Ordinary thief will be stunned by my tiger-like aura and will retreat.

However, the two people in front of them were not in a mess. They stretched out their hands and touched them back. In the next second, two bright short blades were held in the palms of their hands. One of them raised the short blade to block the wrench from smashing, while the other was full of malice. , Poke at my waist.

Don't slap someone in the face, or stab someone in the waist!

Ah's fighting style is so unlimited, so don't blame my subordinates for being merciless!

The free left hand, like a poisonous snake attacking, suddenly leaned out from his side, with the help of Jianbi's steel guard, staged an empty-handed victory.

Five fingers clasped the short-blade crosswise, then immediately applied force and twist!

The man was struggling and immediately let go.

Although my main game is Tai Sword, I also use short blade.

As soon as I started with the short blade, I gently threw it and let it rotate 180 degrees in the air, then opened my hand and held it firmly, and then stabbed it forward.

There was a soft sound.

Although it felt slightly blocked, the short blade still pierced into the upper abdomen without accident.

The sudden reversal of the situation made one of the two thieves startled. The thief who was pierced tightly covered the wound in the next second, gritted his teeth in pain, but did not let himself make a sound.

Good guy, still a tough guy!

Since you are so hard-spirited, then I have no choice but to start with your partner and see if your partner shouts or not.

Ever since, a flurry of wrenches and short blades knocked the thief holding the dagger back in a row, but after hitting it, I found something was wrong-this kind of losing streak, how do you think it’s shifting me? At the same time strategic retreat!

Thinking of this, I turned my gaze and saw that, sure enough, the thief with a painful expression was planning to escape at this moment!

Humph, I told you to run away!

With a cry, I threw the metal wrench out like a dart.

The thief who was fighting with me was taken aback by this without warning. He was about to warn his companion to be careful when he was stabbed in the chest with a dagger.

For this sting, I didn't keep any hands. After all, to inquire about intelligence, only one person is enough. As for the other, hehe.

With a sneer, I turned the short blade, then pulled it out abruptly, and slashed again.

Along with the sound of broken bones, a round head fell to the ground.

At the same time, the thief who was about to escape let out a scream. He was hit by the wrench I threw out abruptly. As for where he hit it, I don’t know about it—I’m not Xiao Li Feida, I’m not so sure. .

After that, I sent the injured person to the local public security agency and called the pastor to help him heal him. Before leaving, I gave an order: "We must investigate everything about him and why we came to my house. What is the purpose and who is instructed."

Seeing that it was a direct order from the prime minister, the local chief did not dare to neglect for a moment, and immediately set about to torture.

After leaving the department, I turned back to the villa and threw the dead thief to Xiao Zhi as a snack, and then told Xiao Zhi that he must take good care of the house. Anyone who dares to break into our house will be killed.

Go back to the cafe, hand the coffee beans to Barbara, and then sit back across from the high priest.

As soon as he sat down, the high priest smiled and said, "Did you clean up those two guys?"

"You already know?" I asked in surprise.

"Otherwise, why should I say that I want to drink a fragrant coffee?" the high priest said mysteriously.

"So that's the case. You've seen someone rushing through the empty door of my house, and you said so on purpose. It caught my attention, right?

"Not quite" the high priest said: "I do like to drink fragrant coffee."

Soon, the refreshing coffee was delivered by Barbara himself, and the orc high priest thanked him, Barbara said sweetly, "You are welcome," her sweet and lovely expression, like two people in peacetime.

After Barbara returned to the bar, the high priest said, "Of course, I won't bother you specifically just to like drinking coffee with a clear aroma."

She lightly sniffed the newly brought coffee, and it was so refreshing in an instant that all the wrinkles on her face seemed to be relaxed in an instant, and she exhaled comfortably, she said: "You shouldn't think that those two people are really aggressive The empty thief."

"Isn't it?" I asked.

The high priest squinted his eyes and asked, "When a real thief is discovered, will his first reaction be to escape or kill?"

"I think it should be escape," I hesitated.

"Just run away," the high priest affirmed: "Thieves are just looking for money. When things are revealed, the first thought is often to get away from here immediately, but some people who have intentions are different, such as assassins."

"Assassins...you mean they are assassins?"

"I didn't say it, you said it" she smiled and nodded.

"Oh...I see, thank you for your guidance, the high priest," I said respectfully.

Needless to say the following greetings.

At dusk, a crowd of people went home, and I went halfway to the place where the'thief' was being held. The officer there had been waiting for me for a long time. After seeing me, he gave me a sealed package of documents and said:" Your Prime Minister, this is everything we can ask."

Seeing his look different, I couldn't help asking: "Are you hiding something from me?"

"I..." The officer hesitated for a moment, then knelt on the ground with a puff, and said, "Please forgive the subordinate's incompetence. During the torture, the man actually bit the poison sac hidden in the gums and killed himself. Up."

"I committed suicide." I lifted him up and said, "Take me to see the corpse."


The officer took me to the morgue. I saw the young male corpse. At this moment, his face was no longer the healthy color before, but was shrouded in a blue-black color. The blue-black color has been spreading over him. Body.

"This is really poisonous," I said.

Taking off his handguards and putting on a pair of gloves, I opened his mouth and looked inside. Sure enough, there was a broken tooth. It seemed that the poison sac was hidden under that tooth.

It seems that, as the high priest led, these two men are not thieves, but assassins who are plotting wrongdoing.

I thought for a while and said, "Did you ask who their boss is?"

"I'm sorry, Lord Prime Minister, he has been silent on this question, even if we are threatened and lured, he refuses to cooperate" the chief apologized.

"It's not to blame you," I said: "The other party came prepared, and even the consciousness of death has been completed. It is natural that you can't ask."

Then, I took down all the sheets covering the corpse, looked at every corner of his body carefully, and asked: "Apart from torture, have you found any useful clues on this corpse?"

"Yes" the officer said: "At the side waist position, where your palm is pressed, there is an irregular scar. I suspect that there should have been a tattoo there. In order to ensure that no clues are left, it is artificial. Ruined."

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