When everything was set up, it was already dusk, and the night came first.

After a simple dinner, we returned home.

After arriving home, Barbara can't wait to tell everyone that the cafe Dasai City branch will open tomorrow!

All the women boiled up instantly, competing to celebrate that Barbara will soon have her own cafe.

If I met them for the first time, I would definitely be touched by their happy friendship for the success of their companions. However, I have been with them for a long time, and I can be sure that at least half of these girls are for tomorrow. They are happy to be able to eat and drink for free, while the other half are purely habitual to join in the fun. As for the vivid expressions on their faces, it is their natural expression.

You ask me what their nature is?

you still need to ask?

Isn't the nature of a woman just a playmaker?

The next day, all the members of the Fearless Guild went to the cafe to join in the fun, and everyone leaned on the door to chat.

In the past, onlookers said: A new cafe will be opened here.

Some colleagues said: It seems that it is a competitor to operate on my site. No, I have to find a way to kill the shop.

Just half an hour before the opening, Swift and his wife, as well as a group of great aristocratic friends came here.

The onlookers began to stop and watch: so many nobles have come, it seems that this cafe has some ways, and I will come here to try it when I have time.

Some colleagues frowned and said: It seems a bit tricky to have aristocrats intervening. Okay, we'll just give it away, not tender to die, but we still have to drive it away.

Twenty minutes before the door opened, Dasai City Rose Army, Dasai City Iron Wolf Guild, Boulder Guild, and New Heroic Guild, the presidents of the four guilds and their entourage rushed to the door of the cafe together.

The crowds onlookers stopped: It's a bit exaggerated, two of the five major guilds of the Hefeng Continent have come at once, and they are all leaders of the president level!

Some colleagues are excited: Fuck, what's the situation?

Ten minutes before the opening, the city lord of Balan came slowly with his wife, with flowers and gifts.

The onlookers were suspicious: The city owner brought flowers and gifts to the opening ceremony of the cafe?

Some colleagues are lost in thought: It is better not to mess with it.

There are five minutes before the door opens.

The orc king, the orc queen, the elf queen, the dwarf king, the goblin king, all came together, and I led the crowd to welcome them from a distance.

The crowds onlookers were instantly shocked: Damn, what is the background of this cafe, and the lord of the three major towns in the Hefeng Continent are here!

Some of my colleagues were sweating and trembling: "Big brother, this is, worship, I am willing to offer my knees to show surrender.

One minute before the door opens...

An old figure, supported by the four young people, slowly approached.

The appearance of this old character completely shocked the entire city of Balan. Perhaps it will not take a few days before the reputation of this cafe will rise because of this old character.

This old figure is the high priest of the orc race.

The oldest, most mysterious, and most respected existence in the entire Hefeng Continent.

With the appearance of the orc high priest, the orc king was shocked. He completely disregarded his image and rushed forward to hold the orc high priest's left arm.

The orc high priest smiled at him and nodded, then turned his head and looked at me. I instantly understood what she meant, and quickly stepped forward and held her right arm.

As I held the right arm of the orc high priest, the crowd of onlookers instantly boiled, and almost everyone's eyes were cast on my face: who is this young man? !

I would look very uncomfortable with layers of fiery eyes, and lower my head subconsciously.

The orc high priest chuckled, "You kid, I'm embarrassed."

I laughed and said nothing.

Because of the presence of the orc high priest, the firecrackers that the café was originally prepared to celebrate were put away. Instead, the built-in music sounded. With the music full of joy, the ribbon-cutting activity officially began.

Originally the position of the orc king was replaced by the orc high priest. With my support, the orc high priest took the scissors and cut the ribbon with Barbara.

After that, the cafe officially opened for business.

With the support of the orc king and I, the orc high priest took the lead in the cafe and took a seat in the innermost and quietest place.

The others followed along, and under the guidance of the maid clerk, they took their place.

After helping the high priest to sit down, the orc king said seriously, "Why don't you tell me if your old man is coming?"

The high priest chuckled, "I want to surprise everyone."

"Surprise, you really surprised me. What happened to me along the way, what would you tell me to do?"

"Don't worry, nothing will happen." The high priest smiled and said, "My life span is still long, so don't worry about it."

Hearing what she said, the orc king couldn't complain any more, so he gave me a wink and hurried back to the table of the city lord.

What the orc king wants to express to me is clear: take care of the high priest.

I watched the orc king return to his seat, and then said with a smile: "Your old man can come here, it really gave me a big surprise!"

"Surprise?" The high priest smiled: "Maybe surprises are more than surprises."

"Oh, I can't hide anything from you." Touching my head, I said: "Your old man's visit here will definitely not be as simple as drinking coffee."

"Coffee is still to be drunk." The high priest picked up the coffee cup, sniffed the scent, and sighed softly: "I still like the clear fragrance."

"Barbara" I looked excited, and Barbara who was grinding coffee called over: "Is there any kind of coffee beans that comes with it in the house?"

Barbara thought for a while: "Yes, but not much."

"Do you know where it is?" I asked again.

She just answered me vaguely, probably in the kitchen.

I asked her to accompany the high priest, but I walked out of the cafe and hurried to the villa.

Back at the villa, I rushed to the kitchen first, and after going around a lot, I finally found the few coffee beans left, but there are enough coffee beans to make more than a dozen cups.

Wrapped the coffee beans in paper, put them in my pocket, and was about to leave the villa. As soon as I opened the door, I saw two ordinary dressed people with tools for prying the door and the lock in their hands, preparing to pry the door of my house.

"Fuck, who are you two!" I blurted out subconsciously.

Both of them were taken aback for a moment, and the next second, they suddenly threw their tools at me.

"Oh, let me go, are the people prying doors and unlocking so awesome now? Not only are they not afraid of people, but they dare to attack me with things after being discovered. It's just the opposite!"

While talking, I stretched out my hand to catch the wrench that came and swiped it without hesitation.

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