Fairies are one of the oldest existing races in Hefeng Continent.

He was also the only ruler of the Hefeng Continent.

Even the oldest and most revered high priest of the orc race so far was one of the servants of the fairy queen.

After getting in touch with fairies, you will find that fairies seem to be a race that loves peace and does not like disputes.

But don't think that fairies have only such a pure and sunny side.

From the fierce beast monsters who were driven to the depths of the elven forest and dared not take a step for thousands of years, you can know that once the goblins are determined to fight, even those fierce beasts who want to destroy mankind and occupy the Hefeng Continent. Monsters, must avoid three points.

Initially, the Elf Queen made a request to the Elf Queen, hoping that the Elf Queen could send the Elf into the Rose Army.

You know, since the massacre, the whole family of fairies has completely separated from the Rose Legion, and even the fairies of the Rose Legion of Dasai City left the guild overnight and rushed back to Moonlight City to live in seclusion.

Due to these years of retreat from the world, the fairies have long been accustomed to a quiet life. Although there are still battles and trainings every day, it is still very strange to fight side by side with foreigners, especially the young fairies children, even foreigners. He showed an expression that was both strange and fearful—except me.

After many days and nights of ideological struggle, finally, the fairy queen agreed to send a young fairy girl into the Legion of Roses.

When I heard the news, the elf queen cried-you are too stingy, not to mention adult goblins, but baby goblins are much older, but you kept thinking about it all night, and finally only gave in. Fairy girl, this, this...

The crying and tearless elf queen quickly approached me and asked me with a rare tough attitude to accompany her to meet the fairy queen, and from my personal standpoint, begged the fairy queen to let go and send two more people to the Rose Army.

Regarding this request, I initially rejected it-why? The fairy queen let me choose the treasures in the warehouse! But you? The salary paid to me, a foreign elder, only reached the minimum level of the elder, and there is no welfare treatment yet!

I was determined not to help if I didn't get a raise or a benefit, and I sat on the sofa and scorned.

In the end, I forgot that Princess Analeta was also at my house. The little princess saw me making things difficult for her sister, so she was very angry and the consequences were serious.

She even colluded with Xiao Lemi, let Xiao Lori take her to fly over my head, and then suddenly came to the top of Tarzan.

Princess Analeta's weight is very light, but the impact caused by Princess Analeta who fell from a high altitude is not light.

Immediately, the sofa I was sitting on collapsed.

That's a high-end luxury item that cost me a lot of gold coins!

The little princess Analetta said that she was still very angry and planned to have another double sword match with Xiao Lemi. The goal was directed at the handmade decorations that Master Dewey gave me. The thing was made of jade, which is not an exaggeration. , The value of that gadget can buy the smallest small town in Ai Ruicheng!

Seeing Princess Analetta taking off slowly, I was subdued.

Without dinner, she accompanied the elf queen to meet the fairy queen.

The fairy queen also really gave face, without saying anything, agreed to my request: add two more people.

As a result, the number of goblins stationed in the Rose Legion changed from one to three.

Before leaving the palace, the Elf Queen said to me regretfully: "I knew I would let you talk about a few more people, or it would be better to make a list."

"Don't tease me, okay" I was broken at the time: "You have also seen that the Queen's grandma has made up her mind and finally agreed to my request."

"Is there?" The elf queen blinked: "Grandma she simply agreed."

Then I didn't want to talk to the Elf Queen. I always felt it was dangerous to talk to her. Either I was injured or my valuables were injured.

The level of the three young fairy girls when they were stationed in the Rose Legion was slightly higher than mine, but they were far behind the top powerhouses of the young generation in the guild.

After a period of training, the level and strength of the three people have advanced by leaps and bounds, and they can already be among the strongest among the young generation-this is Emily's original words.

I am sure that Emily will not lie, but I don't know how much water there is in these words. After all, the Rose Legion is just a guild and cannot represent the overall strength of the Hefeng Continent.

At this moment, on the field of the Hegemony Contest, three fairy girls, holding daggers in their hands, stepped out slowly. Their faces were lightly smiles, and their eyes were shining with clear light. They wanted to show the world, The majesty of the long-lost fairy.

Invisibly, in the dwarf guild, except for the dwarf captain who was fighting against Emily, the other dwarves all turned their attention to the three petite goblin girls.

Oh, I forgot to mention, the elf girls who have entered the enemy camp, only Emily is still fighting hard. The other girls have been fully clothed and are resting at the edge of the magic enchantment. They are tired of the four. To the state of a collapsed dwarf.

"These three fairy girls have a very strong breath," the dwarf king murmured. Suddenly, he turned his head and looked directly at the elf queen, and said: "You really hide a good hand of cards!"

The Elf Queen smiled slightly: "Each each other."

Fairy girls never use ink in their fighting style, just do what they say.

With an acceleration, the three girls pulled out their phantoms and went straight to the nearest three dwarves.

When the dwarf saw that it was not good, his whole body flickered with white light and golden light, and he summoned the golden phantom at a very fast speed. Before he could make a defensive posture, the goblin girls had a dagger on his back.

The golden phantom that even the hurricane can't get rid of, can't resist the goblin girl's dagger with fading power!

There was a light mark on the back of the golden phantom dwarf that was a whole body.

"What a sharp attack!" The dwarf king exclaimed, "Although it has been more than ten years since I have seen a goblin, I was still shocked by this sight!"

"Indeed" the goblin king said: "It is true that there are not many such powerful attacks that can defeat the dwarf talent at the same level. The goblin is indeed the strongest race."

"There is a genius girl, Emily, and the support of the fairies. Congratulations, Queen of the Fairies, the day when Moonlight City rises again is close at hand!"

The elf queen smiled back, and seemed to have a flat expression, but the glory in her eyes could not disappear.

In fact, it was not the Dwarf King and the Goblin King that showed the most surprise in the attack on the goblin girl, nor the exclaimed crowd, but the three dwarves under attack.

They were more than surprised, they were horrified!

The talent that has always been considered invaluable has been destroyed by a single blow. God knows what happened just now!

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