The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 1284: Request from the Iron Wolf Guild

As soon as I stepped into the gate of the New Heroic Guild, I saw Harold walking towards me quickly.

"Go" he said.

"where to?"

"Iron Wolf Guild."

Concentrated, I glanced at him and found that his eyebrows were filled with anxiety, and asked, "Something happened?"

He shook his head and replied: "Nothing happened."

I was surprised and couldn't help asking: "Why are you so anxious?"

"Monroe waited for an hour. Seeing that you didn't come back, I went back to the guild first. Before leaving, I told me to let him know when you come back. But I think it's better to lead you there." Harold said: "After all, we Discord first."

"Monroe has something to do with me?" I thought about it, and said, "What is he looking for with me?"

"He didn't say," Harold said, "I didn't ask much, just follow me anyway."

Follow Harold, come to the gate of the Iron Wolf Guild, report your name and explain your intentions, and the guard will let him go.

This is the branch guild established by the Iron Wolf Guild in Balan City, and its scale and luxury are no less than the Golden Flame Guild in Eri City.

In the spacious promenade, many guild staff are running around. Some of these people are adventurers, and the other part is responsible for other aspects, such as food, such as secretaries.

"It's a match for hegemony now" I asked Harold in a low voice, "Why don't they go to watch the game?"

"Iron Wolf Guild’s daily affairs are many and complicated. The staff have been working hard to deal with these tasks every day. How can I have the energy and time to watch the game."

"It's so hard!" I couldn't help sighing.

Combined with the busy scene in front of me, I think about my lazy family members, uh, always feel so sad.

I went straight to the door of the president's office and knocked on the door. A familiar voice came from inside: "Please come in."

Pushing the door open, Monroe was lying halfway on the sofa, chatting with the capable man sitting at the desk.

Obviously, that capable man is the president of this branch guild. As for Monroe, he is only the messenger sent by the headquarters to contact me.

But anyone can tell that Monroe has several heads of guild leaders in terms of momentum and status.

"Xiao Yi is here."

With a grunt, Monroe got up from the sofa, took two steps forward, and shook hands with me.

"Here," I smiled. "Long time no see, Monroe."

"It's been a long time indeed" he also smiled.

After shook my hand for a while, I said, "Keep the greetings for a while and talk about it later. Why are you looking for me this time?"

He was silent for a second, and said: "I won't be oblivious, just tell you, I'm here this time by the president's order, and I beg you for help."

"Oh?" I wondered: "The famous Iron Wolf Guild needs help from a small character like me?"

"You are not a small character," Monroe said: "Just your identities that can be investigated are enough to shock everyone who has investigated you."

"Stop being official, let's talk about business," I said, "What's the matter?"

"Goblin assistance team" Monroe said: "I hope you allow them to be stationed personnel of my guild. It is not necessary for all personnel to be stationed in, just a few of them are fine."

"Why don't you talk to the president of the Dwarf Guild about this matter?" I wondered: "He is the one who has the ultimate control over this team."

"No" Monroe shook his head and said, "Don't confuse me anymore. I have investigated it clearly. Except for the two kings of Fort Witch, you are the one who really has the authority to control this team."

This is all investigated...

Fortunately, he still doesn't know that it is not the twin kings of Fort Witch that really dominates this, but Master Dewey.

"Well, since you already know it, I won't hide it anymore. You are right. I do have the right to control them, but I will not send them out at will. Although we are allies, you should be clear. Their value to me is far greater than your value to me, and their relationship with me is far closer than your relationship with me. Therefore, if you want me to help, give me a reason first."

"I guessed you would say that." A wise light flashed in Monroe's eyes, and he smiled slightly, and said: "Recently, the alliance between the New Heroic Guild and the Boulder Guild seems to have something unpleasant. "

"Cut, I guessed you would talk about it," I said slightly uncomfortable.

"Don't be so upset," Monroe said, "Although this matter may have some bad effects on your guild, it also has a good side."

"The good side?" I sneered: "Could it be for you to create and make me owe you favors?"

"Never mind favors" he smiled and waved his hands: "Everyone is friends."

"Since you have said so, it is hard for me to refuse, but there are a few issues I have to figure out."

"But it's okay to ask."

"The first question, why does your guild assist the squad in stationing?"

Monroe said: "Our president was once fortunate to witness the power of explosives. I feel that this kind of thing can enhance the guild's overall strength and reduce unnecessary casualties."

"Have you seen the power of explosives exploding?" I said suspiciously: "I remember that explosives are still one of the secrets of Dasai City. Unless members of the royal family, it is impossible to see them."

"Well, I guess it won't last long for you. Let's put it straight, our president is a direct descendant of the royal family, the eldest son of the orc king."

I couldn't help but blurted out: "No wonder the Iron Wolf Guild is so awesome, it turned out that the eldest son of the Orc King took over!"

"No, you are not right" Monroe explained: "The eldest son has only recently taken over as the president of our guild. Our previous president was the Lord Orc King."

Oh, the co-authored Iron Wolf Guild was run by the royal family, and it was still a meditation system. The father abdicated and the children took over.

"Well, I know the first question, and then the second question, why not let the members of the assistance team teach you skills, but let them be stationed in the guild?"

After hearing this question, Monroe hesitated for a moment, made up his mind, and said: "This question is actually not easy to answer, because it may affect the relationship between you and the president."

"I have a fart relationship with him, and I have something to say."

This rude wording made the branch guild president standing by frowned.

Monroe shook his head and smiled: "I really can't help you. Say it first. Even if I say, you can't go back."

"Say it," I said.

"Although the president also thought that it would be more convenient for the people who assisted the team to teach us skills, in the end, he gave up this plan because he was a little worried, to be precise, a little afraid."

"Afraid? What are you afraid of?" I asked casually. Seeing that there was no response, I looked up at Monroe and found that Monroe was looking at me intently. A strange feeling came to my heart. I pointed to myself and couldn't help asking. : "He is afraid of me?"

Monroe nodded.

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