I got home all the way, entered the door, explained the situation, mobilized the family, and the bosses all agreed very simply. Jin Siqi also said that there is no problem. Father Taylor was stubborn for a while, but still could not resist my good or bad advice. As for Xiao Zhi, there is no choice for this product. As a pet of the guild, you must learn to cooperate with the guild's actions!

Seeing that everyone was almost there, I yelled at Billy who entered the room: "Don't dawdle with Godot, I'm leaving!"

Soon, the door to the room opened, and Billy looked puzzled and said, "Godot is not in the room."

"Godot?" The proprietress squeezed her chin and said, "Godot has never come back."

"What!" Billy panicked immediately.

Seeing that the scene was slightly chaotic, I stood up and took control of the court, and said, "Don’t worry, Jackson, you’ll take everyone to the banquet first. I’ll wait at home. Godot is not the kind of person who doesn’t come home. He may be I have a little trouble on the road, and I will be back when the trouble is resolved."

"I'll wait with you" Billy said.

"With you, I'm easy to get upset, maybe I will fight you."

While talking, I waved my hand and drove him out.

Billy was very upset. He wanted to struggle to come over and fight with me, but was caught by Jackson.

After everyone left, I sat quietly on the sofa, always paying attention to the sound at the door.

About twenty minutes or so, there was a knock on the door. When the door was opened, Godot was standing at the door.

Godot had a look of vicissitudes, bloodstained, and he held a man in his arms.

The face of this man is not unfamiliar, and it is the vice president of the Knights of the Round Table Guild that I have discussed before.

At this moment, the man was lying quietly in Godot's arms, his face still firm, his mouth seemed to have an excited smile, but there was no more breath.

I silently stepped aside, Godot nodded slightly at me, hugged the man, and slowly walked into the villa.

"Is there a blanket?" Godot said suddenly.


I found a new blanket and spread it flat in front of him. He gently placed the man's body on the blanket and rolled the blanket little by little to wrap him up.

When he finished all this, he seemed to have lost his strength, leaning on the back of the sofa, and slowly sat down.

In an instant, I felt that the man in front of me seemed to have lost his usual firmness and optimism. Instead, it was a kind of rundown and loneliness.

"Captain" Godot called me hoarsely.

I had never heard him make such a weak voice, and I was startled.

"Captain..." Godot didn't seem to notice my gaffe at all. At this moment, he was like a kid eager to tell his concerns.

"I'm" sitting cross-legged with him, and I gently said: "If you have anything you want to say, just say it."

"Captain" his nose twitched slightly, and his voice became trembling: "Captain, I'm so sad..."

When he said this, there was no sound anymore. In the empty villa, a big man, lying on the blanket with the corpse, began to cry.

I have seen women cry.

The crying woman is pitiful.

I rarely see men cry, especially men who are determined and optimistic like Godot.

His crying sound was like a contradiction. While suppressing not to cry on his own, he couldn't restrain the pain in his heart. There was no way not to cry.

This feeling is called heartbreak.

The man does not flick when he has tears, but he is not sad.

That night, I wrote a letter and asked someone to take it to President Daisy, telling her that I could not attend her banquet and my deep apologies.

That night, I followed Godot, buried the man, bought wine, and drank it in front of the man's grave.

Godot usually doesn't talk a lot and doesn't drink, but when he drinks, especially strong alcohol, especially when he is drunk, he talks a lot.

Godot told me that after meeting this man, all his memories were like a flood that broke the obstructing dam.

He recalled the past, recalled the joys of the past, and recalled some pains that he could not forget.

He remembered the identity of this man.

This man, once the leader of the Knights of the Round Table Guild, the first combat team, was his most deadly brother.

However, when they meet again, they are separated from each other.

"His internal organs were shattered." Godot was very drunk and deeply pained: "It's a pity that my healing magic is not good, and I am powerless.

"Captain, during the time when I lost my memory, I always felt that I was missing something. Because of that little thing, I can't remember the past. Just now, I met my brother. He told the past, and I found a few things, only to find that my brother is dead, oooooo..."

Sitting quietly across from Godot, listening to his drunken narration.

No matter how hard-hearted people are, there will be a softness hidden deep in their hearts, which can be touched by anger, and hurt when hurt, comparable to the scales of a dragon.

This dead man might be the softness deep in Godot's heart.

Meeting him activated Godot's memory, unable to save him, and wounded Godot's most vulnerable heart.

I really can’t judge whether Godot’s encounter with him is good or bad, but I know that I may be about to face a choice: Godot, who has a complete memory, choose to go or stay.

"Now that you have restored all your memories, Godot, tell me, who are you?"

Godot drank the wine quietly, a little, and slowly said: "Before I fell off the cliff, I was the president of the Knights of the Round Table Guild."

"Then do you plan to go back?" I asked.

Godot shook his head. He poured fine wine on the surface of the bag and slowly said: "I am now the pastor of the Fearless Guild."

"Is there anything I need to do" I said: "Speak out your desire, I don't want my people to be sad."

"Find the murderer of my brother" Godot said coldly: "I will judge him personally!"

"Okay, I promise you" I said: "Actually, I had contact with this man before. He told me that he would definitely die, but I didn't expect that he would die so early."

"What did he tell you?" Godot asked with eyes like cold stars.

"He told me that the current president of the Knights of the Round Table Guild would execute him before he returned to York City."

Dang Cang.

The bottle landed.

In Godot's eyes, there was shock, heartache, and despair.

"Why...why is this?"

Godot roared for no reason: "Why do you want to do this! Why do you want to kill the best brother!"

"why why?"

What was revealed in his eyes was deep despair.

"You long for the position of president, I understand you, and I forgive you, but why are you, why don't you let the brothers who fight the world together!"

"Skasa! Skasa!!!"

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