Just when I was about to ask the next question, the city lord of Ivy League suddenly said: "Although it is rude, I still hope you can tell me why you want to ask such a question."

I squinted at him: "As the city lord, is it really good to be so curious?"

"I have never considered myself to be a qualified city lord, but I am always trying to be a good city lord," the city lord of Ivy League sincerely said: "I just heard the question from the elder, I don't know what to do, and I feel a sense of anxiety. , So bravely, in any case, please elders to inform your subordinates of your intention to ask questions."

"Hey, it's a troublesome thing to meet a subordinate like you." With a sigh, I said, "Forget it, it doesn't hurt to tell you. The reason why I asked you that question is to confirm it. Is it necessary for the residents of towns to stay?"

"You said... staying...necessary?"

Looking at the expression, he was obviously stunned, and even subconsciously said this sentence, unable to speak for a long time.

"No, elders, please don't give up the residents here" he said earnestly and earnestly: "Although only half of the residents were forced to join the rebels, a considerable part of the residents who took the initiative to join the rebels were also used by the nobles. The despicable methods have been brainwashed, but in their bones, they have always been loyal to the two queens!"


"Huh?" He looked blank.

"I said, I want to see the facts, I want to get evidence, I want them to prove that they are indeed loyal to the two queens. If there is only one side of you, but there is no hard evidence, the people I brought will choose to destroy All the rebels, whether they are actively joining or forced to join, will be treated the same."

"Elder, you are too arbitrary and cruel to do this!"

The lord of Ivy League said angrily.

Watching his angry expression, I calmly said: "I can tolerate a person who jumps and scolds two queens. As long as he can give me a definite reason, I can also forgive someone who spit at me, as long as he can. Tell me where I made him dissatisfied, I vomited my saliva, but I will never tolerate betrayal, especially the two empresses who are tolerant and wise, for such people, I will not listen to any of their reasons. It will only give them two endings, either death or punishment."

Lifting the teacup, taking a sip of tea, I continued: "However, it is not for me to decide whether death or punishment, but the rebels themselves."

The lord of Ivy League quivered his lips, and he kept changing his posture, as if there was a pointed nail under his butt.

After fidgeting for a long time, he said, "My elder, can you tell this decision in front of the traitors in the city?"

Then he added: "I will personally lead someone to protect your safety."

"Yes" I said: "If you think it is necessary, even if you stand on the top of the City Lord's Mansion, I can satisfy you, but I have to tell you that time is running out."

"When?" The city lord said uneasy.

"There are still a little more than two hours. As long as my people see that I haven't returned, or any changes occur in the city, they will immediately rush back to Violet City, lead a heavy army, and massacre the city."

"What!" He was shocked again, a few seconds later, he stood up hurriedly, grabbed me, and said, "My elder, please leave the city quickly and withdraw this military order."

"How can the military order be withdrawn as soon as it is withdrawn?" I said coldly: "Until the purpose is completed, the military order will continue to be executed until all the instructions I have issued are fully implemented."

"You, you are so..." He pointed to me, speechless for a long time.

I chuckled, "Cruel, or unkind? You are right. I am not only cruel, but in many cases, I am unkind. As I just said, I can tolerate some justified anger, but I will never Will not tolerate the slightest betrayal."

He didn't talk too much, but quickly summoned people to **** me to the adventurer base.

At this moment, that position is already full of people, divided into two sides.

On one side, there are residents and adventurers who swear to the death to protect the city lord, and on the other side are the rebels and rebels who want to take down the city lord’s mansion.

The two waves of people seem to be still in a state of arguing and have not yet upgraded to use force.

"Please be quiet, please be quiet," the city lord said loudly under the guards.

In an instant, the venue quieted down. I have to say that both our subjects and the enemy's traitors are of high quality.

I stepped up to the high platform and said, "Hello everyone, I am the newly promoted elder of Moonlight City, and my name is An Xiaoyi."

The crowd was in an uproar, especially on the side of the rebels. I even saw a few elves aim their crossbow arrows and magic wands at me.

I completely ignored it, and continued: "I am here to give you the last persuasion. It can be regarded as my last kindness."

"No need for kindness or anything!" a rebel elf shouted.

"Yes, we don't want mercy, we want independence, we want freedom!" A certain rebel elf agreed.

"The last kindness? How is it different from threats?" a certain rebel elf questioned.

Waved my hand, the rebel side soon became quiet, and I continued: "I have heard all of your questions. Yes, the so-called last kindness can be considered the first threat. I just want to threaten you to escape the rebellion. Army, return to our side, I will not hold you accountable."

"You want to persuade everyone to give up freedom and independence, so that we who are pursuing these can be wiped out, right!" a certain rebel yelled.

"If you understand it this way, it's not wrong. I will forgive those who return, but I will never forgive those who are obsessed with not understanding. Here, I can say that any people who voluntarily surrender within the time I set. Except for the first evil of this rebellion, I will not blame it."

On the other side of the rebels, there was an instant turmoil, and the elders said that those who were forced to join the rebels were willing to die in vain.

Not long after the turmoil, someone in the rebel camp said: "Don't worry about what the foreigner said, we are pursuing freedom, independence, and lofty ideals and beliefs. Don't worry, as long as we are united, we will win, and, He would never dare to kill so many of us!"

I smiled coldly, waved my hand, and when everyone was quiet again, I said: "You must have seen my previous methods against human traffickers. They are all human races. According to your words, they are my compatriots. My compatriots shouldn’t kill each other, right, but I did it, and tortured them to death in the most cruel way. I want to say that I can still do that for the so-called compatriots. What about you who have committed the crime of rebellion?"

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