Moving lightly, I decided to give up investigating the cry.

The most important thing now is to figure out the position of the city lord.

With this thought, I speeded up and walked towards the depths of the inner courtyard.

The deeper I went into the inner court, I found that the crying became louder and faintly, and I could still hear words of comfort mixed with the crying, constantly whispering.

This comforting language is obviously a voice unique to a mature woman.

I held my breath, listened carefully, and soon came to a conclusion: this should be a mother and daughter, the daughter is crying, and the mother is coaxing.

After listening carefully for a while, I finally distinguished that the general location of the cry was a room deep in the inner court.

Anyway, I have to go through the inner court and simply tap in on the way, why this child is crying.

Cautiously, I found the room where the cry was originated, but only stayed a few meters away from the door—the door was guarded by two guards. By my feeling, the strength of the two guards should not be weak, and they are separated from each other. The guards outside the city lord mansion are not of the same level.

Before determining the position of the city lord, it was not suitable to make a sudden appearance. I decided to hide in a corner a few meters away from the wall, relying on my strong hearing sense to eavesdrop on the sound in the house.

Originally, I had ears and eyes, but now I have level blessings, which makes my five senses more sensitive. Even if there is a wall partition, even if the sound inside is weak, I can still hear clearly without hindrance.

Soon, the reason for the child's crying was found, he was looking for his father.

In other words, it seems that Moonlight City did not hold the event "Where did Dad go?"

Continue to listen carefully, and soon the mature woman coaxing the child's voice sounded again: "Don't cry, don't cry, Dad is busy now, and will be back when he is finished."

The child didn't care about the mother's coaxing, but kept crying to find his father.

After crying for another twenty minutes, the mature woman seemed helpless, and her voice sounded again: "Tell Murray that his daughter is crying for her father again."

"But Madam, Lord City Lord, he is in a meeting. No one is allowed to disturb..."

"You can't let the child cry forever" the woman said: "I know the situation is critical now, but it's only for a while, it only takes him a while."

"...Okay, madam, I will try."

Then, a middle-aged woman in a maid costume hurried out of the room and walked deeper into the inner courtyard.

I lurked in the corner, motionless, listening to the cry of the child and the coaxing of the mature woman.

About the past twenty minutes, there was heavy and hurried footsteps at the door. I peeked and saw a handsome elf man in a military uniform, walking quickly into the room, and the one behind him was seen before. Arriving middle-aged maid.

"Dad!" A slightly hoarse childish voice sounded, and the child was almost embraced by his father.

"Don't cry baby, dad is here."

This is a kind and nice male voice of the Elf race.

Then came a few minutes of dialogue between father and daughter.

A few minutes later.

"She is asleep" the man said.

"She kept crying to find her father, making me ashamed of being a mother," the woman said.

"Don't say that, you have done a good job" the man said: "The child came to me again and again, not because your mother did a bad job, but because my father did a dereliction of duty. She always felt that she might Lose me."

As he said, the man sighed deeply.

"Don't blame yourself too much, you are the lord of the city, you have to consider the people of a city, so naturally you don't have time to be with your children," the woman said.

Then there was a short silence.

"How is the situation now?" the woman broke the silence first, said.

"The offensive of the rebels has been temporarily stopped, and I heard that there are also some problems in the rebel camp, thanks to the newly appointed elder."

"Your Majesty's vision must be the most correct. Since he is the elder chosen by his Majesty, he must be a talented person with all-round civil and military skills. He will definitely help us solve problems." The woman said: "We only need to believe in your Majesty and the elders. "

"I believe in your majesty and elders, but the situation is critical now. The rebels are dozens of times as many as ours. I am afraid this time..." The man's voice was extremely heavy.

"Don't think so, we will definitely be able to turn the danger into a breeze," the woman comforted.

"If something happens, Debi, take our daughter, find your Majesty, beg your Majesty to adopt our daughter, and tell your Majesty that I, Murray, even if I die, did not succumb to any rebellious forces, my The heart is like the emerald ivy, the empress party that is always firm and unchanging."

The man's voice, unusual perseverance, even with a determination to die.

This is not a tone that a person can pretend.

Perhaps, it is time, I should show up.

"Speaking of these things in front of the Queen, the effect is better."

I slowly walked out of the shadows, shocked that both guards had forgotten to start the battle posture for a while.

"Who!" The handsome male elf held a long sword in his hand and walked out quickly, with a guarded look and majesty.

"Introduction, my name is An Xiaoyi, and I am a newly promoted foreign elder."

"Don't come here!" The handsome male elf's long sword was raised horizontally, and the two guards beside him also drew the knight's long sword.

In order to show harmlessness, I spread my hands and raised my shoulders to show cooperation.

"You said you are a new elder?" The male elf said, "Is there any evidence?"

This question is so fucking!

How can I prove that I am me?

Eye sockets twitched, and I instantly fell into a downtime.

So who am I and where am I?

These are the questions that can kill a large wave of philosophers in an instant, you ask me now, how do I answer this?

" have to prove, how do you think I should prove that I am me, so that you will believe it?"

Obviously, the City Lord Ivy League who asked this question hadn't even thought about the standard answer to this question in his mind. Maybe it was just a random idea.

His expression was stiff and he stayed for a while before he said: "You stand there and don't move. I will send someone to contact Her Majesty the Fairy Queen to confirm your identity. If you are fake, don't blame my sword for being merciless!"

After that, she gave a few words in a low voice, and the middle-aged maid who was listening to her nodded her head and left quickly.

The stalemate lasted for almost half an hour, my hands were so sore, but I didn't dare to move, for fear that any action would be judged as offensive by the opponent, and immediately attacked me mercilessly.

I don't know the opponent's strength. If his strength is similar to that of Renn's boss, plus two guards to help, I will definitely be beaten.

I prefer to beat a falling water dog, but I don’t like others beating me like a falling water dog. It feels too awkward.

After another ten minutes, um, forty minutes in total, I felt that my arms were no longer my own, so I licked my face and asked, "Can I put my hands down first. It's very tiring to hold it like this?" "

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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