The boss of Rennes declined the invitation of his colleagues.

He has no interest in the Hegemony Tournament, and, according to reports from his staff, Akharvey began to move around again, but this time, they did not attack or kidnap them, but often haunt the Fairy Forest, and even sneaked into the forest for a while. deep.

The boss of Renne believes that this Akahavi is very likely to be looking for a weapon with the power of the **** of creation lost in the depths of the fairy forest.

If so, what kind of weird conspiracy is this guy Akahavi playing?

I always feel that this guy is like an untimely bomb.

Riding on the magic airship alone, it was noon the next day when he arrived at Balan City.

After getting off the airship and rushing to the villa, pedestrians kept talking about the race that had just ended a day ago.

"This Dasai City Rose Legion is worse than Moonlight City Rose Legion. Look at the battle against the dwarves, it was crushed and beaten from the beginning, and even a counterattack was not organized!"

A certain rat tribe man said angrily. While screaming and screaming, he tore a small stack of square pieces of paper to pieces. Finally, he turned his head and shouted: "Boss, the day after tomorrow's game, I will buy moonlight. Cheng Rose County wins!"

The goatee man who sits steadily and sips tea slowly, said slowly: "The ticket to win the Moonlight City Rose Army is gone, otherwise, you should continue to bet on the Cyber ​​Rose Army, in case you win. That's it."

"Win? Win a fart!" the mouse tribe jumped and scolded, "If they can win, I will eat all the bricks on the ground!"

The Rat Clan’s depraved performance made everyone around him laugh.

I also laughed, but I knew it in my heart that it was not funny at all.

Do you have to bear such insults if you lose?

This is not a preliminary competition, and the opponent is not a newly promoted rookie guild. This is the ending song of the Hefeng Hegemony, the most exciting and glorious highlight of the Hefeng Hegemony!

All participating teams that climb to this position should receive corresponding respect and awe, rather than grandstanding abuse and insults.

I wanted to catch the rat tribe and other kinds of guys, and criticized and educate them, but found that there were so many people like lice and ants.

I had no choice but to give up, pretending not to see these guys, speeding up his pace, and rushing to the villa.

Entering the hall, looking around, only to see Father Taylor who was drinking comfortably.

Go ahead and ask other people.

The old man said: "We have all gone to the Rose Army resident."

I rushed to the station and was taken to the training ground. I saw the Rose Legion of Dasai City playing against the Rose Legion of Moonlight City. Except for Princess Aurora, Mi Lulu, and Jin Siqi, everyone else was watching the battle.

On the sidelines, Phoenix, who was watching the game intently, turned his head as if receptively, and saw me at a glance, whispered, turned around and ran to my side, pulling my arm in excitement and said: "Xiaoyi, they are so amazing. It's really amazing!"

Seeing it, this is the attitude that real viewers should have, unlike the group of gamblers.

I smiled and said, "Where are they so good?"

Phoenix tilted his head and pondered, and said, "I don't know, it's amazing anyway!"

Uh, what I just said was not said.



The battle between the two Legions of Roses is indeed wonderful, and it is no wonder that the Phoenix is ​​so excited. Just watching the white lights intersect each other, the swords and the crossbows crossbow, make people feel passionate.

The women of Hefeng Continent didn't feel any feminine feeling when they got up. The screams of punches and metal collisions are even more intense than most men.

Compared with the feminine beauty of women on the blue planet, the women here have a rare wild beauty.

This kind of wild beauty can't be conquered by brute force-no matter how strong a man is, he dare not say that it must be more powerful than a woman.

This is the charm of women in Hefeng Mainland.

While feeling the charm of women, training continues.

A female adventurer of rhinoceros with a very strange shape of ears showed her strong physique and arrogant power in a timely manner.

Holding a large shield, he slammed into the opposite side, like an armored car traveling at high speed.


I can't help but secretly said.

With this kind of arrogant power, even me, I dare not easily challenge directly...


A loud noise interrupted my thinking.

The female adventurer of the rhinoceros suddenly stopped her figure, and then took a few steps back, and was forced back.

Confronting her is a slender elf. She holds a knight's gun in her hand. She is brave, majestic and daunting.

Wrapped in white light, the knight's gun was like a Palas spear blessed with holy light, drawing a long straight line, and approaching the rhino female adventurer.

The Rhino female was forced to retreat by the knight's gun, and she was about to retreat into the ranks of the priest. She let out a low growl, and white light suddenly appeared. At the same time, a distinctive breath was released.

As her breath spread, she seemed to blow her breath, and her muscles instantly doubled, transforming from a sturdy woman into a little giant out of thin air.

"This...what's the situation?" I asked with a dazed expression.

"This is the talent of our orcs." Kagali clapped excitedly and explained by the way: "It's not only us, but the fairies, elves and dwarves all have their own talents, except for goblins and your humans."

"Why!" I couldn't help saying: "This is simply discriminatory treatment!"

Kagali replied casually: "About this question, you have to ask the God of Creation."

This is so awkward, it always gives people a feeling of'if you want to find out the reason, you go to die'.

Since the outbreak of the Rhino Girl, the Knight Gun Elf has been a little weak to deal with it. Her original powerful shooting has made it difficult to push the Rhino Girl back. Instead, the strength of the knight gun she hit on the shield returned her. He retreated again and again.

That's what strength is about. When confronting head-on, whoever is strong will be awesome.

Soon, the knight spear elf was forced back to the camp, and still stepped back.

Just as the Rhino girl was about to break into the Rose Legion of Moonlight City and launch a large-scale destruction, several feather arrows were shot at the same time, hitting the large shield in succession.

Feather arrows have their pointed ends deliberately cut off, but they are still powerful.

Every time it hits, there will be a huge sound, and at the same time, a huge force will shook the rhino girl half a step back.

After a series of collisions, the Rhino female was forced back into the camp again.

On the side of the elves, the two bloated girls, after confirming that the rhino female was no longer threatened, lowered their arms, held the longbow and feather arrows, and continued to observe the situation on the field.

I know these two girls, they are Emily’s strongest twin archers, Lulu and Lucy.

Hidden under their bloated clothes must be a full quiver.

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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