The so-called great aristocracy also has the distinction of respect and inferiority.

For example, the city lord of Balan, and the great nobles in charge of jewelry shops.

Both are great nobles, but the latter depends on the face of the former.

This is the difference between status and status.

The Hefeng Contest, the ten-strong contest, is in full swing.

Now, it is no longer a game of winning or losing, but a round robin.

In other words, each of these ten teams will have to compete with each other once, and the result of the competition will be determined according to the number of wins and losses.

The more wins, the greater the chance of appearance.

Currently, the top three are the Dwarf Guild, Moonlight City Rose Legion, and Iron Wolf Guild.

Among them, the Dwarf Guild temporarily held a record of complete victory, the Moonlight City Rose Legion only lost two games, and the Iron Wolf Guild also lost two games.

Then there are the Rose Legion of Dasai City, the Golden Flame Guild and the Silver Wing Guild, etc.

Among them, the Golden Flame Guild and the Silver Wing Guild had the same number of defeats, only one less defeat than the guild that followed.

Various versions of rumors continue to circulate among the neighborhood teahouses, most of which are that the seats of the five major guilds in the Hefeng Mainland are about to change, and the Golden Flame Guild and the Silver Wing Guild may be replaced by later ones.

Or maybe the waves behind the river push the waves forward, and the Golden Flame Guild and Silver Wing Guild may be over.

Such negative talks could not be stopped, and it soon overwhelmed the ‘obscure reason for the alliance between the New Valor’s Guild and the Boulder Guild’, and the momentum was higher and higher.

No wonder news is loved by everyone and no one mentions old news. This is an indisputable fact.

Although he was squeezed out of the No. 1 hot list, this Liangzi was still formed.

I am not a gentleman, and I don’t have the idea of ​​forgiving and forgiving. Whoever retaliates against me, I must retaliate back, even if the other party promises not to commit another crime, I will still do it.

What's more, the slander in the past few days has doubled the pressure on the New Heroic Guild and the Boulder Guild. The members of the two guilds cannot live normally. No matter where they go, there will be people who will give pointers and make irresponsible remarks.

Like gossip, this is one of the most basic human emotions, not to mention the traffickers and pawns.

What I hate is those who spread gossip.

I have the patience to be angry with me, I have nothing to say, I immediately challenged, even in the face of Achilles-level opponents, I will not back down.

I was tough on the front and I was defeated because I was not as skilled as others.

Acting behind your back makes me unhappy, so I can't help but hate you.

I have always had only one way to deal with people who hate, to cut the grass and roots, and never be soft.

Still not going to watch the game, I came to the basement of the New Heroic Guild early. The location map of the lending organization has been identified, but there is only one place.

"There should be more than one place, right" I said to boss Ren: "What do you think?"

"Cunning Rabbit Three Caves" he replied.

It seems that the boss of Rennes also agrees with me.

It seems that we need to contact the messenger again.

As the saying goes, put a long line and catch a big fish.

In order to find out the exact position, I decided to pretend to be counseled for the time being.

Before noon, the messenger came again with eyebrows, and when he saw me, he straightened his chest and shy his belly. He called me all sorts of brothers and sisters, which made me feel sick.

I took him to the financial office, showed him the accounts, and took out 20% of the profit in person and handed it to him.

"Sorry, big brother, brother, I just arrived here for the first time, so I made so much profit, you forgive me."

I pretend to be humble.

"What's the matter!" The messenger rolled his eyes and said with an awe-inspiring expression: "Everyone is your own. If you don't have it, you can do it, eldest brother, I will help you with it!"

"Thank you, brother" I am grateful.

"you are welcome!"

After all, he smacked his lips, patted his stomach, and said, "Well, it's noon in a blink of an eye, brother, have you eaten, do you want to give you a meal?"

"Don't, I can't stand it like this" I hurriedly said: "How can I ask my eldest brother to invite me? I ask eldest brother, who? You can help buy some good wine and meat. It doesn't matter if it is expensive. If you can get the grade, I ask Brother eat!"

Winking her eyes at a clerk girl, she knew it, and ran out.

Not long after, the table was filled with wine and vegetables, and the messenger smiled openly.

I have to say that this clerk girl is very knowledgeable and understands my thoughts of'just count, not measure'.

Actually speaking, the wine and dishes on this table are really not expensive. Together they are not even as high as the price of a piece of jewelry in the store, but the quantity is really large, the dishes are really big, the jug is also scary, and it is full of wine. With a sniff, I knew at least half a pot of water was in it.

The wine mixed with water is not good to drink, but the focus is on the grandeur, the imposing family, just look at it, the messenger is satisfied, plus a bunch of money in hand, the mood is naturally happy, and bad wine can also taste good .

After drinking and meat, it was already afternoon. I sent the messy messenger out of the door. I went back to the shop and found out the personal information of the errand clerk girl. I read it roughly and made sure that he had no background, no education, and only stayed at the Adventurer Academy. A few years later, because of a poor family, he dropped out of school and went to work in a jewelry store. It lasted ten years.

However, I think she is only less than twenty in the age column. I am afraid that when she was hired, she was less than ten.

I was slightly surprised, but then it became clear. After all, this is the Hefeng Mainland, and child labor is not illegal.

So she was called into the office for questioning.

"Your name?" I asked.

"Anna" she replied, a little nervous.

"Anna, what happened today" I paused, looked at her panicked expression and her big eyes that were both expectant and nervous, and suddenly smiled and said, "You did a good job."

She let out a sigh of relief, and stood up again nervously.

"Don't be nervous," I said: "I just want to talk to you for a few words, I don't mean anything."

"Yes, the manager."

"I've read your resume. You came from a poor background. After only a few years at the Adventurer Academy, you dropped out of school and went to work, right?"

"Yes, yes" she said.

"I ask you, what did the former store manager do to you?"

Anna glanced at me carefully, opened her mouth, but did not answer a word.

"Don't be afraid" I said: "I'm just doing a consultation, wanting to know the attitude of the former store manager to each employee, and how you treat him."

Seeing that she was still nervous.

I sighed lightly, shook my head, and said, "Since you are so nervous and afraid of him, don't say it."

"The former store manager...he is very bad."

A small voice like a mosquito and fly came from Anna's mouth.

"Huh?" I raised my head and said, "What's wrong, let's talk about it."

"He is very stingy, and his thoughts are very dirty. He always wants to take advantage of our sisters" Anna said, watching my expression carefully. Seeing my expression indifferent, she continued: "The sisters in the store almost hate him, but who I dare not say, I am afraid of deductions."

"Then why don't you choose to leave here?" I wondered.

"I want to leave, but I dare not" she whispered: "The former store manager has something to do with some terrible people. Whoever ran away, if caught, will definitely be killed!"

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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