This desperate pride of the orc king, I seem to have met before, but for a while, I can't remember when I saw it.

"If you are not good at conspiracy and tricks, you can ask someone who can use conspiracy and tricks to be your prime minister." I said: "As long as the prime minister is loyal, you don't doubt it. The day when Dasai City wins Arri City in a row is just around the corner."

"Listen to this" orc king said: "I did do that, but ah, Xiaoyi, do you know why we still lose occasionally?"


"Because our orcs are innocent by nature and don't like killing and torture. Even if I use a scheming clan, I still can't match some of the methods of Ai Ruicheng. Therefore, I need a person who dares to do it and who does it hard."

The boss with wide-eyed eyes flashed with expectation and enthusiasm.

"That person wouldn't be me," I said jokingly.

"You guessed it," the orc king said: "It's you."


"Don’t doubt, I’ve been observing you for a long time. Apart from going straight, you are also good at conspiracy and trickery, and you are extremely ruthless. Almost as long as you are classified as a deadly enemy, as well as their family, you will not let go. , Even the most innocent baby." The orc king said: "To be honest, a guy like you, put it twenty years ago, I must be disgusted, but now it is different. I have become a monarch and rule the entire town. For many years, I have known the truth and cruelty of this world. Therefore, I understand you and appreciate you. Moreover, as you are now, I am indeed qualified to be my helper to help me reach the city and move forward. How about , Think about it, becoming my next prime minister, I can give you a generous treatment you can't imagine!"

"Thank you for your appreciation," I said, "Forgive me for the hardship."

As the top leader of Dasai City, there is not much difference between being rejected on the spot and being slapped on the spot.

I thought the orc king would be angry, but he didn't. He just watched me feverishly and said, "Why, give me a reason."

"Because I love freedom by nature~"

"speak English!"

"Ah, it's actually like this" I said: "I am a person who prefers a free and comfortable life. Basically, you can see me wherever you are comfortable and where you are comfortable, although the prime minister Highly powerful, but with all due respect, I don’t like the life of facing up and down, reporting meetings. What is the difference between that life and a hamster in a cage?"

"Yeah" The Orc King took a long breath, squeezed his chin and thought. After thinking for a while, he said, "What if it's just a name?"


"It's the same as your title of the elder of the tribe outside Moonlight City. When you really need you, you can show up again, and at other times, you are at your disposal."

"Can I get a salary?" I was instantly full of interest.

"This is nature" the orc king said: "The named prime minister is also the prime minister. I have rich material, rich resources, and ample treasury in Cyberjaya. It is not bad for your salary."

"That's it." I said hehe: "I did it."

There are cheap bastards!

I like this kind of work that is profitable and free.

While I was secretly happy, a question suddenly came to my mind, cooling down my joy and excitement - so many cruel human races, why did he look for me? Also, when did he start paying attention to me?

Converging the stiff smile on my face, I wondered: "Master Orc King, please forgive me for asking you a few questions."


"I'm cruel, I know about this, but in the human race, there are many cruel and cruel guys like me. Some people are even far better than me. Why do you want me to be your prime minister? I can't understand this. ."

"I am looking for you as the prime minister because I have been observing you for a long time and found that you are not repellent to the orcs. Apart from you, I have never seen any human race that does not wear colored glasses to see our people."

"That's it" I nodded: "I understand the first question, and there is another question. Since you said that you have been observing me for a long time, it means that I have attracted your attention a long time ago. Then I want to know why you paid attention. Come to me, is there any special factor in this?"

The orc king shook his head, smiled mysteriously, and said, "I can't answer this question, but I can tell you clearly that I have never had any intention of harming you. I just observe you as a bystander. , Nothing more."

Well, there is not much difference between answering the second question and not answering it.

Well, since the orc king refused to answer, he must have his own difficulties. It is a bad behavior to dig into the difficulties of others, although it is really cool to do so.

The whistle of the end of the game sounded, and the Rose Corps won the game with a tragic performance of more than half of the members.

As for the Iron Wolf Guild, all of them were too tired to get up.

The wound was quickly healed, and the fatigued were immediately sent back to the room on a stretcher to rest.

Before the orc king got up and left, told me to walk with him.

I don't understand, he said: "You will be with me for a while to express condolences to the future pillars of Darcy City, and at the same time, you may also announce your identity."

Although I wanted to go home and lie down and stare at the ceiling in a daze, I still agreed to the orc king's request and walked with him.

When she passed by with the Elf Queen, the Elf Queen kept wandering between me and the Orc King, and asked me with doubts, but I spread my hands and said that it is not suitable to answer her doubts.

After that, I went to the most luxurious hotel in Balan City with the Orc King. Before entering the door, the Orc King smiled at me and said, "I didn't expect you to make a lot of money on your first day as Prime Minister."

Not surprisingly, he must have known that this hotel is the property of Master Dewey, and also knew the relationship between Master Dewey and me, so he deliberately made fun of me with this.

Sighing, I said: "This place is my godfather's property. Give him all the money I earn, and I can't get a point."

"This is what you said," the orc king said: "Your godfather will have no heirs except you. When he gets older and retires behind the scenes, aren't these assets all yours!"

"My godfather is growing stronger now, and I don't want to take over the messy family business too early. As for the future of those assets, I am not interested in it. I just want to live today and live well now, and I will be satisfied. "

"Not bad" The Orc King laughed and said, "Same as I thought back then, just have fun in time, very good, I like it very much."

With that said, we both entered the gate, took the escalator to the top floor, and pushed the door open. The president of the Rose Legion and the contestants of Dasai City, and the president of the Iron Wolf Guild and the contestants were already waiting there. Whispering between each other, seeing the orc king coming, he immediately sat up and solemnly, and the hall was silent for a moment.

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