"What's wrong?" I ran to the end in two steps and asked urgently: "What happened?"

Seeing at the end of the corridor, Xiao Leimi plunged into Barbara's arms. Barbara shrank into a ball in horror, stretched her arms slightly, looked at me, crying, and said, "Xiao, Xiaoyi, there, there... ...."


I looked in the direction Barbara was pointing, and in the corner of the end, in an inconspicuous position, a very large patterned spider was lying quietly on the web that I had woven, motionless.

"Spider?" I asked her.

"Well, it's scary!" Barbara said with a trembling voice: "Xiaoyi, go quickly and kill it!"

Uh, you must be killed if you are scared?

The spiders of others settled in a dark corner, and you and Xiao Leimi broke in for no reason. After being shocked, they will still be tender to death. What logic is this?

But having said that, this spider is really big, about the size of an adult's fist. Although my villa is still not enough for mosquitoes and flies, is your head a bit too big?

By the way, if you settle down here with me, can you really have enough food?

Thinking of this, I decided to show kindness and help him, at least, help him find a place where he can get enough food.

Walked under the cobweb, bent his knees, and instantly became level with the large patterned spider, stretched out his hand and squeezed it gently, pinching it to the fingertips.

Suddenly, the big spider who was pinched by me struggled hard and bit the big ao desperately, but you are teeth, how could it be the opponent of my pair of guards?

There was only a very uncomfortable click, and the big pattern spider bite without discouragement. The bite was intense and joyful, but it just couldn't bite.

This is how I planned. I hold the spider in the yard and throw it away, leaving you to fend for yourself. Just stop scaring my family anymore.

When I was approaching the door, I squeezed my fingers subconsciously, wondering how the spider suddenly became honest, not only did not struggle, but even stopped moving. However, I suddenly found a very serious matter-the spider, Gone!

"Where's the spider?!" I was shocked.

"Here," Lilea pointed me a direction.

Turning his head and looking, Xiao Zhi was looking at me calmly, while slightly moving her antennae, as if she was in a daze.

"Uh..." For a moment, a thought came to my mind: "It should be..."

"It ate it." Lilea pointed to Xiaozhi, and said, "With those forelegs, I took away the spider between your fingers in an instant, and quickly threw it into your mouth."

"Xiao Zhi!" The phoenix on the side said displeasedly, "Did you eat again!"

Xiao Zhen lowered her head ashamed, and the attitude of admitting mistakes seemed to be a child of several hundred catties.

"I'm going" helplessly lifted his forehead and lit wax for the spider that was being digested.



Because Barbara and Xiao Lemi were frightened, the two shrank on the sofa, motionless.

Barbara is good to say, I know her, and I am really afraid of those unpleasant-looking bugs, but Xiao Leimi, she must be pretending-I saw her commanding a group of spiders to attack another group in the fairyland last time Here comes the spider!

And this little girl is naturally able to communicate with all kinds of creatures, she is not the one who is afraid of spiders!

In other words, she actually borrowed the spider to create more lazy time for herself!

Labor is glorious, it is shameful to refuse to work, and laziness is even more shameful!

I thought of the above sentence with righteous indignation. However, this sentence seemed to have no effect on a little girl like Xiao Lemi. Moreover, she is not lazy for a day or two. She has long been deep in her bones and has become one of her many habits.

Moving a chair and holding a broom, I came to the former residence of Pattern Spider.

Standing on a chair, using a rag-wrapped broom to sweep away all the dense cobwebs there-if it weren't for worrying about burning the house, I still think it is more convenient and faster to use fire magic.

After cleaning up, I nodded in satisfaction, took the dry cloth that Lilea handed over, and wiped it bit by bit again.

Ignored all the year round, the walls there have been darkened with dust.

Just when I was wiping a few gray roads with force, it seemed to be too strong, and I only heard a click, this seemingly strong corner of the wall was actually collapsed by me!

Damn it!

Something happened!

I looked around tremblingly, thinking that if no one saw it, I just pretended not to know, wiped it, and then got out of my chair and ran away from this place of right and wrong-anyway, in the end, this place will continue to be ignored .

However, the reality is beyond my plan—"Chairman, Xiaoyi collapsed the corner!"

Maqi, the fire girl among the ice and fire girls, pointed at me and shouted.

Immediately afterwards, Kagali looked angry and killed her. As she walked, she roared: "Xiaoyi, you really want to demolish the villa!"

"No, I, I'm innocent, I really didn't want to demolish the villa!" I danced my hands and kept explaining.

"Innocent?" Kagali pointed to the corner of the wall and said, "Did you collapse it?"

"This...I pressed it down, but I was cleaning the dust," I continued to explain.

"You all admit that you pressed it down, what else can you say!" She pinched her waist.

"I don't know the corners are so fragile, they collapse when pressed, just like freshly baked cookies."

"You still quibble!" Kagali said with a wide open eyes and angrily.

Just when Kagali said angrily that he wanted to deduct my pocket money, Lilya said: "Xiao Yi, you can try other corners again to see if it is also easy to be crushed?"

"What do you think?" Kagali turned to Lilya and asked with an unfriendly look: "Do you still want Xiaoyi to continue destroying the villa?"

Lilea's starry eyes flickered and said, "No, I'm just looking for what we've been looking for."

Kagali froze for a moment, and suddenly said, "You mean..."

Lilea nodded: "That's what it means."

I carefully pressed the other corners and found that the other corners were very strong and did not collapse. So I increased my strength and found that they were not collapsed.

I reported what I learned to Lilea. Lilea thought for a moment, holding the short blade, stepping on the chair, and came to the corner of the wall where I had been crushed before, using the short blade, along the lines of the collapse, cautiously Cut it down.

As the pieces of wall skin fell off, a layer of wooden surface was revealed.

Lilea cautiously tapped the wooden board with the tip of the knife, and determined the eleventh floor of the compartment there.

Just when she was about to cut the board of the compartment with a short blade, I stopped her: "Let me come."

"I'm professional" Lilea said.

"I'm serious" I said solemnly.

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