There is not only one road that can be taken in any town.

The same goes for Ivy League.

In addition to the sewers, there are many secret and secret passages that are unknown.

Some of these roads lead to the City Lord’s Mansion, some lead to market shops, and some lead to the outside of the city, or some other areas that are not yet known.

What the great nobleman took us away was a secret road whose entrance was tightly blocked by ivy plants.

Layers of ivy were opened, and the dense road was completely dark.

The guard walked in front with the magic stone lamp, and in the middle of the guard, the great nobleman led us while recognizing it.

The road is very long, but the route is straight and there are no other exits or entrances. At least in my opinion, the walls on both sides of this straight dense road are flat and smooth.

After the initial slow and cautious advance, the nobleman said that he could speed up the pace appropriately, as long as he didn't make too much noise.

After walking for another ten minutes, we reached the end of the tunnel. At the end, there was a small iron gate. The iron gate was so small that only two people could pass side by side.

The nobleman pointed to the iron gate and said, "This leads to the villa of the rebel leader. I think now, he should be studying the next step in the villa."

Nodded, I stretched out my hand, slowly opened the small iron door, and took the lead in walking in.

In front of me was a dimly lit storage room.

The great noble followed me and whispered: "This secret road is an escape route prepared by the rebel leader for himself."

In an instant, I had no good feelings for the rebel leader.

Although knowing that the leader of the rebel army will definitely have a back road, I still hope that he can block all back roads and live and die with the rebels.

If this is such a heroic person, I can forgive the young and old in his family.

Unfortunately, he was out.

Quietly apart from the storage room, under the leadership of the nobleman, all the way to the rebel leader's room.

There was a sound of footsteps in the room, there should be someone pacing inside.

I sneered and slowly pushed the door open.

In the luxuriously decorated room, several elves are standing and sitting, standing and left and right. In the center of the room, a man in aristocratic costume is whispering, pacing back and forth.

After confirming that it was the leader of the rebel army and several high-ranking officers, I slowly took the Otaka out of the sheath, without any hurries, walked into the room, and said with a smile, "Excuse me, everyone, please be honest, please lie down and answer me Problem?"

The sudden sound made the whole room explode. Everyone looked at me in horror for a few seconds, and suddenly went crazy looking for their weapons.

There is a difference between coming prepared and fighting unprepared.

While they were going to get the weapons, the Ivy League City Lord and I, as well as the accompanying digital guards, had already greeted the prepared weapons to the panicked elves in the room.

This time, they didn't kill any of them, but slashed them all, leaving them completely incapable of fighting, and they could only glared.

One of them stared at the nobleman, his eyes full of anger: "You betrayed us!"

The nobleman chuckled and said: "Before I was bewitched by you and lost my mind, so I would join this Raoshizi rebel organization. Now that the elders are initiating, I have come to my senses, and naturally I must return to the right path and plan with you rebels. Clear boundaries."

The leader of the rebel army looked at me coldly with complicated eyes. He said, "Are you the newly promoted elder?"

"Not bad" I said: "It's right down."

"Very good, very good!" He sneered for a while, and said: "I didn't expect that the trivial human race would have the ability to go straight to Longtan!"

"You overestimate yourself" I smiled and said, "This is a snake's nest at best."

"Snake den?" He snorted coldly, "I was underestimated."

After spreading my hands, I walked up to him and said, "Could you please explain to this nobleman, why are you inciting the residents, organizing troops, and betraying the Queen?"

He sneered: "Do you think about this kind of thing?"

"Oh roar? Still a hard temper." With a grin, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and the tip of the Odachi sword pointed down, piercing the palm of the rebel leader without hesitation.

The sudden change made him startled, and then a heart-piercing wailing sounded through the room.

Soon, there was the sound of footsteps in the corridor, as well as the hurried and confused voices of some men and women: "What's the matter, I heard a scream in the room?"

"What to do?" Ivy League City Lord asked with a dazzling expression.

Without changing my face, I still smiled, and ordered: "You guys are at the door. All of you who break into the room will be killed."

As soon as these words came out, the howling leader instantly stopped howling, he said in horror: "No, no..."

However, it was too late, and the few guards who broke in first, as well as the young men and women who broke into the room shortly afterwards, were mercilessly beheaded by the city lord and the guards, without even having time to utter a cry.

"You, you..." The rebel leader's eyes were full of hatred, and he said: "You are simply a devil!"

Beside him, several nobles who were injured and lying on the ground unable to move also said: "How dare you kill the nobles at will! Do you really think that the elders can do whatever they want!"

My eyes were cold, and I scanned them one by one, saying: "From the moment you decided to betray the Queen, your noble title, your status, wealth, and everything else have been deprived of you, except for Apart from the identity of the sinner, there is no other identity. As for how to execute the sinner, it is up to me."

"My family is innocent." The leader trembled all over, and the penetrating wound on his hand once again made him miserable, even his voice was trembling.

"It's innocent to you," I said: "To me, their actions are shielding, and they are also insurgents."

"Okay" I interrupted him mercilessly and said coldly: "The chat ends here. Tell me, why are you betraying the Queen?"

"Go to hell!" The leader gritted his teeth, his eyes were full of hatred. At this moment, he couldn't eat my flesh and drink my blood.

"Don't tell me..." I raised my head and glanced across the face of every rebel cadre. I said, "What about you, who is willing to tell me why you want to betray the Queen?"

Like the leaders, all the cadres stared at me with hatred and anger.

"Heh" I chuckled and said, "Sure enough, all of them are heroes. No one would betray each other. Very good, very good. However, I want to say, unfortunately, you missed the last time you made up for it. Opportunity, why do you think I should ask you these questions in front of the lord of Ivy League City? I am giving you the last chance. Although you must die, if you cooperate, I can let your family members go and give them some Money, let them live as civilians from now on, but unfortunately, you actively refused this opportunity."

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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