I can refuse the invitation of the Lord of York City, because I and him regard each other as enemies.

I can also refuse the invitation of the city lord of Ai Rui. Anyway, I always have to meet on the battlefield, so there is no point in meeting now.

I can even refuse the invitation of the Elf Queen, saying that I can't get out of my body if something happens. Anyway, it's just a game, harmless, and not face.

But I really can't refuse the invitation of the Orc King who is the host and the highest leader of Dasai City.

This guy feels different to me from the Elf Queen. Although I have a normal relationship with the Elf Queen, I keep moving closer to my friends, and sometimes, as long as the issue of racial opposition is not involved, I can talk to her without any scruples. In my heart.

But the Orc King was different. He gave me a strong pressure. This pressure did not come from his status and dignity, but from his vision and attitude.

It's like a majestic father staring at his child.

If this feeling comes from Master Dewey, or the Dwarf King, or even the Goblin King, I can tolerate and accept it, because I am the godson of Master Dewey, the son-in-law of the Dwarf King, and I can barely be regarded as the godson of the Goblin King. .

But what is your orc king?

Why look at me with such a look?

Is it just because you are old?

If that's the case, next time I bring Mr. Taylor on, shouldn't you also bow to him and accept his stern look at his son?

With strong dissatisfaction in my heart, I went to the high platform for the appointment and sat next to the most distinguished person in Dasai City. I felt uncomfortable, as if wearing a set of clothes full of nails.

The orc queen sitting on the other side smiled at me and said gently, "Xiaoyi, have you eaten yet?"

"have eaten."

"If you are thirsty and hungry for a while, give an order and someone will bring you drinks and snacks."

Her tone was very gentle, and her smile was like a gentle breeze, which constantly eased my frustrated inner dissatisfaction and anxiety.

After hesitating, I nodded, took a long breath, sat up straight, and looked at the arena.

Today's game is the Iron Wolf Guild in Dasai City and the Rose Army in Dasai City.

The co-authors are all from the local guild of Dasay City.

I thought.

Suddenly, a thought came to mind: The Orc King specially invited me to watch the game this time. Wouldn't he want to show me the mighty power of Dasai City?

If this is the case, what is his purpose?

I remember that I had successfully encouraged Fort Witch and Dasai City to form an alliance, and at the same time guided the Elf Queen to agree to become a strategic ally with Dasai City based on the pros and cons of the town.

In the two towns that are related to me, I have already figured out a way to establish a good friendship between them and Dasai City. What else is he showing off to me?

Does he want Dasai City to become the leader?

What's a joke? Don't say whether the other two towns will agree or not, just relying on force alone, it will take less than a year for Fort Vitch to capture you Dasai City!

So what does he intend to do?

After thinking about it, I don't know exactly how the brain circuits in this sturdy and burly orc king turned around.

In the arena, the competition was extremely fierce. At the beginning, the Iron Wolf guild used a brutal attack method to push the Dasaicheng Rose Army to the corner, breathing hard. However, as the game time passed, the battle on the arena The trend began to change, with a few orc female warriors as the main attack, forcibly tore apart the encirclement of the Iron Wolf Guild, and then fought them together, and the entire arena became a stalemate.

The Legion of Roses deserves to be full of talents. Soon, fighters of a few special professions came to the fore. They brought the burly, strong and powerful male orc adventurers back and forth, and they were unable to fight back for a while!

Among them, I have seen Street Fighter with sturdy action and more sturdy fighting style. He is very proficient in his fists and kicks, especially in judo, which has a physical fitness that is ten times stronger than it looks. The marksmanship is quite gorgeous and the physical skills are also good. Quite a standard roaming gunner.

"Wonderful, simply wonderful!" The orc king slapped his legs and cheered.

Then he turned to me and said, "Xiao Yi, which side do you think can win?"

"I can't see it." I shook my head and answered honestly: "The battle scene is too stale. Any mistake may affect the direction of the battle."

"Well, you are right" the orc king said: "But, I am more optimistic about the Iron Wolf Guild."

"Do you think the Iron Wolf Guild will win?" I asked.

"No" he shook his head: "It will lose."

"Then why are you optimistic about it?" I wondered.

"Why can't people be optimistic about the loser?" The orc king said: "Who made it?"

I was shocked when I heard that, in this world of the weak and the strong, there are still people who tend to lose their feelings!

Oh, come to think of it, the current president of the Iron Wolf Guild is the eldest son of the Orc King.

As I was thinking about it, the Orc King continued: "I say this, not because the current president of the Iron Wolf Guild is my eldest son."

Huh? He can read mind? !

I was shocked immediately and looked up, only to find that the Orc King was watching the game very seriously. What I said just now was just casual.

It seems that he does not know how to read minds.

"The fighting style of the Iron Wolf Guild at the beginning is very consistent with my eldest son's character, sturdy and savage, but I like it because his character is like me, not like his mother." The orc king said in a grand manner: "I don't I hate winning with conspiracies, but I prefer straightforward victory. That kind of refreshment is something that anyone who wins by fraud can't taste!"

Why did his words suddenly turn to conspiracy?

Is it to express dissatisfaction with my conspiracy to end the lending organization?

But that's not for it!

I also want to hold a big sword and kill him seven in seven, but without conspiracy and tricks, I am afraid I can't even find the door of their organization, and I will kill him!

"But ah" the Orc King changed his words and said: "It is great to win straightforwardly, but it is difficult to beat the well-deployed and well-planned conspirators. Take the city lord of Ai and I as an example. Since my succession, we have There are no one hundred and eighty disputes between him, and the beginning and the result of each dispute are the same. I win first and then lose. Among them, there are many reasons hidden, and the most important The reason, in my opinion, is that I like to be straightforward, and he is better at conspiracy."

"Then why don't you learn to use more conspiracy and tricks?" I wondered.

"I'm not used to it, and it doesn't fit my character."

When he said this, his head was raised high, like a rooster fighting victoriously.

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