After confirming the layout of the store, I followed the proprietress to the shop where I ordered coffee beans, and brought back several tons of goods.

After loading and warehousing, I took out a bag, opened the seal, and a strong fragrance came to my face.

This is not fresh coffee beans, but the kind that can be stored for many years after being dried.

I habitually picked up two of them and threw them into my mouth, chewing them with chuckles. The bitterness and sweetness overlapped, and the flavor was full, but it was slightly less delicate than the coffee beans produced in Moonlight City.

The proprietress also grabbed a few grains and put them into the grinder. While grinding them slowly, she said, "Isn't there any coffee beans rich in Moonlight City that are refreshing?"

I nodded.

"People here like to drink strong fragrances," the proprietress said: "They are not used to drinking fragrances."

"You are indeed an expert in cafés" I praised.

"It's up to you!" Barbara proudly said: "My aunt, that's an expert!"

The proprietress smiled, put the coffee powder on the coffee pot, rinsed it with hot water, then picked up the upper filter, poured the coffee beans residue into the sink, and then gently flushed the filter.

After the flushing, she divided the brewed coffee into four cups, picked up one of them, took a sip, and let out a cheerful nasal sound, and said: "Awesome, you guys try it too."

I also picked up a glass. Just about to drink, I saw Barbara who had taken a sip leaning against the bar with a happy expression, turning her ears quickly.

Does this mean it’s delicious enough to fly?

Next to her, the foodie girl who had drunk coffee wrinkled her face, then quickly took out a packet of potato chips from the side, opened the seal, stuffed a few slices into her mouth, chewed hard, and then eased her expression.

Ha, it seems that she is the type who is not used to the bitterness of clear coffee.

In fact, I am not used to drinking clear coffee, but I can still drink this cup of clear coffee tastefully-no matter how bad it tastes, it tastes better than the blood of a big tooth mouse.

In order to solve the problem of drinking water, I had to catch big teeth rats every day, twist their necks and drink their blood.

During that time, it can be said that it was the dark time that I shared with Fang Fang-I desperately looked for Fang Fang, and Fang Fang desperately avoided me.

With the inventory, the preliminary work of the cafe is basically completed, and the rest is to formulate the menu, prepare the cakes, notify relatives and friends, and prepare to open.

The menu is very simple, just like the Ai Ruicheng Cafe, the cheapest one is one copper coin, one plate, the most expensive one gold coin one plate, the cheapest kinds are many, and the most expensive one is black hair steak.

The method of making black hair steak was originally created by the proprietress. Although it has not been kept secret, very few people know it.

In order not to smash the sign, the proprietress specifically called the foodie girl to her side and taught her how to make it little by little.

The foodie girl cooks every day when she is at home, and her craftsmanship is not as bad as Barbara's. She quickly learned how to make black hair steak, and after a few practice sessions, she made a decent finished product.

The lady boss was very satisfied with this, and even praised the person I was looking for smart.

After this, I asked the foodie girl to prepare a recruitment notice, and asked a few girls to come to the store as maid clerk.

The notice was posted in the afternoon, and there were people knocking on the door before dusk, and there were several girls who came along. These girls were all human girls, very pretty in appearance, and they all seemed to have some skill. They should be from adventurers.

I interviewed them. The content of the interview was to let them tell their past. This past includes their personal situation, family situation, and which line they did before.

As I expected, these girls are all adventurers. Originally, they owned a small guild in Ai Rui City and a small residence. Although their lives were tight, they were still very happy. .

But later, because of the incident, Ai Ruicheng introduced the York Seoul Adventurer's Guild to the city. After those guys were stationed in the city, they did all kinds of evil. Once accidentally, they found a few girls and their guild, and they started all kinds of coercion. Wanting to take them as their own, since these girls are able to maintain their guilds in a poor life, they are naturally temperamental. It is impossible for them to compromise, so the two parties first quarreled. , And then fought.

How could the girls be the opponents of those hooligans, after losing every day, fleeing the city of Eri, living in Dasai city.

Because they don't have fixed assets, they can only live in the simplest basement, and they continue to brush monsters every day.

But you must know that their strength is very weak, they can't brush high-level monsters, they can barely maintain life and equipment maintenance, and they can't even buy new clothes. In desperation, they gave up the adventurer industry and decided to change. Invest in other industries and see what they can do.

By coincidence, they saw that a cafe here was about to open, so they planned to try their luck, then saw the recruitment notice, and then came.

I was interviewing girl by girl. Although their answers were different, they were generally the same.

And I can see that they are not lying, nor do they seem to sneak in here with some ulterior motive.

So, I have plans to hire them, but I need a test.

I want to know how much they trust each other.

So I asked the same question one by one: I’m sorry, you have just one more number, you have to remove one. I would like to hear your opinion on this, please rest assured, I won’t know your opinion. Tell a few others, I can promise.

Soon, they all had their own answers, and the person to be removed was different-they all wanted to remove themselves and leave the opportunity to others.

I breathed a sigh of relief. This was called a team. Although they were deprived of the name of the guild, in essence, their guild still exists—as long as a few of them are still there.

Then, I announced the list of hires—all of them were hired.

Needless to say about the salary, the cafe has always adhered to the principle of twice the average salary of other cafes. This rule was formulated by the proprietress to repay the maid girls who persisted in the most difficult period of the cafe — —It is the group of maid girls in the Moonlight City Cafe now.

Now the salaries of those maid girls are no longer paid by the proprietress, but by the entire cafe-they have become joint shareholders of the cafe and enjoy the cafe's overall profit dividend.

It is no exaggeration to say that based on the current income of the Moonlight City Cafe, the daily salary of each maid girl is enough for an ordinary Dasay City residents to earn for a year.

Even so, this group of local tyrant girls still lead an unremarkable ordinary life every day, still closely following in the footsteps of the proprietress, without feeling that they are already rich women-they really don't know it because of the careful guidance of the proprietress Next, these maid girls have no idea about money.

This is a group of silly girls with a lot of money!

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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