The figure flickered, and the phantoms continued.

The fairy girls circled the three dwarves at a speed that was hard to catch with the naked eye. The three dwarves who circled were dizzy and attacked again and again, and again and again failed. Under their impetuous heart, they were sweating profusely.

Looking at the golden phantom again, in just a few tens of seconds, it is already covered with dozens of deep or shallow scars of different sizes. If you count them carefully, almost every second, the golden phantom will be covered. Add a wound.

The Steel Hammer sitting not far from me will grow up and yell: "You fools, I usually ask you to improve your strength and train your talents, but you don’t listen. How about being treated by such a few delicate little girls? Give it to you! That's what it deserves!"

I can hear that President Steel Hammer hates iron but does not make steel, but I still think that his hot temper should be changed. If he teaches his men on the spot, it will affect morale.

Sure enough, the dwarf king could not stand, and gave it sitting around steel hammer president of the Austrian president a look, the Austrian president apart from anything else, it is the sight back of his head, steel hammer hit was president shrieking cry , Stood up abruptly, and stared at President Aoli, "Why are you hitting me?"

President Auli did not rush, and pointed to the Dwarf King.

As soon as President Hammer turned his head, he saw the dwarf king with cross-brows, he was frightened and sat down honestly, and the angry lion instantly turned into a sheep.

Looking at the golden phantom that was being destroyed a little bit, I was a little worried, and asked the dwarf king around me, "If the talent is broken, will it affect their lives?"

The dwarf king brewed his emotions, and said to me in a calm tone: "No, at most it is no longer physically strong, just like the few lying next to him."

When I heard that there was nothing in danger of my life, I was relieved immediately.

The battle situation on the field began to change after the fairy girl stepped in. Except for the dwarf captain who was competing with Emily, and the three dwarf adventurers who were constantly being abused, the other dwarves were divided into two groups. Three dwarves and fairy girls surrounded them to prevent their fighting from spreading to others, while another wave wielded weapons and violently killed the elves who were in the rear and were recovering their magical strength.

The dwarf may have discovered that it is extremely unwise to continue to be obsessed with defeating the opponent in front of him, and to push the people behind him again.

Because of this battle, in addition to the difficult factor Emily, there were three more uncertain factors with extremely high agility, extremely fast speed, and great damage.

Perhaps in the eyes of experienced adult dwarves, there is already a way to defeat the three fairies, but in the eyes of the younger generation of dwarves on the field, these three fairies are more difficult opponents than Emily.

Although Emily's attack was more violent and more terrifying, there were traces to follow.

Where are the three fairies?

It seems that among the dwarves present, there is no one who can be sure to grasp their trajectory!

If the battle between Emily and the dwarf captain is a lion and a wolf, then the battle between the goblin and the dwarf is a tease of the cat and the mouse.

If you can't act decisively, I'm afraid that half of the dwarves' combat power will be restrained by Emily and the three goblins, and then they will be passive.

In the case of being suppressed by Emily, he can still find a way to figure out the situation on the field and make corresponding countermeasures in a very short time. Presumably, this dwarf captain is no ordinary person.

I turned to the dwarf king and said, "This dwarf captain looks young. I didn't expect that the on-site experience would be so rich."

The dwarf king laughed and said: "Those who can show up on this arena are the most potential elites of our young generation, and the captain who can be the most potential elite is naturally the one with the greatest potential and the most leadership among them. Guys."

"I'll just say, how can you be so good?" I nodded repeatedly, and said, "It turns out to be the strongest dwarf among the younger generation."

On the arena, Emily and the goblins discovered the changes in the battle situation at the same time, and also understood the intention of the dwarf captain one after another, but the three goblins suffered from being besieged by the dwarves and could not get out for a while.

On Emily’s side, the dwarf captain is still trying his best to contain Emily, but obviously, his spare power is no longer enough. The golden phantom, which is bigger and more dazzling than other dwarves, is already under Emily’s violent attack. , Became riddled with holes and crumbling, but he was still struggling, trying to create more time for his teammates to complete their mission.

Sitting in the auditorium, I squeezed my sweat for the dwarf captain, and at the same time squeezed my sweat for the troops behind the Rose Legion who were about to be attacked.

Suddenly, I noticed that Emily's indifferent face flashed with a sharp look. The eyes that had always been peaceful before suddenly became sharp. I suddenly felt bad, and subconsciously blurted out: "It's bad!"

"Huh?" The Dwarf King who was sitting on the side let out a doubt.

In the next moment, my hunch and the doubts of the Dwarf King were answered.

He gave a merciless answer with saber and combat skills.

Seeing Emily close her slender hand and close her saber to one side, at the same time, the white light of her body converged on the sabre, condensed on the tip of the sword, her body tilted slightly, like a rose pouring in the wind, but next In seconds, a terrifying and terrifying power sprayed from the tip of the sword, turning into an aurora, attacking the throat of the golden phantom of the dwarf captain at a speed that the naked eye could not catch.

At this moment, it happened so fast that people forgot to exclaim, forgot to jump for joy, and even forgot their own existence.

This is also the first time in this competition that the auditorium is quieter than the arena.

The dwarves, the fairies, and the elves in the battle were all affected by the strange atmosphere of moments of silence around them, and couldn't help slowing down their movements.

The moment they turned their heads, there was a soft sound, and a huge, circular golden shadow fell to the ground, rolled twice, and then slapped and shattered into powder.

The dwarf captain's building, which looked taller than the other dwarves, was a more mighty golden shadow. At this moment, it suddenly became awkward. It seemed to be missing the most important thing-the head.

The expression of the dwarf captain became weak in an instant. He panted repeatedly and his figure began to shake slightly. Finally, he could not support the posture of standing on the pillar, and sat down on the ground with his butt. At the same time, the golden phantom without his head also slapped. With a sound, it shattered into countless golden powders and disappeared.

However, this man was indeed strong. At the moment he was sitting on the ground, he issued the last command since he was eliminated-continue to attack!

Just as I was sighing the dwarf captain's will, someone in the audience suddenly called out: "Look there!"

Following the sound, I found the person who made the sound. Following his raised arm, I saw that a football-sized hole appeared at the top of the magic enchantment that was several times thicker than before.

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