"Uh... two bugs, and a few rocks."

"Stone!" Loki's eyes flashed: "What stone, boss, gem?"

"It's an ordinary stone" I said: "The kind that can be seen everywhere."

Loki looked disappointed, and the people around him were equally uninterested.

"Xiao, Xiaoyi, Remy..." Barbara exclaimed again and again, and at the same time she squeezed to my side, pointed to the middle of the crowd, and said: "Remy she shines!"

"Huh?" I looked dumbfounded: "Remy shines?"

In other words, Remy does have many unique abilities, such as flying, such as being able to communicate with the surrounding animals and plants, and for example, she can distinguish whether the other party has good intentions or evil intentions.

But when it comes to luminescence, this is the first time.

After hearing Barbara’s exclaim, the first reaction in my mind was - Remy mostly used some unknown fairy clan magic, like the fairy queen, with a wave of her hand, Glow.

However, when I rushed to the front and saw Remy in the halo clearly, I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It wasn't any special magic, but because Remy wore the crown I got back.

In the tomb before, didn't the phantom say that only the descendants with his blood can activate this crown.

Hearing Xuying's tone didn't seem to be lying at all, and he was from the goblin tribe, and Remy was also from the goblin tribe, in other words, Remy was undoubtedly a descendant of that person.

As for why I can activate this crown... who knows! Just like a game, no matter how sophisticated the program design is, there will always be hidden bugs, and I may be able to activate this crown of bugs.

I was proud of it, and then I will face the problem.

I have worn this crown and I know how it feels after activation. To be honest, I am a little worried. Although Xiao Leimi has a lot of life experiences, she is still young after all, even if she is more mature than other peers. But it still hasn't faded away from the child's innocence.

Those weather-beaten years, those heart-breaking experiences, those heart-piercing pains, poured into her mind like flowing water, can her fragile mind really bear it!

I looked at Xiao Leimi's eyes worriedly, feeling the change in her eyes.

After a few minutes.

"Are you okay?" I asked with concern, and at the same time stretched out my hand, placed it gently on her forehead, and tested the temperature of her forehead.

"Nothing at all, Xiao Yi~" She shook her head and looked at me suspiciously, "What's the matter with you?"

"Oh, it's fine if it's okay." As I said, I withdrew my hand. The temperature of Remy's forehead was normal, and she seemed to be very sane.

"Does this crown look good for me?" Remy asked happily around in the air.

"Good-looking" I said: "Like a little queen."

"It's really a bit like a queen" Barbara pressed her chin, rolled her eyes, and said, "Take it off and give it a try."

"Okay" Remis did not miss the crown, and after floating down, she handed it to Barbara.

Barba stretched her hand to pick it up, and Xiao Leimi suddenly took the crown back, smiled, and floated back into the air.

When Barbara saw that she was being tricked, her little temper came up at the time. She ran wildly on the ground and chased Xiao Lemi. While chasing, she yelled: "You little villain, dare to deceive me and watch me catch How did you teach you later!"

In order to catch up with Xiao Lemi, Barbara not only broke out the ultra-high speed unique to the cat race, but even showed her sharp claws.

Xiao Leimi still smiled and floated about one meter away from the ground, holding the crown in her hand. Seeing Barbara get close, she hid, and then floated to the other side at a speed that was extremely difficult to identify with the naked eye, and continued to shake the crown, smiling. To play with Barbara.

Seeing the two people making a lot of noise, I said with a little concern: "Don't hurt each other."

"So fast!" Standing not far away from me, Emily's adjutant could not help but mutter, watching the ‘chasing battle’ in front of him.

"This is the difference in bloodlines" Emily said lightly: "She is a descendant of the fairy royal family, she is born different from ordinary people, especially in terms of magical attainments and speed, we are even beyond the dust."

"If Her Majesty the Fairy Queen is willing to send more Fairy Clan people to join my Rose Legion, the champion of this Hefeng Contest will be my Rose Legion!"

The adjutant was a little annoyed, and blamed the fairy queen for stinging.

"Enough is enough" Emily said: "The addition of the three fairies can prove that Her Majesty Fairy Queen is selfless and broad-minded. Don't forget that our family used to be the murderers who killed her Majesty's family and expelled her people."

The words were very heavy, and the atmosphere in the team became heavy in an instant.

I hurriedly stepped up to dispel the dullness of the team: "Don’t talk about this matter so seriously. Don’t the Queen also come to the door to apologize and explain the guilt of the royal family in front of many clansmen. Besides, the fairy queen doesn’t Forgive her too."

"Yes, grandma forgave the Queen's sister." Xiao Lemi smiled and floated over. A carelessly caught Barbara, who was tiptoeing approaching, was not only robbed of the crown, but also tickled.

After some punishment, Xiao Leimi burst into tears and admitted her mistake.

Barbara let her go, put the crown on, confirmed the front and back, and put it on her head solemnly.

However, there is no light.

"Huh? Where's the light?" Barbara pursed her lips, wondering: "Where is that beautiful light? Why is it gone!"

She took off the crown, checked it, and put it on her head again, still not glowing.

She wasn't happy now. After fiddling a few times, she saw that it was still dull. She walked up to Phoenix and didn't ask whether Phoenix liked the crown or not, and directly put a set on her head.

However, there is still no light.

"Huh?" She frowned, took the crown off Phoenix's head, and tried it on a person's head, but she couldn't activate the light.

"Xiaoyi" Barbara exclaimed: "This crown is broken!"

"Is there?" I took the crown and put it on my head. A gentle light slowly swayed away and enveloped everyone around. The light was as soft as a spring in March, stroking everyone's cheeks. And drive away the hot sun at noon.

"Um~~~" Barbara was instantly conquered by the comfortable light ball, her little head rubbed my shoulder, and the cat's ears trembled comfortably.

Phoenix is ​​even more relaxed...No, it's not comfort, but a nap, this girl actually fell asleep in seconds!

Fortunately, Kagali did not fall into the comfortable light ball, but closed her eyes, raised her arms, and embraced the sun.

"You feel great wearing the crown," Lilya murmured in praise.

"It's the light ball stick produced." I smiled and clicked her.

She blinked her eyes and stuck out her tongue.

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