Anna's words are very subtle.

I not only heard her complaint, but also her caution.

What a terrible person, to put it bluntly, is a lending organization.

But she didn't say, maybe she didn't dare to say, from the disgusting eyes that she showed when she saw the messenger, and the actions she chose to avoid subconsciously when the messenger's eyes swept over her, I can conclude that she at least knew him.

It's no wonder that she has been in the store for ten years, and she is still very smart, how could she not know some inside stories.

Moreover, the reason why she was able to say that to me just now was probably through observing her words and feelings, thinking that I also had no good feelings for the messenger, so she took the risk to say it.

Thinking of this, I squeezed my chin and asked her: "Do you know the one who came to the store to collect the money just now, the fat man with wicked eyes?"

"...I have seen" Anna cautiously.

"Let go, to be honest, I won't blame you."

"I...really just saw it" Anna said hesitantly.

When I asked directly, I couldn't get the answer, so I chose to ask from the side: "Then where did you see it?"

"In the store" Anna said, "He always comes to the store to collect protection fees."

"He was the one who negotiated with the former boss?"

She nodded.

"Then do you know how much the monthly payment was when the previous boss was?"

She pondered for a moment and said: "I know..."

"Not 20% of the total profit, right?"

"No" She lowered her head, her voice faint, as if she had done something wrong.

"Look up and talk," I said: "I didn't blame you, I just chatted and got some specific information."

Anna nodded, but looking at her expression, she still didn't seem to trust me.

However, as long as she still answers my question, it is enough.

"Actually I knew from the beginning that the messenger was lying to me."

Looking directly at Anna's eyes, I said lightly: "But I still call him brothers, do you know why?"

She shook her head.

"Because I want to know, in this case, who will understand my true mind, and who dare to take risks and tell me the truth."

As I said, I turned my gaze to her again and said: "I gave you the opportunity, but you don't seem to want it."

Anna trembled, anxious expression on her face.

Although she has ten years of social experience, she is still a teenager, and sometimes she still can't hide her feelings.

"Really, don't you plan to have this opportunity?" I smiled and said: "It is possible that this will be my last chance for you."

The girl was very nervous, she stood in front of me, tangled.

I lowered my head and pretended to work, but Yu Guang was sneaking at her.

"That, boss" Anna's voice was not much louder than a mosquito.

I pretended not to hear, and continued to read the information.

She bit her lip and raised her volume: "Boss!"

"Huh?" I looked up: "Something?"

She nodded.

"Say it."

"The messenger" she bit her lip, and finally decided: "I've seen it."

"Oh?" I nodded, "Tell me, everything you know."

Then, Anna explained everything she knew about the messenger.

After listening to her, my face sank.

Unexpectedly, the boss of the loan organization I was looking for turned out to be the messenger.

This is the gaffe of the drunk boss that Anna overheard. After all, he speaks the truth after drinking. Most of these words are not false.

In amazement, I admire the boss who came to explore the depths of the boss under the guise of a messenger.

Pretending to be a messenger here, calling me brothers, and showing satisfaction with a table of cheap wine and vegetables, I am afraid, this guy has always doubted my identity.

It is no wonder that the missing of the jewelry store owner is unknown. The new owner is so young and seems to have nothing to do with the previous owner. These doubts are enough to cause doubt.

After pondering for a long time, I raised my head, only to realize that the girl in front of me was staring at me nervously, and dare not let out the atmosphere.

"Oh, forgot, you are still there." I smiled reluctantly and said: "You are very good, you have worked hard, starting tomorrow, you will no longer be a salesperson."

Anna listened, her eyes flushed, tears burst down, her voice trembled, and she begged: "Please, boss, don't fire me. My family is waiting for me to make money and eat. If I do not do well, You can beat me and scold me..."

"Stop" I interrupted her, wondering: "Have I said I will fire you?"

She was startled and sobbed: "Then what you just said..."

"I just said that you don’t need to be a salesperson anymore. Starting from tomorrow, you will act as an assistant store manager. I need loyal and smart people to help me take care of the store’s affairs. At the same time, report to me Things that interest me, I think, you should know those things that interest me."

Anna's ground was red with excitement, and the moments of sorrow and joy made her lose her thinking, like a wooden sculpture.

After a while, she recovered and hid her face and wept: "Yes, the manager, I know."

Before she left the room, I stopped her and gave her a few gold coins: "Find someone, tailor a good outfit, don't lose the appearance of the deputy store manager."

She was grateful, and walked away quickly.

Leaning on the sofa thinking for a while, I stood up, changed my clothes, and quickly walked out of the jewelry store and returned to the New Heroic Guild.

In the basement.

I told Boss Rennes the information I got.

The boss of Rennes pondered for a moment, and said: "I also suspect that this person may be the boss, but there is no definite evidence for the time being."

"You said, would he be one of the bosses?" I asked: "It's like a jewelry store, with many shareholders."

"It should be like this" Boss Renne said: "However, it must be difficult for this person to dare to take risks and test you personally."

"I think so too, you said, does he already know that I am a member of the New Heroic Guild?"

"No" Boss Renne shook his head and said: "He will only suspect that you are, and if there is no evidence, he can only doubt."

"Did you send any useful information to those two young people who were let go?" I asked.

"Birds that are released do not rush back to their cages" Boss Rennes said: "You have to be patient and believe in their desire for life."

"I'm afraid, there are more than one or two lives," I said with a smile while squeezing my chin.

"Of course" Boss Rennes said, "and their most cherished family."

"Then I will wait for the good news."

"You have to be prepared these days" Boss Renne said: "I suspect that the boss might send someone to attack you."

"You said he was going to kill me?"

"No, he will send an adventurer to hurt you" Boss Renne said lightly: "This is a test to find out if you are an adventurer."

"It's not enough to let the people who hurt me disappear" I said: "I am very good at this, and if the average adventurer is sent, I can quietly make them disappear."

"No" Boss Rennes shook his head and said, "When they do it to you, that boss will definitely peep somewhere. When you do, you must pretend to be injured, and pretend to be like."

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