With my arms extended, I can barely hook to one side of the box, it is difficult to get the box over.

So I decided to find a tool and then tick it.

When I said my thoughts, Barbara found the shovel in the kitchen, Phoenix brought the broom for sweeping the floor, and Xiao Leimi floated over with the pliers.

I covered my face and almost fell off the chair.

Can't you find me something reliable?

If I hook things up, not cook, sweep the floor and pull nails!

Fortunately, Susan was more clever and handed me a back scratcher for scratching.

He took the backscraper, hooked one side of the strip-shaped box, and pulled hard...not moving.

Tugged twice again, and found that the eggs were still not working. It seemed that either the box and the partition were stuck together, or the contents were too heavy.

After returning the backscratch to Susan, I thought about it for a while, and finally I had a new plan-to continue cutting the partitions and shorten the distance between me and the long box.

I tried to cut a few times with the short blade, but I still felt that the Odachi was more comfortable, so I dropped the short blade and replaced it with the Odachi.

As soon as I came into contact with Odachi, a torrent of complaints filled my mind.

That was the words that Odachi had been accumulating and had nowhere to vent, and it was full of resentment.

It's complaining about me, why hasn't it been fighting for so long.

I can only tell it: I can't bring a knife to the cafe opening ceremony.

After listening to Odachi, he agreed with my point of view in a rare, but then another wave of more turbulent thoughts broke out: Forget it today, but what about yesterday, the day before yesterday? You have always had the opportunity to go to the dungeon to fight the vicious monsters, but you have never been there, all day long, you know that eating and waiting for death is nonsense, what you adventurer did is really disqualifying... ..

A lot of jili wow, I was a little dizzy to hear.

Fortunately, I have gradually become accustomed to this situation, and I have begun to be immune to the waves of complaints.

Therefore, I can still use the Odachi knife calmly and cut the partition.

Odachi is good, it is easy to use, the blade is sharp, and the accuracy is high. In less than two minutes, I will cut off the rectangular partition.

Holding the cut partition, carefully climbed down the chair, then placed the partition flat on the ground, and then held the rectangular box and shook it left and right. After shaking for more than a dozen times, there was a soft click. , The rectangular box was removed by me.

It was only then that I finally discovered why the box was so firmly attached to the partition. It turned out that the bottom of the box was embedded inside the partition. No wonder it couldn't be hooked with a backscraper.

Two boxes, one large and one small, were placed on the table, and everyone quickly gathered around the table.

I lifted my chin to observe these two boxes. The big box is a bit like a small treasure box. At the front of the box, there is a big lock locked. The big lock has been rusted. It seems that the box has been put on top for some time.

"Why don't you find an unlocker to open it?" Lilya said cautiously.

After the round of crossbow arrows just now, she no longer took the lead as an expert.

"No need," I said.

After all, he picked up the box and went to the front yard. Finding a place where no one is there, the Ota sword cut off the lock with one round, and then picked the tip of the knife to open the upper cover of the box at a very fast speed.

As soon as the upper cover on this side was opened, a very fast thing sprang out from the box over there.

I was prepared for a long time, stretched out my hand and grabbed the thing directly into my hand, but unexpectedly, the thing was still able to move freely while being caught by me.

In the next second, when I was sluggish, the thing opened a **** mouth and bit on my unwrapped arm.

A soreness came from the bite, I couldn't help shaking it, and only heard a click, the thing fell down softly, like a twine.

Carry that thing into the house and have a look, it turned out to be a snake!

"This is...Xiaoyi, have you been bitten by it?" Lilea said in shock after watching the snake carefully.

"Well, I was bitten" I nodded.

"How are you, is there anything uncomfortable now?" she said urgently.

"It just hurt when I was bitten." I shook my arm and said, "But it's all right now."

"Hurry up and show me the wound, come on!" She rushed over, cut my sleeves open with a short blade, and looked at the wound for herself, but after looking at it for a while, she didn't see anything famous.

She couldn't help frowning, wondering: "This is impossible, this..."

"What's impossible?" I wondered: "What's wrong with you?"

"This is the most venomous snake in the Hefeng Continent." Father Taylor explained unhurriedly on the side: "Anyone who has been bitten by this kind of poisonous snake will have a black mark on the bite location, and the speed of the mark will spread rapidly. It takes about ten seconds to numb a person’s body, and if he does not receive timely treatment within three minutes, he will die."

"Xiaoyi!" Phoenix held my arm nervously and tremblingly said, "Then give Xiaoyi a cure!"

"You don’t need to treat him, the **** doesn’t need treatment." Father Taylor took a sip and said, "He is immune to toxins a long time ago, let alone the most poisonous snake, even if it is a creature more venomous than this snake, he can also The kid doesn't mean anything."

"Immune toxins?" Lilya murmured: "So, it's no wonder I can't find a black mark on his wound."

She said, turned to me, and said, "Xiaoyi, when did you become immune to toxins, why don't I know?"

"This..." I scratched my head and said apologetically: "Sorry, I don't know when. I also found out that I was immune to toxins by accident."

"Huh, I was really scared to death" Lilea breathed out softly.

After confirming that there was no danger in the metal box, I took it back, and then asked Susan to purify the whole box and even the contents of the box with purification magic, before I took out the contents with confidence. , Put on the table one by one.

It was a pile of paper, to be precise, a pile of map fragments.

Lilea used her expertise to assemble the drawings in a very short time, and what we presented before our eyes was a map of the surrounding city of Dasai.

On this map, the distance and location are clearly indicated. About one kilometer away from the border of Dasai city, there is a raised surface, which is drawn in a circle and an arrow, and the letter: This is it.

"What does'it's here' mean?" I wondered: "Is there something hidden here?"

Lilea shook her head. She stared at the map carefully for a while before saying: "I think this raised surface looks like an underground tomb."

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