What the two "thiefs" want to obtain, no one knows whether it is dangerous or whether it has a built-in mechanism. If it is true, once it is triggered, can Lilea really guarantee that it is safe?

I cannot allow her to be involved in this risk, and at the same time, I cannot allow other people to be involved in the risk, because they are all my family and my friends.

Unless, someone has strong resilience, drug resistance, and looking at the entire villa, no one except me can meet these two points at the same time.

Lilea still insisted, she said: "I am an expert, I will be careful."

I also insisted: "But you don't have a strong physique and poison resistance."

"Then do you have it?" Lilea's star blinked. At this moment, in her eyes, there was a kind of persistence: "If you have an accident, many people will hate me for a lifetime."

"But if any one of you has an accident, I will hate myself forever."

No longer arguing, I handed my hand to Emily and said lightly: "Cut me."

Emily stared at me, a little, nodded, took a step forward, pulled out the sword in an instant, and then retracted the sword into its sheath. My arm was instantly cut off a large piece of flesh.

Bone can be seen deep.

"What are you doing!" Kagali exclaimed. She hurriedly called people to find the medicine cabinet, but I stopped her.

Beside her, Phoenix clenched her fists and looked at my arm tremblingly. Although her eyes were full of trust in me, she couldn't understand why I asked Emily to chop me.

Not only the two of them, but all the family and friends who saw me being hacked all exclaimed in an instant. Some went to the medicine cabinet, and some seemed panicked.

"Look at my wounds" I said to Lilea, and at the same time, I said to everyone.

I saw the arm, which had been missing a large piece of meat, was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The new granulation, the growing blood vessels, and the constantly weaving and connecting muscle fibers are like miracles, uncovered for everyone to see.

"Xiao Yi, your recovery speed is fast again" Old Father Taylor said unhurriedly.

He is the only one of these people who does not have any expression fluctuations, because his understanding of my mysterious body is much higher than my own understanding of it.

"Did you see it?" I said to Lilea: "As long as I don't kill in one blow, I can recover. Therefore, this kind of thing is the safest for me to come."

In order to prove, even self-harm.

Finally, Li Leia stopped arguing, she jumped off the chair, handed me the short blade, and said: "Be careful, and don't do stupid things anymore."

I smiled at her and rested for another ten minutes. After the wound was completely healed, I boarded the chair, holding the short blade, and under Lilea's guidance, began to cut the partition.

Because it is not professional, the progress of the work is very slow, but fortunately, everything is still safe for the time being, and there is no sudden accident.

After more than half an hour of cutting work, I finally cut the partition into a square rectangle.

After that, I slowly took down the rectangular partition in an extremely cautious manner.

The inside of the partition is a space. I picked up the magic stone lamp and illuminated it. The space is not large. In the innermost part of the space, there is a box.

Carefully took out the box, and at the moment when the box was about to leave the space, there was a soft sound, a sudden sound in my ears.

The sound seemed to be caused by the friction between the metal chain and the wooden board. It was slight but harsh.

My heart is not good, what kind of mechanism is this probably!

While thinking about it, I heard a buzzing sound, a sharp wind hit, I hurriedly tilted my head, trying to avoid this wind, but it came too quickly and suddenly, and my arms were still flat. Close to the inner slot of the box, there is no way to dodge.

Accompanied by the sound of broken flesh and bones, I felt a sudden cold in the position of my shoulders. Then, the pain was like a rolling river, constantly impacting my nerves.

But I have experienced too much pain, and this pain is nothing for the time being.

Enduring the pain, I continued to pull the box out.

Then, the strong wind continued to shoot out, stabbing my body.

"Blood!" Li Leia's exclamation sounded from below: "Xiao Yi, you are injured!"

"It's okay" I reluctantly said in a natural tone: "Small injury."

As the metal box was gradually pulled out, my body was filled with more and more dark arrows.

Fortunately, I have been deliberately avoiding the head, otherwise, I would have become a hedgehog.

While enduring the severe pain, I tried to make fun of myself to distract the impact of the severe pain on me.

Finally the metal box was dragged out of the compartment. Seven dark arrows were inserted into my shoulders, three from the left and four from the right, which hurt.

After the metal box was torn down, I discovered that there was a metal chain attached to one side of it. It seemed that this was the key to triggering the hidden weapon.

Cut the metal chain with a big sword, and I gently handed it down.

"Xiaoyi, your shoulder..." the person below said in horror.

"It's okay" I said: "You take this first, so I can deal with these things on my shoulders. I have been stuck with this stuff. It hurts."

Lilea, wearing gloves, quickly took over the metal box. With my hands empty, I immediately tried to draw out the dark arrow of the arrow.

I have to say that the pierced arrow is very deep and it hurts. It seems that it hurts the bones through the muscles. If this is replaced with Lilya's small body, it is estimated that even if it can be cured, it will be longer. Time can't fight anymore.

Pulling out the dark arrows one by one, I saw blood constantly coming out of the wound, dripping down my arms.

The foreign body was taken out, I felt a lot of comfort, shook my shoulders, and told me to wait for me to go down before opening the box, then picked up the magic stone lamp and continued to look at the space inside the partition.

I want to see what the secret arrow fired.

When the beam irradiated the mezzanine, I saw that on the top of the mezzanine, several crossbows were erected. These crossbows were directly aligned with the cutout of the partition and pulled by a rope.

Following the rope, I continued to look and found that the rope was connected to the metal chain that had just been cut off. No wonder when I flicked the metal box, a crossbow arrow would shoot at me. It turned out to be the same.

However, when I scanned the connection between the metal chain and the rope, I saw that behind the rope, there was a box with a rectangular strip shape.

"What is that?" I wondered.

"Xiao Yi, are you finished? Come down when you are finished" Kagali shouted from below.

"Wait" I said: "There is still something inside."

"What else?" Kagali's voice came from below: "What else is there?"

"It's also a box, rectangular bar, wait for me, I'll take it down."

With that said, I stretched out my hand to reach the rectangular box.

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