Quiet, deadly quiet, you can hear the needle drop.

A chill, centered on me, fan-shaped, rushing towards the rebels.

That was not only my majestic killing intent, but also my relentless chill.

After a long dead silence, I slowly said, "There is only one chance. I will give you an hour to consider whether to surrender or perish. Those who surrender will let the past go and choose to perish. My people will treat you, together with your family and relatives. , All those who have a relationship with you, no matter how old or young, men or women, are killed together."

With that, I took out my pocket watch and showed the time: "From now on, until one hour."

When I was about to turn around, suddenly, I stopped again, smiled coldly, and added: "I will give you a discount. If within an hour, you will kill all the betrayers and their family members. And send the body here, I will pardon all of you, and treat it like this has never happened."

I stretched out my hand and easily clamped a crossbow arrow that was shot at me, and pinched it off with two fingers. I added again: "Although I don't care about your assassinations, don't think that you can kill me, as long as I die. Now, the elves will be erased from the Continent of the Wind, unless you can resist the joint slaughter of dwarves, goblins, orcs and fairies."

Having said that, slowly stepped off the high platform, and returned to the city lord's mansion together with the lord of the ivy city.

On the way, the city lord had an unnatural expression on his face and asked me: "My lord, in the last remark just now, you are only threatening the guys who assassinated you, isn't it true?"

Stopping and looking at him, I said: "You should know some of my identity."

"Yes, I know."

"Since you know, you should be able to judge whether my words are true or false."

He trembled, cold sweat dripped down instantly.

Many things can be done in one hour.

For example, brush a few pictures of tainted milk powder, play a turret, play a round, or play a few rounds of King Pesticide.

Of course, you can do some great things if you desire.

For example, kill the head of the rebel army and disband the entire rebel army.

However, this is only my unilateral assumption.

Twenty minutes have passed, and there is still no news of a great upheaval on the side of the rebels. There are just a lot of rebels who drag their families and flee to our side forcibly.

For these people, I want to say, yes, they are very knowledgeable about current affairs.

Although the elves are extremely stubborn about their own creed, they are not stupid, knowing which ones are better for them, such as fleeing to our camp.

After confirming that most of the people who fled to our side were ordinary residents, as well as dozens of little nobles, and no bandits, I agreed to let them go and move them to the rear.

Every second time elapsed, the lord of Ivy City fidgeted for a second.

He kept chanting prayers like "God of Creation, Bless Her Majesty", as if the God of Creation and the Queen would pay attention to him.

The God of Creation didn't care about such a small role like you. As for the Queen, she is now in Dasai City and knows nothing about the rebellion, let alone help you.

Oh, yes, there is also the Fairy Queen. To your request, the Fairy Queen has already responded. Am I the one her old man sent to help you solve the problem?

Thirty minutes passed, and finally, civil unrest and riots began to occur on the rebel side. Some people started disputes over whether to escape or stay. The disputes continued to expand, and even escalated into fighting.

However, fighting is limited to small-scale and small-scale fist fights.

When the clock reached forty minutes, the first wave of mutineers suddenly collapsed in the rebel camp.

The number of mutineers in this wave is not large, less than a hundred, and the scale is not large, but the impact is huge-several big nobles and patriarchs participated in the mutiny.

Forty minutes ago, these great aristocrats were still the most steadfast supporters of the rebel army. In just forty minutes, the situation was reversed. They once again betrayed their masters and returned to the old master camp.

This is a kind of irony.

But it is the most real reality.

The reason why the great nobles followed the rebellion was to obtain higher benefits. Unfortunately, facing the threat of death and extinction, they finally chose to give up all of this. After all, they could keep their original position while still alive. It is the most reliable one. As for those high-ranking officials who promised nothing, it would be good if they had their lives. Now their lives are almost gone. Who wants that empty check!

The mutiny of the great nobles was the biggest blow to the rebels. In an instant, the rebel camp was plunged into unprecedented commotion and panic, and almost everyone began to plan for their own future.

Several great nobles, under the guardianship of the soldiers, came to me and bowed.

After listening to their respective self-introductions, I said: "Originally, you belonged to the ranks of the main cadres and should be sentenced to capital punishment, but you are the first group of members to participate in the mutiny, which not only shakes the resolve of the rebels, but also The trust between them was broken, and the merits and demerits were offset, and they were not held accountable."

Several great aristocrats are grateful and grateful.

I said'um', and added: "Although this incident will not affect your status and interests, your loyalty has been compromised in my heart because of this rebellion. I hope that in the future, you and you The children and grandchildren of you can perform well. If you participate in a rebellion again, please don’t blame me for being merciless."

Several great nobles repeatedly agreed, and then hurriedly retreated.

Fifty minutes have passed, when people in the rebel camp saw the great nobles who were friendly forces ten minutes ago, now they have not only received the forgiveness of the elders, but they are holding weapons and facing their own swords. There is only that point in their hearts. All hopes collapsed.

For a time, everyone in the rebel camp was in danger, and the mutiny sounded again, but this time, it was not a wave of mutiny, but a dozen or dozen waves of mass mutiny.

It was quite lively now. The rebels and the mutineers quarreled first, and when they were quarreling, they started fighting.

This fighting was so fierce that even the rebel officers couldn't pull it away. Some officers were even dragged into the fight and became part of the melee.

Looking at the melee rebels, all our soldiers looked at each other, not knowing what to do for a while.

Looking at the chaotic rebel army, I sneered twice, greeted the lord of the Ivy City, whispered a few words in my ear, his expression was loose, he nodded repeatedly, then got up and issued an order to go.

What I heard from him was actually an order: call a nobleman who knows the position of the rebel leader, and we will detour directly to capture and kill the enemy.

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