When I read through all the documents I submitted, I found an interesting phenomenon.

All medium-sized nobles can write more and no less, but most small nobles are just a few words, even a little perfunctory.

I did not pursue them on the spot, but took the paper back to the guild and showed it to Boss Ren.

"What do you think of this matter?" I asked.

"Obviously, medium-sized aristocrats do not mainly focus on jewelry store shares. There are definitely other businesses under their name. Therefore, they are not worried about being abandoned after you take advantage of them. But small aristocrats are different. Most of these are just a few words. Most of them pay attention to jewelry stores. The shares do not want to be removed, so I use this as a condition to protect myself. As for those who are perfunctory, I am afraid that they have already transferred their property and are ready to leave the jewelry store at any time."

"Well, it makes sense" I nodded and said, "If it was you, what would you do?"

"Kill the chickens and curse the monkeys" Boss Ren said: "Since I don't want to do it, I will get rid of it, but the means must be harsh."

"How to be ruthless?" I asked.

"Confiscate property and spit out the stolen money" Boss Renne said slowly.

I added: "How about depriving them of the title of nobility?"

"If you do that, you need to restrict their actions," said the boss of Rennes.

"Yes, one shot, no worries for life" I sneered: "I want them to never turn over!"

In the morning and afternoon of the next day, I had two meetings respectively, the content still hoped that they can disclose all the secrets of the jewelry store.

However, as before, the medium-sized aristocrats and some small aristocrats have no secrets. The vast majority of small aristocrats still speak only a few words, but the content involved is more than before. The last part of the small aristocrats is still perfunctory.

That afternoon, after I finished reading the last document, the door of the conference room was pushed open, and several orcs in neat dress came in and handed me a stack of schedules, which clearly recorded the jewelry store since its opening. All accounts, including every bill consumed by the nobles present.

To match the accounts of my medium-sized nobles and small-sized nobles, I didn't look at them, and left them aside.

For those little nobles who are more compatible with me but still pay attention to the accounts, I havetily read through it several times, and pointed out a few of the accounts that were not counted, asked for compensation, or admitted mistakes and corrections.

Finally, I opened every account of my little nobleman who was perfunctory.

Check one by one, check thoroughly one by one, record all the wrong accounts, accounts of unknown origin, and even false accounts, calculate the amount, and then pass it to everyone.

"Like money, this is natural and understandable, but random corruption is crime, and fraudulent accounts, which is even more hateful." My gaze swept across the faces of those perfunctory little nobles, and said slowly: "These You have made up the lost accounts today."

"Why!" One of the little nobles stood up and said angrily: "Why should I give you the money to make contributions? What I did was allowed by the previous boss!"

I nodded and said, "What you said makes sense, but you still have to make up the money. If you have any dissatisfaction, you can ask the previous boss to make sense."

"Unreasonable! Unreasonable!" A little older nobleman who was also perfunctory to me stood up, blushed, and said angrily: "You are a commoner, how dare you insult me ​​and other nobles so much, tell you that I have a relationship with the lord of the city. , If you don’t apologize right away, I will let you die tomorrow!"

"I'll wait and see what you can do to make me doom tomorrow" I looked at him and sneered.

"Okay, wait!" He gritted his teeth, walked quickly to the door, opened the door and left.

However, a group of adventurers had already been guarded outside the door. When someone came out, it was not me. He immediately raised his weapon, sharp and sharp, and pointed at his throat and face door. He was surprised to plop and sit on the ground.

After breathing again and again, he came back to his senses, turned to me, and said angrily: "What are you going to do!"

"If you don't do anything, just let you pay back the debt."

"If I don't pay it back!" he said furiously.

"If you don't return it, you can't get out of this door."

The door was closed again, and the little nobleman who had been frightened to sit on the ground also got up, sitting back to his original position with a flushed face, with a face of shame and anger.

"You are imprisoned!" Another perfunctory nobleman stood up and said angrily: "Do you know what the charge is for imprisoning aristocrats!"

"I do not know."

"Well, let me tell you, stiff noble..."

"I don't want to know" I interrupted him roughly, and then stared at him with indifferent eyes, and said coldly, "Are you sure, are you still a nobleman?"

"What do you mean by this?" He was puzzled, and his voice was flustered.

"It means literally."

I winked at the orc beside me. He took out a volume of documents from his arms, spread it out, and read it once. The nobleman who was present, perfunctory my noble, was completely paralyzed.

It's not a sick paralysis, but a loss of strength all over, like a salted fish paralysis.

At that moment, they lost their goals, their ideals, and their hopes.

The paper used in that roll of documents, including the patterns on it, was recognized by every nobleman present, and that was the special paper used by the great nobles in the area.

The above content is also very simple, just one sentence, which also contains a few names, exactly the same as the names of the little nobles who perfuse me.

The meaning of the document is simpler: deprive the noble title of the person who reads the name, and at the same time take back his fief and restrict his range of activities.

"You are no longer aristocrats" I said lightly: "So, my behavior is not offensive to the aristocracy. At the same time, in view of your previous rude behavior and the crime of corruption and false accounting, I decided to deprive you of your shares. , Equally distributed to other nobles."

Immediately, the little nobles who perfunct me were all dead faces, full of unlovable faces.

A few of them reacted quickly, crying and rushing forward, begging me to show kindness to them, but before they could say a few words, they were stopped by my people and threw them out the door.

"Really, too noisy" I murmured.

Afterwards, after saying hard to the orcs around him, he sent them back.

These orcs are accountants that I borrowed from the Iron Wolf Guild, and now it's time to let them go back.

After that, I continued to hold meetings with others.

This time, the meeting was cleaned up a lot, and at the same time, I also felt the fearful look of the nobles present.

"Today I took back a lot of shares," I said: "But I don't intend to take them for myself. I decided to distribute them and distribute them to each of you. Everyone will make profits together and make a fortune together."

In the meeting room, there was a short-lived uproar, and many aristocrats' fearful gazes were filled with awe.

"However, I still said that. If you have any secrets, you can just tell me and limit it to noon tomorrow. This is the last chance. It is out of date."

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