The great nobles offered gifts, either asking for something, or repaying with kindness.

I don’t know if Duke Swift belongs to the former, the latter, or both.

However, no matter what the situation, it shows one thing, in his eyes, it is still useful and useful.

Just as he is to me.

"Not bad" I smiled, and handed the title deed back to Lilea, saying: "The plots of land are very good, with strong connections and constant contacts. They are a good place to be a cafe, but I don't quite understand how there is Rogue satyrs haunt those places."

Lilya curled her lips and said, "There will definitely be turmoil in the city of Ai Rui. There are quite a few people who fled here. They have no money or ability and are afraid of tiredness, so they can only go around and relax. See me and Catwoman. Looking around in this area, the appearance of a tourist, coupled with our natural beauty, will naturally be malicious in our hearts."

"This is a bit of a fire in the city, and it has the taste of pond fish." I couldn't help saying: "I really didn't expect that the turmoil in Ai Rui City actually disrupted the folk customs of Dasai City invisibly."

"Who said no!" Kagali who was sitting on the side said uncomfortable: "In the old Dasai city, it was simple and simple, with no roads, no closed doors at night, but now it's not good. Thefts happen frequently and robberies continue. Many old people lament the world. Today, however, the truth is that it is precisely because of the misbehaving human races who are making trouble in it that it disrupts order and morality!"

"Don't say it so ugly," Yura said: "Thieves and robbers are indeed hateful, but the real reason they came here is not because of the chaotic Erri City. In fact, the cause of all this is precisely The innocent city lord, with his two sons who are fooling around."

"Yes, I remember something" Kagali pinched her waist and said: "Noble girl, you seem to have a relationship with the Dasai City Lord Family?"

"Don't take things to me, we are just maternal relatives" Yula shrugged and said, "And almost never talk to each other."

Seeing Kagali and Yula's constant bickering, and Lilya's strong onlookers, the two are not helping each other, I'm very helpless looking at the lively expression of excitement.

Fortunately, Phoenix was well-behaved. She sat quietly on the other side of Barbara, like a mother, patted Barbara's body gently, and kept singing lullabies in a low voice.

Phoenix’s lullaby sounds ancient and very flavorful. She once told me that this lullaby was sung to her by her master. At that time, she was young, afraid of the dark, and always awake to sleep, so every time the master came When night fell, she would sing a lullaby softly to her. After listening, her heart was at ease, and after listening, she fell asleep.

When it comes to Phoenix's master, if it is not a necessary occasion, I usually never mention it-I am afraid that she will be sad.

According to Phoenix, her master entered the dungeon and never returned.

In my opinion, most of her masters suffered accidents and were buried in the dungeon before leaving such a cute and well-behaved apprentice and never returning.

However, Phoenix told me that her master is very powerful and it is impossible to be defeated by the monsters in the dungeon.

Since she said so, then I can’t refute it. The best thing to do is to believe that her master Ji Ren has a natural state, not to die in the dungeon, but to clear the dungeon and go where he wants to go. There was no way to come back for a while.

Closer to home, sleep peacefully all night.

Early the next morning, all of us, accompanied by Barbara, who was rejuvenated, went to the place that was not inspected yesterday and continued the inspection.

After many proposals, Barbara finally decided to build a big coffee shop on the most prosperous street corner.

Having said that, her eyes were shining, and the symbols of gold coins kept flying in her eyes.

After that, she looked at the proprietress eagerly, and said in kindness: "Aunt, what do you think of this place?"

The lady boss hugged and said domineeringly: "It's okay."

"Right, right~" Barbara said: "I want to open another cafe here, you see~~~"

"If you have something to say!" The lady boss knows Barbara's character too well, this little Nizi grew up with her.

"Hey~" Barbara looked like a well-behaved cat girl, and said: "I need funds...and manpower."

"The money will not be given to you" the lady boss said: "It is impossible to give you the manpower, you can find your fiance."

She buckled the pot on my head aggressively.

"Xiao Yi!" Barbara embraced her arms and instantly restored her queen's appearance: "I'm going to open a cafe here, you can figure it out!"

Everyone was amazed when Barbara changed her face quickly, and then she snickered.

I'm really ashamed, but it's my fiancee after all. If you are a little arrogant, you can be arrogant. As long as it's not a fool, it's easy to say anything.

So, without changing my face, I nodded and said, "Then open a cafe. You can ask Master Dewey for funding. As for the manpower, I will find a way."

After hearing this, Barbara was very satisfied, and happily asked Master Dewey for money.

Speaking of which, among the guys I know, who is suitable for the role of cafe staff?

It is impossible for goblins, although they are absolutely loyal to me, but if they are allowed to run a coffee shop, they will definitely set the price to an unacceptable level, and they will also charge a tip to every customer who has had coffee.

The dwarves are certainly not good either. They are born warriors, born craftsmen, and born master builders, but they are not suitable for running cafes.

Then there are only the Human Race, the Elf Race, and the Fairy Race.

The fairies won't work either, let's not say whether the Fairy Queen can agree, but I can't get through it.

The current situation is turbulent and tense. God knows whether Akahavi’s minions have reached this town. If the goblins sent there suddenly disappear, who can I talk to to reason?

Then only the human race and the elves are left.

Human words...

I suddenly thought of a plump round face and a cute and mischievous smile.

By the way, it's her, if you can find her, try to convince her!

After making up my mind, I set off immediately, took the magic airship, and went to Eri City.

The reason why he was so anxious was because he had to watch the game in the afternoon, the Moonlight City Rose Army, against the Silver Wings of York, Seoul.

I have always felt that the battle between the Rose Legion and the Silver Wing Guild is nothing to watch. A guild that has lost its guild leader can turn the sky upside down?

However, the elf queen said, you should come, after all, you are the elder of Moonlight City, and it is not good to be absent.

Since I promised the Elf Queen, I couldn't break my promise, so I rushed to Eri City in a violent posture.

After getting off the magic airship, I rushed to the adventurer's base for the first time.

I entered the base and searched for a circle, but did not find the foodie girl, so she asked people to find out that the foodie girl was dismissed because of a dispute with the rogue adventurer three days ago.

I used a coin to find out her address in Ai Ruicheng, I rushed over, and when I reached the place, I knocked **** the door a few times. In the room, a very unhappy voice came out: "Who? Let people not sleep!"

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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