with a serious face, I whispered to Billy about the plan to be implemented at the beginning of the game.

There is only one theme of the plan, and that is temptation.

Forcibly breaking through will only be a painful blow, so I want to test and try my best to test out the skills and characteristics of Street Fighter. Only in this way can we have the possibility of winning.

But rushing to test an adventurer with an unknown profession is very risky, so I decided to stop moving after the battle began, and wait for the magic missiles to fly around and disturb the sight of the enemy and myself before starting action.

With the whistle, the game began.

At the beginning of the battle, it was the same as in other competitions. First, the arrows were shot against each other, and then the magic missiles were lost all over the sky, filling the open space between the two lineups.

I silently glanced at the enemy lineup of Street Fighter. At this moment, she embraced her arms with an overbearing expression, which matched her sturdy figure exactly.

After staring for a few seconds, I found that her figure not only looks sturdy, but also has extraordinary strength. The upper body exposed to the shield was hit by magic missiles one after another, without any injuries, and at the same time, there was no pain on her face.

"Real meat" I couldn't help but whisper.

At this time, Lilea shot, the crossbow arrow was clicked, and accompanied by a sharp howling, the crossbow arrow with magic aimed at Street Fighter's chest.

This arrow was not meant to take human life, but it did not want to see her domineering expression, forcing her to avoid it.

However, Street Fighter still stood firmly, unwavering, only stretched out his right hand, clenched his fist, and aimed at the crossbow arrow as a punch.

The air wave of the magic explosion made her figure shake, and after all, she still took a half step back, showing that it is not advisable to pretend to be such a complex, after all, it is difficult to maintain.

However, what struck me was that she, who was directly hit by the explosion, was unscathed!

Could it be because of...her armbands?

Similar to my handguard, the arm armor also protects the palm and wrist. The difference is that it is thicker than the handguard, heavier than the handguard, and stronger and stronger than the handguard.

The enchanted crossbow arrow that Lilea shot before was designed to shift from her, so the amount of enchantment is not large, but the speed of the crossbow arrow is extraordinary, and the arrow is sharp, which is an armor made of ordinary fine iron. It was enough to break the armor with one arrow. However, Street Fighter's handguards were undamaged, and she did not use the power of fading when blocking the crossbow arrows, that is to say-this arm armor is at least stainless steel.

While thinking about it, I heard Billy's ear anxiously: "Xiao Yi, I can't make it, my dual knives are already hungry and thirsty!"

"Of course I want to go" I said: "But wait."

"Waiting?" Billy was upset: "Wait until it's dark!"

"Black wool!" I said uncomfortably: "It's not even nine o'clock in the morning now, why is it dark!"

"Cut" Billy looked rather impatient.

Is he impatient?

I'm also impatient!

Who is willing to fight the aggrieved battle?

But it won't work if you don't fight like this!

Before I can figure out the details of Street Fighter, I definitely won't ask anyone to come forward and fight, it's not called fighting, it's sending death!

Just when Billy showed impatience, from the opposing camp, three crossbow arrows were shot at me and Billy respectively, two aimed at me and one aimed at Billy.

Fortunately, the three crossbow arrows have no magic attached and can be easily blocked.

Blocking the crossbow, I continued to look at the opposite Street Fighter, and found that she was also observing our side, so suddenly, this is also a kind of temptation from the other side. Although the power of the temptation is small, the scope of the temptation is very wide.

Perhaps this is a combat technique of the opposing archer.

However, whether this combat skill can be attached to magic is unknown, it seems that it needs a little vigilance.

As soon as I thought of this, I saw the street fighter on the opposite side coming out more and more, stepped forward, stretched out his right arm, raised his right hand, palm up, and hooked his index finger at me and Billy: "You are also free members of the team, since In this way, don't do any more conspiracies and tricks. We are fighting with me dignifiedly. See if you are the best warrior with swords and swords, or I, the street fighter who feeds on my fists, is powerful!"

"Okay" Billy laughed: "Bi-Ji-Bi, my uncle Billy will stay with me to the end!"

He yelled and rushed over, and I didn't even have time to stop it.

Seeing that only Billy rushed forward, Street Fighter pursed his lips with disdain, and barked his teeth at me to show provocation.

The provocative scenes I have ever seen are like passing Jiangzhi crucian carp, so to me, her little trick is not even a fart, but at this time, I have to bite the bullet and charge up.

Not because of provocation, but because of Billy.

I and Billy are both fighting fanatics, but I can't understand his hot temper and impulsive personality.

The so-called fighting fanatics are not just to get happiness in battle?

You are so hot and impulsive, can you really get the happiness you want from fighting?

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