The lord of York City is stuck in speech, with a funny expression.

The rhetoric before, instantly turned into endless silence, which was simply ridiculous.

He is not stupid, you can see that in my villa, not to mention that it is him, even Achilles, also has a weak three-pointer.

The strongest young generation in York Seoul, Bai Yunying, the strongest young generation in Moonlight City, Emily, and the male compatriots who seem to be very vicious, as well as the girls who look bad, and the one who has been drinking, Father Taylor who didn't even look at him.

With such a lineup, he must be counseled, not counseled, it is a fool.

The Lord of York City is not a fool, so he persuaded.

The persuaded City Lord of York City looked much more comfortable than the tough and tough City Lord of York City.

At the very least, he no longer spit on a bunch of extremist manifestos.

"Since you have nothing to say, well, let me add two more words. First, Bai Yunying is my fiancée, and I have the right to protect her, even at all costs. Second, this is the first time you have forced an important person. , For your sake of cultivating Bai Yunying, I let you go as if none of this happened, but I hope this will be the last time, because my patience is limited and it is impossible to tolerate you endlessly. Even if you are the lord of York City, you can't."

The City Lord of York City was silent for a moment, then suddenly turned his head and said to Bai Yunying: "You really refuse to go back with me?"

Bai Yunying shook her head.

His staring boss said, "Then you will never go back, and York City is no longer your hometown. It will only be your enemy!"

After hearing this, Bai Yunying's body trembled slightly, and I let out a sneer.

"What are you laughing at!" The City Lord of York City said bluntly.

"I laugh that you are too representative. You are just the lord of York and Seoul, and you still speak up, thinking that you can represent the people's ideas." I sneered: "Do you think that the people of York and Seoul will listen to you?"

"Of course I will listen." He straightened his chest and said proudly: "Those are my people, not the same as this traitor!"

"If the City Lord of York City changes, will they still listen to you?" I narrowed my eyes and said coldly, "Will they still listen to the new City Lord?"

"What are you going to do!" The City Lord of York City was shocked, his voice trembled slightly.

"Xiaoyi" Bai Yunying whispered, she looked at me worriedly and put her little hand on the back of my hand.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to him, at least not in Dasai City."

After that, the City Lord of York City left without looking back. All that was left was the hatred of me and the anger of losing face.

However, I, who had anticipated this for a long time, had no fluctuations in my heart.

In the afternoon, the second game was played. The two sides of the game were the Silver Wing Guild and the Dwarf Guild.

The Dwarf Guild is worthy of being the strongest guild in the Hefeng Continent. With its fierce attack from the Silver Wing Guild, it crushes it forcibly with its sturdy strength.

The whole battle was over in less than twenty minutes.

The face of the City Lord of York City was red to purple with anger, but he was helpless.

After the banquet, I told the Elf Queen of what happened at noon today. After hearing this, the Queen smiled: "It's really not as good as a generation, and he is not even as good as he was when he was young."

"Have you seen him when he was young?" I couldn't help but wonder.

"I haven't met" the elf queen said: "But grandma has seen him. When he was young, he was very courageous, and even dared to challenge the majesty of Moonlight City. Although grandma was angry at his behavior, she also appreciated it. His boldness and courage."

"Oh" I probably have a count in my heart, and 80% of it is related to the event of monopolizing the mine.

After the game, the dwarves drank and celebrated in the guild, dragging me, Princess Aurora and Mi Lulu, and the carnival did not end until the evening.

With the drunk Mi Lulu under my left arm and the drunk Princess Aurora under my right arm, I went back to the villa with a helpless look.

Leave the two girls to Phoenix and the others to take care of them. I was about to go into the room to rest. Suddenly I realized that Barbara looked wrong, um, how can I say it was a bit unnatural, so I stepped forward and said with concern: "What's wrong with you?"

Barbara pouted her mouth and her ears trembled slightly, which was a sign of fright.

"Has anyone bullied you?" I asked again.

She still didn't speak, but Lilea next to her spoke: "We went to the field today and encountered a rogue pervert."

"and then?"

"Then just when I was about to take the shot, those rogue satyrs died," Lilea said calmly.

"Uh, you are going to make a move, that is to say, if you didn't make a move, how did they die?" I wondered.

"It's not the sword you gave to Catwoman," she said: "It went out of the sheath abruptly, made an arc, and flew back into the sheath."

"Then what?" I asked.

"Then they all died. They were all dead. They were all killed instantly." Lilya said, "However, Catwoman may be the first time I saw someone with such a terrible death. She was frightened. This is how we come back. After that, I looked at Tyler, and Tyler said she would just take a two-day rest."

Listening to this, I was busy comforting Barbara, and continued to soothe her frightened little mind by touching her head.

Barbara was in my comfort and fell asleep slowly.

Then, I asked Lilea: "What are you going to do on-site inspection?"

"The location of the cafe," Li Leia said: "The lady boss plans to run a cafe here."

"The land here is not so easy to buy, right?" I thought for a while and said, "Anyway, this is also the most prosperous town in Dasai City."

"Buy?" Lilya shook her head and said, "There is no need to buy."


"Because someone will take the initiative to send the title deed over," she said and called the lady boss. The lady boss was washing the dishes. When Lilea called her, she rolled up her sleeves and came out. She gave me a domineering look and said hello: "Yeah, Xiaoyi is back."

"Back" I replied with a smile.

Li Leia said: "Boss, help bring the title deed to Xiao Yi to have a look~"

"The title deed is in my room, I am busy now, let Xiaoyi take it by himself."

Hey, why don't you let Lilea bring it for me?

I am very dissatisfied.

Lilea spread her hands at me: "The boss said, ask you to take it yourself, it's hard work~"

Her starry eyes twinkled, naughty like a little fox.

Take the title deed, open the bag, and read it roughly. At the end, when you see the land manager, it’s instantly clear

It's no wonder someone would take the initiative to send a land match, and it turned out that he was behind the arrangement.

I saw that next to the land manager, there were six upright characters: Duke Swift.

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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