"Godot, heal soon!"

Desperately, holding the Phoenix, ran to Godot a few steps and shouted.

"Yes, Captain."

Godot raised his hands falsely, chanting magic, and in an instant, the white light flourished, and the swollen phoenix hand swelled down at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When there was no more pain on her face, I only breathed a sigh of relief. Only then did I realize that on the battlefield, I had actually made indecent behaviors such as hugging and waiting. I was taken aback for a moment. I quickly let go of Phoenix, stood up, and backed up two times. Step, then quickly walked to Naotachi, picked up the knife in his hand, and continued to enter the state of preparation.

However, as soon as I looked up, I realized that the opposing team seemed to be a bit wrong. I watched it for a few seconds and suddenly realized: When did the rhino adventurer run behind the team?

While waiting for my doubts, the rhino adventurer came back step by step, and the heavy footsteps made the entire arena tremble slightly.

He stood up again, he didn't charge again, but narrowed his small eyes like beans and stared at me, uh...he seemed to be staring at Phoenix, is he coveting her? The beauty?

I frowned, moved my body, blocked my vision, pulled away, and said aggressively, "What are you looking at?"

The rhinoceros adventurer Urn said with an aura: "Monster, it's a monster!"

"Who do you say is the monster?"

"That girl!" He stretched out his hand, pointed at Phoenix, who was blocked by me, and said, "Why, she has such power?"

"What are you talking about, I don't understand."

Although it is certain that the rhino adventurer is not coveting the beauty of the phoenix, the fact that he said that the phoenix is ​​a monster still makes me very upset.

"Look at this!" The rhinoceros adventurer raised the shield with one hand, and pointed the other hand to the center of the shield, where there was a clear fist mark.

"This is made of top-grade stainless steel. It is a shield that can't be destroyed by monsters on the 22nd floor!" His expression was very excited and angry: "It is a shield that I have always been proud of. Distorted by this girl's punch!"

Hearing this, I couldn't help shaking my eyebrows in shock: I tightened it, and I don't even know if he didn't say, when did the girl Phoenix possess such an abnormal physique? The price of deforming the top-grade stainless steel shield is only slightly swollen?

Turning to look at Phoenix, she was looking at me innocently, and at the same time, her eyes were full of question marks.

"It's okay." I grinned at her and turned around again.

"I said, you blatantly insulted my person in the game, isn't it a bit too much?" I looked unhappy, with a grim face, my veins violent, and I was ready to take action at any time.

"I didn't insult your person," the rhino adventurer Urn said in a huff: "I'm just telling the truth."

"Is it an insult to say that my person is a monster?" After a cut, I said: "Then I said you look like a monster, isn't it an insult to you?"

He was startled first, and then countless bursts appeared on his forehead: "You..."

"What's wrong with me?" I said unhappy: "I'm just telling the truth. Besides, it's a game now, not a tea-tasting party between old friends. It's not a good fight, but it's funny here. Is it interesting? "

"You..." The rhinoceros adventurer's forehead has more bursts, and his hands holding the shield are shaking slightly-he is about to explode.

"Heh" I chuckled softly: "If you want to hit it, stop talking nonsense, okay?"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a muffled sound, and the angry adventurer rushed over.

Listening to the bang, I felt the ground shaking and my feet numb.

Feeling the momentum of his rushing over, I couldn't help thinking: My god, you really deserve to be a rhino, running like a rhino!

This time, Phoenix wanted to punch again, but was stopped by me-I can't hurt you anymore, and fighting is a man's romance!

At the same time when the killing intent was released, my body shook, and I rushed to the rhino adventurer at high speed-I plan to use my sword and his shield to fight, to see who is harder!

In fact, at the moment I rushed out, I already knew that I was definitely no match for this strong man like a rhino.

But I don’t want to back down, because my fiancee are watching me, my brothers are watching me, my friends are watching me, I...

Uh cough!

The huge force hit my knife and then passed into my body. The force was so huge that I felt as if I was flying...Oh, I was actually flying.

Feeling the objects on both sides moving forward at high speed, I knew that I was retreating at high speed-in a floating state.

In other words, how many times have I experienced this feeling so far?

Hmm...I can't remember it myself, but it was right many times.

But I remember the first time I knocked my target into flight. It was a strong elite goblin warrior. He carried a big wooden stick and swept my stomach with one stick, and then I flew.

When he landed, he also smashed a disabled goblin warrior who hadn't died but was still twisting and struggling on the ground.

It is precisely because of this that I was lucky not to be pierced by a stalagmite that collapsed not far away.

Thinking about it now, I can't help but feel a little scared, and at the same time I am grateful and cherish the memory of that crippled goblin soldier...

Hey, every time I get beaten into the air, I always like to think about it or remember the past, just like an old man lying on a rocking chair with white beard and hair.

I really don’t know when I will get rid of this bad habit...Oh, shit!

Accompanied by an swear word, I fell to the ground severely, rolled, and rubbed another distance.

When I got up, my clothes had been damaged in more than a dozen places and became tattered.

Hey, the quality of the clothes is getting worse and worse now.

To complain, I pulled my clothes and threw them aside, revealing my black tights.

With strong muscles and sharp lines, I am really handsome!

I looked down at the red-eyed arms and the sturdy body that the tight-fitting vest couldn't hide, and I couldn't help but feel proud.


Pouting, I glanced at the centipede-like scars that couldn't be concealed by the tight-fitting vest. I always felt that they somewhat hindered the beauty of my strong figure.

In order to get rid of these scars, I have specifically asked Tyler and Godot for help. As a result, the two of them shook their heads after just a glance. Moreover, the meanings of their answers were almost the same: unless they used a knife to follow the scar lines again. Chop it again, and cut off all the new flesh, it is possible to restore your skin.

Cut it again according to the pattern?

When I heard this sentence, I dispelled the decision-who would get the knife for beauty! And it's more than one cut!

Finally, I glanced at the grimly scars again. I raised my head and looked at the still aggressive rhino adventurer.

Only this time, his state was different. The whole body burst out with white light, and also covered the large shield that was not flat-in addition to a clear fist mark, there was also a deep and light-permeable knife mark.

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