An army of corpses, as mighty as a colony of ants, crossed my sides and flocked to the crystal throne.

"What are you uncles, what are you going to do!" Xu Ying roared angrily: "Are you going to disobey your king! Are you planning to betray your faith!"

No matter how the phantom roared, the corpse army continued to move forward until the water surrounding the crystal throne could not leak.

"You stupid bitch!" He glared at me angrily, and said: "You humble ant, don't think you can get out of your body by doing this kind of thing, tell you, as long as my noble body and this respect If the throne is a little damaged, this great tomb will completely collapse. At that time, both these humble people and you will be buried with me!"

"If this is the case" I smiled slightly: "Come on, let this mausoleum collapse, let this world collapse, let stones and dust bury me, and annihilate you together with your lofty attitude and the ignorance of all beings. Come on, come on!"

" are crazy..."

After a few seconds of silence, the phantom murmured.

The corpse army didn't do anything, but surrounded the crystal throne round and round, then took off the hood one by one, and turned to me.

Those were dry faces, some were missing an eye, some were missing a tooth, their faces looked hideous, but they exuded a breath that made me feel at ease.

Some of them opened their mouths as if they were talking, but they couldn't make any sound, but I understood their meaning in an instant, those wrinkled, wrinkled lips, and those two rows of slightly trembling but unable to close teeth , Is clearly saying to me: Thank you.

The corners of my mouth moved slightly, showing a smile.

Then, the corpse army, in rows and rows, knelt down on one knee in an orderly manner, and stiffly straightened their arms, posing a respectful posture of "please".

They are using the most respectful way, ask me to leave here?

As I thought about it, Odachi responded to my doubts at the same time: "Yes, this is the last gratitude they can do."

After stopping for a moment, I bowed my head slightly in return, and then strode towards the broken stone gate.

Along the way, countless corpses lined up in two rows, kneeling on one knee, to make way for me to be absolutely safe.

When passing by the wall that I broke open, I saw the painful corpses piled in it, bowing their heads to salute me in their own unique way.

When I reached the pit of poisonous insects, I saw dozens of corpses fell to the ground, building a bridge with their bodies, creating a path free of poisonous insects.

I couldn't bear to step on them, however, the entire pit was covered by their corpses, and I had no choice.

When there were more than ten meters from the exit, the half-kneeling corpse army no longer extended to **** me, but continued to bid me farewell in a half-kneeling posture.

I can’t count the number of corpses in this tomb, or how many of them are poor people who were forced to lose their lives, but from those reminiscences, we can know that these so-called untouchables did not One is not one with kind thoughts but hope.

If they have to say that they are guilty, perhaps there is only one thing, and that is weakness.

When my body was bathed in the first ray of sunlight, I heard the joyful shouts of the girls and the relieved voices of the men.

Phoenix was the first to jump over and looked up and down my body. After confirming that I was not injured, she nodded to Barbara, Kagali and other women, and then hugged my arm, full of expectation. Hold me.

I know, that is the gaze longing for me to tell her the story in the tomb.

With a slight smile, I said, "Go home first."

Just after two steps, there was a loud noise behind him. The original location of the tomb collapsed in an instant. In the blink of an eye, two huge pits the size of a football field and more than three meters deep appeared in the blink of an eye.

"What's the situation?" the **** exclaimed.

"How did the ground collapse?" Kagali asked in confusion: "Xiaoyi, do you know what's going on?"

Looking at the collapsed ground, for some reason, my heart was suddenly relieved: "I know, this is a resistance to fate."

"What is that?" Kagali was even more puzzled: "Resisting fate, why should the ground collapse?"

I smiled indifferently without answering.

On the way back, what everyone paid most attention to was not my experience of visiting the grave, but the crown I wore on my head.

At this time, I had removed the crown and handed it to Phoenix to watch.

She is not interested in the crown or anything, but is a little interested in the magical power flowing in the crown. After all, her qigong bombs are also a product of magic. In terms of magic, she is much more proficient than me.

I chatted with fellow males who leaned aside.

"Boss, are there any jewellery coins in the tomb?" Rocky asked.

"Yes" I made a gesture: "Get it all out, it can almost pile up half a tree house."

"I'll go, so many!" Rocky was surprised: "Then boss, why do you only come out with such a broken crown?"

"Because it looks good" I said perfunctorily.

"Come on," Billy said: "I don't believe it. This crown is sold in the flea market. You can buy more than ten for a silver coin, and all of them can take gold. It's much more beautiful than this!"

"The aesthetics are different" I said: "Like the underwear you wear, it is a briefs with colorful spots, but mine is boxers of the same color. This is enough to see that we two have aesthetic aspects. Is the difference."

"Hey, how do you know the color and appearance of my underwear...Oh, you have a crush on me!" Billy looked at me with a strange look, shivered, and took a step back.

"How is it possible that I am not interested in men in that way" I said: "It was when I lay on the sofa to sleep that day when you sleepwalked out of the room and saw it.

"I rub, how could I sleepwalk!" Billy said unhappy.

"It must be sleepwalking, I am absolutely not mistaken" I was sure: "You drank half a barrel of oil from our house that day, don't you remember it, it was last month."

"..." Billy covered his face: "No wonder I felt sick when I saw oil for a few days. It turned out that I was not pregnant."

"You elder man is pregnant" I scolded with a smile.

Everyone laughed, but Godot smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Xiao Yi, I am also very curious, why did you only come out with that crown" Zack said: "Listen to you, there should be a lot of valuable things below."

"Well, how should I put it, I think no matter how valuable things are, this crown may not be valuable."

"It's true, boss!" Rocky said excitedly, "Sell it, wouldn't we be happy for a lifetime!"

"Are you dreaming?" I said, "I think about money all day long, believe it or not, I will deduct your salary!"

Loki closed his voice instantly, covered his mouth, and put on a pitiful appearance.

"Xiao Yi" Yang Ku said from the side: "Apart from this crown, have you brought out anything interesting?"

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