The four dwarves, short and squat bodies, looked like dwarfs facing giants compared to the hurricane that reached the top of the magic enchantment.

They were holding short swords that were overwhelmingly capable, roaring loudly, using their sword tips and blades to constantly stab the approaching hurricane.

The scene was both heroic and funny, like a primitive man holding a stone spear, with flesh and blood, constantly resisting wild beasts.

The hurricane that has absorbed a few pieces of blue brick powder has already made the shell as hard as bluestone, even harder than bluestone.

Facing the short sword injected with the power of fading, it is still as solid as a rock, and it continues to crush it with an unstoppable momentum.

The dwarves stepped back, but they were still not discouraged, and they continued to resist with their short swords.

After the ear-piercing screams peculiar to metal, the tip of the sword was sharpened by the force of the hurricane, and the edge of the sword was contained in it, and the rotating bluestone powder cut off a corner.

The dwarves are still struggling to resist, their posture is just like Emily and other elves who are struggling to disrupt the dwarven guild camp.

Both stubborn and beautiful.

However, Hurricanes and Dwarves are not only a difference in size, but also a difference in strength.

With four short swords and flesh and blood, the four dwarves really couldn't resist the hurricane's aggression. Finally, all the four short swords were broken in a scream of metal.

They can only rely on their close-fitting armor and flesh and blood to continue their efforts to resist the hurricane.

In the audience, I can fully imagine the feeling of powerlessness in the face of a hurricane, the harsh sound of the rotating bluestone powder constantly rubbing the armor, and the exposed skin constantly under the powerful energy of the hurricane. The pain of destruction.

Thinking of this, my hand couldn't help clenching tightly.

At this moment, only listening to the dwarf guild, the captain made a loud voice and issued a few unintelligible instructions.

The painful expressions of the four dwarves were suddenly pleasantly surprised.

In an instant, white light appeared all over their bodies, and then countless golden halos came out from under their skin.

The halo accumulated more and more, and within a few breaths, the four dwarves were dyed golden!

The golden light continued to expand, and within a dozen breaths, the light had grown to four or five times the height of a dwarf.

It can be vaguely seen that this grown-up light has the appearance of a dwarf, and the figure of a dwarf is like a dwarf magnified several times!

After summoning the phantom, the four dwarves seemed to be beaten up in blood, and instantly became energetic. In their eyes, there was no more pain, and instead, they were full of fanaticism.


There were four roars in unison, suddenly sounded, and some of the audience nearby couldn't avoid it. They stretched out their hands to cover their ears, but they were still grinning.

Following the roar, the four dwarves stretched out their hands again and pushed toward the hurricane.

The golden phantom moves in the same manner as the dwarf, and is the first to contact the hurricane.

The chaotic voice sounded, the sound of the golden shadow competing with the hurricane's bluestone powder shell.

The sound was rapid, like a chainsaw tearing rocks.

As the voice became more and more urgent and louder, I saw an unexpected scene.

The hurricane that had previously been invincible stopped its crushing steps and was pushed back by the four dwarves and their golden shadows with powerful force.

"This is the true strength of our dwarven race" the dwarf king solemnly said: "It is also the capital of the dwarven guild to suppress the first generation."

As they spoke, the four dwarves had stopped on the field. They were panting, while driving the golden phantom, they used brute force to tear the hurricane layer by layer.

That scene was like tearing wallpaper.

Every time a layer is peeled and shredded, the volume of the hurricane will be reduced by a circle, and the energy contained in it will be weakened by a point.

On the Rose Legion, several magicians looked a little anxious, but they still kept chanting spells, injecting more magic into the hurricane and maintaining its existence.

However, the speed of injecting magic is not as fast as the speed of being torn apart by a hurricane.

A few minutes later, the hurricane that drove the bluestone arena out of a deep ditch was finally torn apart by the four dwarves and disappeared.

The four dwarves were too tired, and they didn't even have the power to continue attacking, and they threw themselves to the ground.

At the same time, on the side of the Rose Legion, several magician girls who released the hurricane magic had pale faces and could not stand steady. Fortunately, they were helped by their companions to avoid collapsing.

This wonderful small-scale contest can be described as hurting the enemy one thousand and eight hundred.

But its amazing degree is beyond doubt.

Thinking of the golden phantom of the dwarf, I turned my head and whispered to the elf queen: "My queen, why didn't I see the elves unlock their talents? Isn't this battle enough for them to unlock their talents to fight?"

The Elf Queen whispered: "Our elves' talents will only be apparent in the jungle. Outside the jungle, they will only show excellent agility and mobility."

"So there are restrictions" I murmured.

Unfortunately, this whisper was heard by the dwarf king, and he was pleased to say: "As expected, my son-in-law, so quickly we can see that our dwarves have limited talents."


what did you say?

I'm just screaming, please don't look at me with that kind of approval, I will be shy.

The dwarf king sighed softly and said, "If our dwarves had no such restrictions on their talents, our dwarves would have long been the strongest race in the Hefeng Continent!"

On the side, the Goblin King looked embarrassed and coughed in a low voice: "Come on, brother, stop dreaming about unrealistic things. Even if there are no restrictions, dwarves are still not the strongest race."

"The real strongest race" he said, turning his gaze to the arena, staring at a few unremarkable young figures, and said: "It's a fairy."

The magic barrier burst instantly, and several magicians and priests stopped singing, panting.

The reason why they lasted so long is to prevent soldiers from sneaking on the rear. Now that the four dwarves who sneaked on the rear are exhausted, they can also take a breather temporarily.

As soon as the barrier was removed, a few petite figures slowly walked out of the team. They looked very cute, their eyes were very pure, and they looked harmless to humans and animals.

But this is only in the eyes of ordinary people.

Real adventurers, once they see them, they are either respectful or serious. No adventurer dares to look at them with the eyes of his sister next door.

They are fairies.

I know a thing or two about the strength of the fairy queen, which is the type that can abuse me with closed eyes.

I also know a little bit about Xiao Leimi's strength. Once she gets serious, I can't keep up with him at that speed.

However, the fairy queen and Xiao Lemi are the only remaining fairy royal bloodlines, and they stabilize other fairy bloodlines.

Even so, still cannot underestimate any of them.

Even if there is no royal blood, they are still fairies and still have fairies.

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