The torture ended in a day.

The execution ended in the evening one day later.

The leaders of the rebel army, the core cadres of the rebel army, and all their family members were all crushed to the very center of the town and returned to the **** of creation amidst a cry of exclamation.

Almost the entire city, all the elves have witnessed this execution. Standing on the opposite side of the execution platform, I felt the scorching gaze that hit me from below.

These gazes were mostly scared and horrified, but also mixed with many puzzles and confusions, and of course, anger.

The Elf Queen is merciful. Although she did not abandon the death penalty, during her sole administration, no matter the guilt she was fighting, she was only a prison disaster, and she never sentenced a capital punishment.

The penalty for a period of time was too light, causing people to forget about the death penalty.

As a result, the psychology of fluke began to swell, and the desire to commit crimes began to stretch out their arms and spread their claws. The powerful nobles began to calculate how to obtain higher levels of power and wealth. Some of the careerists, so they played freedom and The slogan of independence, planning a rebellion.

If this incident were to be handled by the Elf Queen, it might be just imprisonment, physical punishment, or the exploitation of the title of nobleman, this kind of meaningless punishment mechanism.

A slaughter, in exchange for a deep memory that has been lingering for many years, and long-term security.

Presumably, from the moment the blood was splashed on the execution ground, to a few years, more than a dozen years, or even decades later, anyone who saw this scene in person could not forget the horror of this moment.

Take the magic airship back to the capital, Moonlight City.

On the way, Boss Renn used a dagger to cut a piece of paper filled with words into small pieces, and threw them into a small stove on one side, watching them transform into swaying smoke and silent paper among the dancing flames. gray.

"What is that?" I asked casually.

"The list of the families of the dozens of rebels executed on the spot" he said lightly, while continuing to cut the paper with a dagger.

"I'm really sorry, I wasted a lot of your time and energy to collect these, and it turned out to be useless" I apologized.

Boss Ren raised his head and glanced at me, then lowered his head, cutting the piece of paper, while saying: "It's useless, it means that my master is still a flesh and blood sympathetic person."

"You don't seem to be blaming me?"

"I didn't blame you," the boss of Rennes said: "On the contrary, I feel it's nice to have a master like you. At least, I live by your side more like a person."

After thinking about it a little bit, he realized that he didn't understand what the boss said, so he shook his head and said, "I don't understand."

Rehn’s boss said: “It’s very fascinating to take control of other people’s lives and exercise this right at will. I was a little worried before, and I was afraid that you would indulge in it. Now it seems that I am worrying more.

Seeing my gaze still stunned, he continued: "You know, whether it's indulging in rights or indulging in killing, once indulged in, it is no longer a person, but a walking corpse driven by desire."

"Oh, listening to you, I understand a little bit." Nodded, I said: "So you are worried that I have been given the enormous power to confuse your head."


"Actually, you don't need to worry about this" I said: "In my opinion, things like rights are indeed wonderful sometimes, but in many cases, they are troublesome. It will not only stop the progress, but also conceal the truth. It makes it difficult for me to tell the truth from the fake. Relatively speaking, I prefer the kind of free adventurer life, facing the dungeon and hunting monsters every day."

The speed of the airship was very fast, and it reached Moonlight City in just forty minutes.

After getting off the airship, I hurried to the Elf Palace, while Boss Ren hurried back to the tree house.

All the way to the fairy queen's office, she was reviewing a stack of documents.

"Grandma Empress, I'm back."

Knocked on the door, I said.

"Yeah" she put down the pen, raised her head, smiled and said, "How does it feel to counter the rebellion?"

"Tired" I said: "I am tired, especially every time I think of the painful expressions of their family members."

The fairy queen nodded and said: "As I told you before, you did a good job this time. Although you executed dozens of bewitched civilians, you got hundreds of thousands of people from the surrounding area of ​​Ivy City. peace."

After I listened, I couldn't help frowning: "Hundreds of thousands? Are there so many?"

The fairy queen did not answer me directly, but guided me: "Xiaoyi, you tell me, if the rebel forces take Ivy City, what will they do next?"

"Reserve your energy and continue to grow your power."

"So, how do you strengthen the power?" the fairy queen asked again.

I thought for a moment, suddenly my eyes widened, and said, "Could it be... unite or invade surrounding towns?"

"Your analysis is completely correct," the fairy queen said seriously: "Unite with the surrounding towns that are willing to cooperate and launch an attack on other towns loyal to us. Don't look at the small towns surrounding Ivy City, but if you compromise and allow them to mess around, Maybe it will cause other towns to follow suit. Once that time comes, civil war will inevitably break out. By that time, dozens of people will die."

"......FK U."

Although I don’t want to agree with the Fairy Queen’s analysis in my heart, this is the truth. If a town’s rebellion is left unchecked, more towns will soon follow suit. After a while, Moonlight City will be in chaos, even more than during the turmoil. Ai Ruicheng is even worse!

Thinking of this, I shudder.

"Xiao Yi" the fairy queen said: "You are indispensable in countering the rebellion this time, but I will not give you any rewards about the rewards."

"It's okay to give a reward or something." I waved my hand and said, "It is my duty as an elder to fight against such things."

"No, the reward is still to be awarded, it doesn't matter whether you are an elder or not," the fairy queen said: "The reason why I decided not to reward you for the time being is because you are going back to Dasai City again soon."

"Huh? What are you doing? I have no plans to go back for the time being when I come back."

"You will go back" The Fairy Queen shook the call crystal in her hand and smiled: "Your fiancee Kagali, here is telling me that you want you to finish your business and rush back to Dasai City immediately to watch the Rose Legion of the Two Cities Battle."

"Two cities of the Rose Legion!" I suddenly felt, really, this rebellion was so touched, I even forgot that the Moonlight City Rose Legion and the Dasai City Rose Legion would have a battle.

Thinking of this, I hurriedly asked: "What does the game start?"

"Two days later" said the fairy queen: "Nine o'clock in the morning."

That’s right, take an airship today, and go to Balan City tomorrow, take a day off, and then you can watch this century war, which can be regarded as a fateful duel.

Whether it is the Rose Legion of Darcy City that wins, or the Rose Legion of Moonlight City is stronger.

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