There used to be a few poor jingle children who went to the dungeon to make a living and became adventurers.

A full-time pastor, a group of converted soldiers.

Warriors spawn monsters and priests heal. Although these children work hard every day, their lives are full of joy.

After surviving close to death and surviving one after another, several children finally gained a foothold in the dungeon and saved money to start a guild.

When the guild was founded, it was both poor and white.

In the whole hall, apart from the bed, there is only a round table, not even chairs.

The priest ridiculed himself and proposed to call the Knights of the Round Table Guild.

As a result, the Knights of the Round Table Guild was born, with the strongest pastor taking the post of president.

After that, the children grew up, and the Knights of the Round Table Guild grew, from a small guild at the beginning to a large guild capable of acting on its own.

In the face of many members and strong financial resources, some people can no longer control the desires in their hearts. They begin to get involved in power and money, and begin to covet pleasure and luxury.

However, it is not enough to just get involved. Among them, the most ambitious has quietly fixed his eyes on his brother's position.

He knows that with his own reputation and strength, he can't do a brother, but he has conspiracy and means.

By a coincidence, his brother was at the bottom of his magic value. He knew that the opportunity was here.

While his brother was sitting on the edge of the cliff to rest and let out the wind, he stretched out his sinful hands and personally pushed his brother off the cliff.

"Fortunately, the surface of some classes in the dungeon is uneven. I fell on a protruding rock. After that, I didn’t know anything. When I woke up, there was a strange space in front of me, some of which I had never seen before. The monster was in it, and I tried to recall something, but found that there was nothing in my memory."

Godot sighed and said: "I understand Skasa's desire to become the president, so I forgive him for pushing me down the cliff, but I still can't forgive him for his ruthlessness to his brother!"

"You are also his brother" I said: "Since he can be merciless to you from the beginning, he can also be merciless to other people. As the saying goes, the country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change. Some people have evil nature and want to change. I can't change it."

"Perhaps" Godot murmured.

"Well, I know that your brother did it. What are you going to do?" I asked him, "Are you going to kill the brother too?"

He hesitated and said nothing.

I chuckled and said, "Why do you still treat him like a brother?"

"What?" Godot asked in confusion.

"From the moment he pushed you off the cliff, you were no longer his brother. Even so, do you have to stubbornly treat him as your brother?"

"I..." Godot continued to hesitate.

"Look at him" I pointed to the soil bag, and said: "It is also your brother. Now he can only be wrapped in a carpet and buried deeply in the ground. It turns into maggot food, rots, and then turns into mud and is The world has forgotten that if the person who pushed you off the cliff really regarded you as brothers, he would not push you off the cliff, nor would he send someone to kill him!"

"The real brothers are worth relying on behind, they definitely won't stabb you in the back, and those who can stabb you will only be your enemies, never your brothers!"

"Think about Billy, think about me, think about everyone in the Fearless Guild, which one does not trust each other, and which one will stab his teammates and push them down the cliff in order to fight for power?"

"Take Billy as an example. You know him best." I said, "Before you came, Billy and I were half brothers and half incompatible with each other. Arguing and fighting were almost commonplace, but once I met an enemy, I The two will become the most trusted family members of each other, relying on each other's backs, and would rather die than let the enemy hurt each other's hair. This is the brother! Godot, the brothers who grew up together are not necessarily brothers, they are willing to take responsibility for each other He is the real brother."

In fact, Godot didn't know this truth. He was just soft-hearted. He just kept convincing himself and couldn't let go of the past when everyone played with each other. Although poor, but happy youth.

After the wine, the more I drank, the more silent I was, not being speechless, but decided to abandon the past and face the cruel reality.

As the sky dawned, Godot broke the shackles he had put on him by his fond memories with the sound of a glass bottle breaking.

The expression in his eyes became brighter, and the aura emitted by the whole person became more vicissitudes and haggard.

"Captain, help me" he said, his hoarse voice was full of pain and determination: "I want revenge."

"I've been waiting for this sentence" smiling and patted his somewhat hard shoulder, I said: "For brother, I will help you."

So far, my small plan has one more thing-to help Godot, retake the Knights of the Round Table Guild, capture the current president of the Knights of the Round Table, and hand it over to Godot for judgment.

I want to overthrow the Knights of the Round Table Guild, it is not impossible to solve it by the forces I can mobilize at present, but I am even more looking forward to destroying the opponent in a simpler and more maddening way.

Soon, I had a countermeasure.

It is only for the time being, and it is not suitable for public disclosure.

Going home for a nap, and waking up again, it was already nine o'clock in the morning. Phoenix and the others had already gone to the camp of the Rose Army to watch the training match.

Their enthusiasm made me ashamed.

I have no doubt that the girls are going to watch the training game, but the men are going to watch the game-shouldn't these guys just want to feast their eyes?

Jin Siqi returned to the New Heroic Guild. The boss and others went to the shop they bought to conduct field investigations, and at the same time went to major home furnishing shops to order furniture and accessories.

Father Taylor still drinks non-stop. He was originally used as a chair by the old man. Because yesterday’s banquet was loved by the members of the Rose Army, he was also taken over. It is estimated that he is now being used by three little loli. Let's play on the slide.

The only thing left in the house is me, who just woke up, Billy sitting on the sofa thoughtfully, and Godot three people washing in the bathroom.

"Morning" I said casually.

"Wake up!" Billy said without looking up, "Seeing you sleeping like a pig, I'm not ashamed to call you."

"Yeah, don't you become relatives then?" I sneered.

Just as Billy was about to speak, Godot walked out of the wash room with a refreshing face: "Morning, Captain."

"Early" I said: "You didn't go to the training match?"

"Just woke up" Godot said: "I am preparing to go."

I looked at him and found that his gaze returned to the way it was when he first met. It was a persistent and firm gaze.

The difference is that Godot lost his memory when they first met, but now, it is because he opened his heart knot.

"More energy," I smiled.

"Yes, Captain" Godot said, "I will keep going."

With the cross on their backs, Godot and Billy said goodbye and rushed to the camp of the Rose Army.

In the villa, only Father Taylor and I were left.

I walked into him, sat on the floor, picked up the bottle of wine, took a sip, and said, "Master, I always have a question I want to ask you."

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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