The towering spire towers spread along the border of Moonlight City.

Countless huge tree houses, with lush canopies, combined into a huge shelter, covering the dome of Moonlight City.

The sparse shattered light spots were scattered on the fertile ground, on the paved bluestone path, and on every beautiful smiling cheek.

It was a rare peace and tranquility.

It is a fairyland in the legend that is only recorded in the annals of history.

That was Moonlight City a thousand years ago.

"A thousand years ago?" I asked quietly.

"No" the high priest said, "Thousands of years ago, when I was young."

The chanting songs and verses linger in every corner of Moonlight City, and people spend every day in beauty and happiness.

Workers are not tired, and thinkers have constant energy.

People gain knowledge without knowing it, and create the future without knowing it.

Countless races from other continents, countless scholars seeking knowledge, countless professors thirsting for truth, countless troubadours eager for history, have taken boats, crossing the dangerous seas, and crossing life and death.

Among them, some suffered misfortunes along the way, some died in the dangerous seas, and some died of sickness and old age in desperation.

But in the end, the survivors among them set foot on Moonlight City, set foot on the holy city in their hearts, and came here to seek everything they wanted.

"Thousands of years ago, there were countless pilgrims who kept coming and leaving. Some of them gained knowledge, some sought the truth, some spied on history, and almost everyone found everything they wanted in Moonlight City. However, human greed and endless desire are like vicious monsters, constantly spying on the prosperous holy city, always looking for its gaps, and always eager to destroy its sacredness!"

When the high priest said this, her expression was excited. She clenched her fists, her fingers as old as dry branches were firmly embedded in the flesh, and her fists were trembling, just like her tone at the moment.

Finally, she let go of her fists and sighed: "Finally, the prosperity and tranquility of the holy city have not escaped the desire and greed of human nature. The knowledge of the goblin tribe that transcends time collapsed under a series of impacts. In the end, all this , Are buried in the thick dust and smoke."

"What the **** is it?" I wondered: "The Moonlight City, which was once so prosperous and even known as the Holy City, has fallen to the present day?"

The high priest shook his head: "I can't say, but if you are curious about the fairies of the past, you can try to dig for yourself. There are some things, some things I can't do, but you can."

"I can... I don't even know the location of the ancient tomb, how can I dig it?"

"Although I know the location of most ancient tombs," the high priest said, "but I can't tell you."

"Uh, are you afraid that the mausoleum will be stolen because you told me the location, and you will feel inextricably guilty?"

"Not so" the high priest said: "If you find the old glory of the fairy clan because the tomb is stolen, I would rather you rob all the ancient tombs, but in fact, the reason why I didn't tell you the location was because of him. because."

"Can you tell me why?"

The high priest laughed and said nothing.

I was very angry at the high priest's smile without saying a word.

In order not to keep myself angry, I decided to change the topic: "You just said that the seas around the Hefeng Continent are very dangerous. In fact, before that, I have also heard people say that the vast sea around Hefeng Continent is very dangerous. Terrible existence, but they never explained what these dangerous and terrifying existences are. Can you help me answer this doubt?"

"The ocean is much larger than the land, and there are more species that grow in it, whether it is fish or monsters. The reason why we think it is dangerous is not entirely because of the giant sea beasts contained in it. Strange, it’s because most of us can’t survive in the ocean.” The high priest said: “Even with the assistance of magic, you can breathe in the ocean, but compared with the monsters that live in the water all the year round, no matter in terms of action, , Or in action, are much slower."

"Of course, in the vast ocean, there are also many tyrannical monsters. Some monsters are even more powerful than legendary heroes."

Hearing this, I can't help but complain: the legendary hero is really miserable, and it is always compared.

"In that case, the ocean is not that scary~" I said lightly.

"It is necessary to maintain awe," the high priest reminded.

After that, I asked a lot of mixed questions, but most of them were nonsense.

Finally it was dusk, and I followed the high priest to the restaurant.

As soon as I arrived at the restaurant, I saw Fenghuang and the others sitting around the restaurant honestly.

I blinked at Phoenix, and Phoenix smiled back at me.

As a result, this little action was seen by Barbara, who had sharp eyes, and she barked her teeth at me very uncomfortably, which frightened me.

Before the banquet began, the high priest said a few polite remarks, and then proceeded to the topic.

The content of the topic has been said before, I just hope that my wedding date can be extended.

After hearing the news of extending the wedding period, all the girls showed unhappy expressions, and Barbara was so unhappy that she pouted her arms and showed ten sharp claws.

The high priest was not surprised at this, she smiled and explained in detail the reasons for the delay in the wedding.

When they heard the phrase "war may be ignited soon", most of the girls present became restless.

"Your High Priest" Kagali stood up and said solemnly: "What are you saying is true?"

The high priest smiled and said, "Child, I don't have to deceive you."

"Oh, sorry" Kagali lowered her head and said, "I didn't distrust you, but because I was surprised, I lost my tone."

"It doesn't matter, child" the high priest said: "No matter who it is, when hearing things related to war, there will be an inexplicable restlessness. Even I can't avoid this restlessness. It's just because I have experienced so much and I am used to it. That's it."

"Is the war like in the novel, where several groups of people are fighting and fighting so terribly, even some people are still dead?"

Barbara asked, her eyes rounded.

"Yes, child" the high priest said: "Wars are deadly."

Barbara was instantly overwhelmed with sadness and anxiety: "Uh...that won't work, my wedding with Xiaoyi cannot be delayed, in case we are in war..."

Before Barbara finished speaking, the high priest said, "Don’t worry, my child, you don’t need to worry about this. Your future is clearly presented in my eyes. Although I can’t tell you what the future will be, You just need to trust him, trust your fiancé."

"It's going to be war and death, how can I believe it!" Barbara pouted and became even more worried.

Kagali walked to her, blocked her gaze, and said firmly: "You should believe her. She is the high priest of our race and the most supreme prophet. She can see both the past and the future. , And her prediction has never been wrong, you have to believe her, believe her like you believe in Xiaoyi!"

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