My words made Xu Ying very angry.

"It's such a bad language!" He said coldly: "What do you think it would be like to insult my noble blood!"

"It doesn't matter" spread his hands, and I said: "If you think you have the ability to retaliate against me, then come."

With that said, I walked slowly towards the army of corpses.

When I was less than two steps away from the corpse army, a miracle happened.

The densely packed army of corpses was actually divided into two teams and took the initiative to give me a way.

Is this trying to lead me inside, and then surround me and kill him?

"It's not like" Otadao said: "I think, because you activated this crown, now you have been recognized by them as the master."

"Is that right?"

I said suspiciously, and took a cautious step into the vacant path.

When my body happened to line up with the first row of corpses, something surprising happened again to me.

The corpses side by side with me actually knelt down on one knee, and at the same time, in my mind, countless unprecedented images were instantly reflected.

That is, a picture like a revolving lantern. The characters on the picture are strange faces. There are elves, orcs, humans, goblins, and dwarves. They are in different pictures. They do different things, but from their single and worn clothing, I can see that they are all untouchables in the mouth of the powerful and slaves of that era.

The pictures flow fast, like spinning gears, often flashing past. However, even if they flew so quickly, they still left a deep impression in my mind, as if they had been watched countless times in movies. If you are mentioned, you will remember every detail immediately.

At first, I was just shocked by the paintings in my mind like a revolving lantern, but looking at it, my hands began to tremble unconsciously, my fists began to clenched unconsciously, and my breathing began to unconsciously The rush, this is a kind of anger, a kind of anger from the bottom of my heart.

Its source is sympathy.

In the picture of food and clothing, the untouchables with strange faces are constantly being tortured and endured. They are injured and can only hide in the dark corner and cry silently. They are insulted, even a little bit. There is no thought to scold them, not because they are numb, but because they dare not—they still have babies waiting to be fed, and old people who are bedridden for a long time.

However, none of these anger me the most.

Those so-called dignitaries, when they were dying, even killed these so-called untouchables who were constantly fighting for their survival and their families, and then buried them!

Life is the cheapest and most expensive. Its value depends on its owner's view of the future!

Those so-called untouchables struggle for their families, suffer from unimaginable suffering, and swallow unbearable tiredness, but their lives are full of hope and vision for the future, but all this is because the rich and powerful want to be able to survive after death. Continue to enjoy the ambition of supreme authority and end.

"Why are you taking their lives!" I turned around abruptly, angrily phantom, and asked loudly.

As soon as this sound came out, even I couldn't help but stunned. In that voice, there was a kind of irresistible majesty. That majesty is the same as the way the fairy queen speaks when she is angry, even I feel that at this moment my Majesty, more sacred and inviolable than her old man's.

"What's wrong with me?" I was a little panicked, and couldn't help but quietly ask Dadachi in my heart: "Can you say such a tone?"

Taito was silent for a few seconds, and he was also puzzled: "I don't know, I am also quite confused. The way you just said it is like an emperor full of majesty. No, it seems more exaggerated than that! But, it's not like you. ....."

"Is it the problem with this crown?" I wondered, and at the same time I wanted to reach out and take the crown off.

"Don't pick it first, wait a second" Odachi reminded: "You feel it again, I always feel that although this crown has many suspicious places, it seems to be harmless to you."

"Is that so..." I pondered for a moment, and said, "Well, I will wear it for a while, but if something goes wrong in the middle, I will take it off without hesitation and throw it away."

"Don't worry, if it doesn't work, just use me to chop it. With my cooperation with you, it should be able to destroy it forcibly," Odachi suggested.

"Come on" I don't trust its advice at all: "I don't know whether this crown can resist your and my cooperation, but I can't hold it in my head."

"You have a strong self-healing ability" Datadao said: "As long as the head is not cut, there should be a chance to heal."

"Any idea related to the head, as long as it is not 100% certain, I will not try it."

Odachi expressed regret for my stubbornness.

The phantom spoke only four or five seconds after my questioning voice, and his tone was still high, but the confusion in it became more intense.

"You can speak in this tone, dare you say that you don't have my blood!"

Xu Ying frowned, and he said: "Your ancestor, that humble human race, must have used some shameless means to tarnish my direct descendants, and then have your line. Yes, it must be like this. , Otherwise, without my blood, how could you activate my crown, how could you speak to me like an emperor!"

"Really, you keep talking about untouchables, untouchables! Are you annoying? Ah? Are you annoying!" I was furious: "Do you really think fairies are born to be a superior race? You really think all foreigners must surrender For you, serve you, spend your entire life, and even be insulted and driven by you after death?"

"As an emperor, I have to be funny for you. The reason why fairies are admired by thousands of people is because of their kindness, their calmness, their selflessness, and their view of the world, not your so-called bloodline! "I clenched my fists, feeling the constantly changing picture of suffering in my mind, and continued angrily: "Don't talk about blood! Unless you are the **** of creation! But are you? No, you have never been! You It's just an ant who also has birth, old age, sickness and death, just a drop of water in the torrent of years. With you without you, the world will continue, there will be no more waves, and no more leaves! Don't always stand tall Everything about you was created by these so-called untouchables in your mouth. Without them, you will become nothing!"

After all, I turned to the corpse army, raised my arms, and slowly said: "I feel the pain and resentment from you, and taste the anger and unwillingness from the bottom of your heart. Come on, wave your hands and smash this The world that has ravaged your life while you are alive, and that still keeps your souls unable to rest after you die! Come on, release your pain, vent your anger, raise your fists, and destroy all of this, Destroy it!"

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