People shouldn't be in appearance.

It turns out that the hospitable dwarves and the cunning and cowardly goblins have such an unknown side to me!

However, once the plan has been finalized, it should not be adjusted.

After that, I called eleven elves into the tent and told them of my plan. At the same time, Boss Wren once again helped out, describing the horror of goblins and dwarves again.

The description this time is more detailed and terrifying.

A few young elves were scared to cry.

I said to the middle-aged elf: "Today you will stay overnight. Tomorrow night, proceed as planned. I will personally follow the sewer that you pointed out and sneak into Ivy City."

Before the middle-aged elves could say anything, I sent these eleven people away and sent them to another account.

When the night got darker and there was no one around, I praised the boss of Renne: "Your supplement today is really amazing. It scared the children to cry."

After a long silence, the boss of Rennes said in a low voice: "What I said is the truth."

"Yes, just because it's the facts, it makes people more immersive." I said hehe: "I don't know if there are any spies among those eleven people, but even if there are spies, I'm afraid I will be caught by you. The words are so scared to toss and turn and can't sleep peacefully, "Exterminate the elves", hehehe, this idea is really shocking."

In the early morning of the third day, I once again ordered people to shoot arrows from multiple directions and angles. After all this was done, it was already afternoon.

When the traveling team returns, I said to the president: "I will try to sneak into the Ivy League in a while. Remember, there are only four hours. If I arrive within four hours and I have not come out, you turn around and leave and gather directly. Troops, slaughter the city."

"...Yes" the chairman replied in a somewhat reluctant, but helpless tone.

With my weapon on my back, I walked towards the sewer with the middle-aged man.

On the way, he asked me: "My elder, is this too risky."

"How can you risk it?" I asked.

"After reading the note on the arrow body and knowing your determination, the old residents, like me, sneaked out of the city along the sewer. This incident has already alarmed the rebels before I left. Now there is no guarantee that The sewer is still safe and unsafe."

The middle-aged man's words were full of worry.

"You can just lead the way. After I enter the sewer, you can leave."

"But the sewers are old and wide. If you don't have someone to lead the way, you will get lost if you don't!" the middle-aged man said anxiously.

"Just explain the route," I said: "Although I can't be considered proficient, I still have a good sense of direction."

Soon, we reached the entrance of the sewer. Before we parted, the middle-aged elf worriedly said: "My elder, about you and the it true?"

"It's true" I said: "Their character is like that. In order to avenge their own people, they even do not care about the consequences."

The middle-aged man looked ugly. He hesitated for a while before he said: "I hope the elders will be able to go smoothly. God bless my elves."

Drilling into the sewer, while walking, he kept recalling the route map dictated by the middle-aged elf.

I have to say that the sewers of Ivy City are really wide!

Only the left and right horizontal width is 100 meters, and the length of the front and back leads can't be seen to the end.

Under the blessing of low light, tens of hundreds of doorways can be seen faintly.

If it weren't for the middle-aged man, I'm afraid I would really get lost.

After carefully counting the doorway, I looked at the doorway I was about to go, and then stepped in carefully.

I walked carefully and carefully all the way, and I tried my best to keep my steps lightly until the sound of my feet was not even louder than dripping water.

Hundreds of meters ahead, finally reached the end, another turn, it was another tunnel.

Going back a hundred meters, I saw a hole for ventilation on the right side of the tunnel.

This is where the middle-aged man escaped.

I approached the exit and looked carefully left and right, and found no signs of anyone. I looked up at the sky. The sky was dim, the moon was hanging slightly, and it was dusk.

This time is when the elves are preparing dinner.

Quietly slipped out of the sewer, and walked all the way, along the wall, towards the city lord's mansion.

Almost all the sub-towns of Moonlight City are designed in accordance with the architectural layout of the main town, so it is easy to find the location of the City Lord’s Mansion.

When I was five or six hundred meters away from the city lord’s mansion, I saw hundreds of adventurers holding weapons, standing in line, looking at the formation, it seemed to be an arc, separating hundreds of meters of open space from the Ivy City behind me.

These people have serious expressions, their eyes are divine, and they all stare at things around them, and they dare not relax their vigilance for a moment.

Seeing the direction of their weapons, it should be the people of the city lord, who are vigilant not to let the rebels attack the city lord mansion.

Having said that, this is the first time I have seen a scene where everyone in the city is in danger. If you think about the purpose of your trip, there is always an illusion of 007.

The strength of the outer group of adventurers is not strong, it is easy to break through forcefully, but I am here not to fight the city lord, but to investigate clearly whether the city lord has also surrendered to the enemy.

Using the building as a cover, I approached the group quietly, observing their every move, trying to find loopholes.

After holding their breath for more than an hour, they finally figured out their shift time and order.

So, I chose a blind spot, and in just a few tens of seconds between the two teams, I sneaked in.

After entering the scope circle, I proceeded cautiously all the way, bypassing hundreds of makeshift tents, slipping past the guarded front yard of the city lord’s mansion, and finally succeeded in reaching the side entrance.

At the side door, there are also two guards closely guarding it. It is more difficult to get through here than before.

After all, the door is not big, but there are many guards.

No wonder.

The side entrance, leading directly to the garden, is one of the easiest places to hide assassins in the city lord’s mansion.

It is impossible to enter straight through the gate, but I can choose to climb over the wall and enter. After all, the wall here is much shorter than the wall of the villa in the house of Mai Sonoda.

Moving forward to behind a bunker close to the wall, I took out a few silver coins, held them in my hand, accumulated strength in my arms, and threw them away. The silver coins were like projectiles, tumbling and hitting the other side of the wall.

The moment it touched the wall, the silver coin made a crisp sound, which instantly attracted the guard's attention.

Taking this opportunity, I turned on the wall, then jumped into the garden.

In the garden, spacious and elegant, surrounded by ivy vines, it looks bright and refreshing under the shining of magic stone lamps.

Hidden my body behind the ivy, held my breath for dozens of seconds, and made sure that no one found me sneaking in, and then proceeded cautiously.

Out of the garden, I turned into the inner courtyard, and just walked a dozen steps, I heard someone sip and smell it, it was the cry of a child.

Leaning against the wall, I wondered if I should follow the cry.

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