Such things as alliances are already commonplace in Hefeng Continent.

For example, ten thousand years ago, humans formed an alliance to fight against tyrannical monsters.

For example, thousands of years ago, humans formed an alliance to fight against dungeon monsters.

Humans have formed alliances more than once, not to mention the guild alliances, there are simply too many to list.

The purpose of the alliance is very simple. They are all for benefit. The weak want to fight for the benefit, the strong want to preserve the benefit, and no one wants to suffer.

Just like right now, the Boulder Guild and our Guild form an alliance, and they also have their own interests.

I hope to rely on the alliance of the Boulder Guild to give other guilds who are hesitant to come and make friends with me, so as to grow and prosper.

Stowe didn't say his purpose, but he wanted to know that any guild hopes to be able to form an alliance with the five major guilds and form an alliance with the new heroic guild. This means that it will be attached to the iron wolf guild and the dwarf guild. This is simply It's welfare. If there are advantages, they don't take the bastard. They are not the bastards.

Regarding this, he doesn't say it thoroughly, I don't point it out, they both know it, and they are very close.

The contract was signed, a banquet was held, and the matter was announced to the entire Dasai City through the Dasai City Daily, and it was stirred vigorously.

For a time, in addition to the fierce and exciting battle for the hegemony, the most eye-catching is the alliance between the New Heroic Guild and the Boulder Guild.

Just as Stowe said, on the day the news was announced, negative news followed one after another. Various statements condemning the Giant Stone Guild for breaking away from the masses and clinging to the powerful and powerful slammed on the Giant Stone Guild and the New Heroic Guild.

Stowe was really a person, and in the face of tremendous pressure, he didn't say anything, what to do and what to do.

I also told Jin Siqi the whole story, and held a cadre meeting that night to tell all cadres that no matter how fierce the negative public opinion is, they should not know what they should do.

In this way, the two guilds greeted the negative news that hit us with a cold face.

As Stowe expected, the negative news broke within three days.

Mainly we have no attitude, and the media dare not want to make falsehoods. By the third day, there were very few people paying attention to this matter. Finally, the media decided to give up.

However, this matter is not that simple and it is not enough.

On the fourth day, a person who said he knew the inside story came out unexpectedly, and this person made the headlines instantly.

So the matter of the alliance was fired up again.

When Stowe met with me, he looked dumbfounded: "Who is that person?"

I shook my head: "I don't know."

"Then how dare you go against the wind?" Stowe doubted: "Aren't you afraid of enmity with us?"

"Maybe afraid too."

"Afraid of getting ahead?" Stowe frowned, his hands folded and clasped, his expression unhappy.

"There are always people who think that being in the limelight is more terrible than death."

Holding my chin, I thought for a moment, turned to Jin Siqi, and said, "What do you think?"

Jin Siqi thought for a while and said, "He probably did it on purpose."

"Huh?" Me, Stowe, and Harold, in unison, were puzzled.

"Have you ever thought about the alliance between our two guilds, who is the biggest loser?" Jin Siqi asked.

I thought for a while and said, "Blacksmith?"

Generally large guilds have their own blacksmiths, or hire blacksmiths to station at high prices.

The same is true for the Boulder Guild.

The original blacksmiths of the Boulder Guild were hired from outside. Most of the outside blacksmiths were orc masters, who were hired with high salaries. Please teach them to teach the guild’s blacksmith apprentices. After they are released, they will let the finished blacksmith apprentices. Oh, this time is no longer a blacksmith apprentice. , But the blacksmith, let the master blacksmith serve the guild.

It often takes several years to complete a set of procedures, and it costs a lot of money, not only to pay for the metal materials, but also to pay a huge learning fee to the master blacksmith.

Especially now, the Boulder Guild is growing stronger and needs more blacksmiths, so the guild has to admit more blacksmith apprentices on the original basis to cultivate and grow.

In order to ensure that each apprentice can have a good character, the guild had to invest again and hire a large blacksmith to teach one-on-one.

As a result, it costs more.

But since forming an alliance with my guild, old Paqi and other goblin craftsmen have settled in the Boulder Guild as a guest, or recruited friends, and recruited all the craftsmen and friends to help together.

And the Boulder Guild no longer needs to pay huge fees. It only needs to pay daily wages, plus external recruitment fees, plus favors. Well, combined, it is less than one-third of the cost of hiring a master craftsman. .

In this way, those master craftsmen who might have been hired from outside have lost a lot of income and are naturally unwilling to take this opportunity to vent their anger. It is understandable.

"Master craftsmen won't do this kind of thing, Xiao Yi" Jin Siqi shook her head and smiled: "They are all rich and famous, and they won't lose the good reputation they have accumulated for many years because of this."

It's always a little bit disappointed to be dismissed in one sentence, but Jin Siqi also makes sense. Since the master craftsman can be called a master, he must have excellent craftsmanship and a great reputation.

People with great reputation will not ruin their reputation for a single sum of money.

Thinking of this, I can't help but feel ashamed of my little family.

Harold thought for a while and said, "Could there be any competitors?"

He explained: "It's the guild that always competes with you on weekdays."

This makes sense.

Opponents who often compete with each other on weekdays suddenly climbed into power and soared into the sky. He is bound to have an idea: why is he so lucky!

So hate, thinking of the law to discredit him, demolish his stage, this is not impossible.

After all, no one wants their competitors to live better than themselves.

"The civil guild is committed to the people, and never confronts the powerful. Where are the enemies?" Jin Siqi said, she passed a bunch of materials to Harold, and said: "Look at the above, there are few records. A guild that is hostile to the Boulder Guild is also because the Boulder Guild is more popular than them, and I have sent someone to inquire secretly. The presidents of those guilds said that they do not hate the Boulder Guild, but are not reconciled to Dasai. The dedication of the city’s civilians is less than that of him. Such a guild dedicated to the people will not make a big fuss about the alliance between the Giant Stone Guild and us."

Harold speaks, took the document, flipped through a few pages, the old face blushed, and he was very ashamed.

Jin Siqi turned to Stowe and said, "Mr. Stowe, what do you think of this matter."

"Yeah" Stowe thought for a while, and said, "It may be the work of those organizations that benefit from us."

"Please elaborate" Jin Siqi said.

"As you know, my Boulder Guild needs more money and materials because of its rapid development, but we serve the common people, and most of the ways to obtain money are mob spamming and guarding work. So many times, we have to rely on those The loan shark organization helped to mediate the empty treasury. Since the alliance with you, thanks to the care of President Jin Siqi, I can borrow from you at very low interest to supplement the domestic demand, but this approach greatly harms the interests of the loan shark organization, so I think this person may be one of the means of revenge for these organizations."

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